Trump to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment Counts

To Dimocrats, citizenship is just a Little People thingy. To the Globalist 'We Are The World' Genius Masters of the Universe, to prize citizenship as if it matters is so small minded.
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ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Again. The Supreme Court already dealt with this. Nice try though.

trumpkins are imbeciles

Yes, jillian, Liberals have a zero attention span and don't actually read USSC decisions.

That's because they don't believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, so why should they care about what the Supreme Court actually says about them? the census....NOT used for the district and electoral count.

SORRY COMMIES!!! Your attempts to CHEAT are OVER!!!

Actually, no. All persons are counted in the appropriation of seats.

But one more time, the census makes no distinction. You might THINK that 2 million of the 53 million people you counted in California are undocumented, but you can't prove it through the census.

And again, Trump will be gone by the time they start redistricting and reallocating next year.
Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

First, the Census doesn't make a distinction between legal, illegal or natural born people. They merely count people.

Second, Trump will be long gone by the time they start allocating seats.

So this is Trump playing to the racists, again.
What's racist about counting legal citizens for Constitutional required apportionment for the House of Representatives that will represent citizens of that district?
I never saw a guy get so much shit for being logical, right and pro American as Trump. It's amazing that anyone believes our MSM and their hard line against workers and law enforcement these days.
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.


ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Again. The Supreme Court already dealt with this. Nice try though.

trumpkins are imbeciles

I hate to break it to you, but the USSC did not say it was Unconstitutional, they said Trump did not do it according to protocol.
So Trump just did it by protocol.

Actually that isn’t quite true. The mandate to do a census specifically applies to people and not “citizens”
They didn’t say he didn’t follow “protocol”. They said he had no rational basis.

but he does get his troll base, Like the op, all happy.

They said he had no rational basis
Meaning all he had to do was write up a rational basis.
Which means his goal is not against the US Constitution.
Very LibBot of you.

The Congressional apportionment with this guideline in effect means that we will definitely have a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, no?

No. Republicans regularly lose urban areas and are starting tgo lose the suburbs. That leaves them rural areas that are losing population.

Rioters will push suburban areas Republican in 2020. the census....NOT used for the district and electoral count.

SORRY COMMIES!!! Your attempts to CHEAT are OVER!!!

Actually, no. All persons are counted in the appropriation of seats.

But one more time, the census makes no distinction. You might THINK that 2 million of the 53 million people you counted in California are undocumented, but you can't prove it through the census.

And again, Trump will be gone by the time they start redistricting and reallocating next year.
Because they need to ask the question: "Are you a legal citizen of the United States of America." Trump administration needs to go back to SCOTUS on this issue.
What's racist about counting legal citizens for Constitutional required apportionment for the House of Representatives that will represent citizens of that district?

The constitution makes no distinction between immigrants and citizens.

It says, All Persons. Full Stop.

Because they need to ask the question: "Are you a legal citizen of the United States of America." Trump administration needs to go back to SCOTUS on this issue.

Trump will be gone by the time this comes up again. Again, the problem with this is that there's no value to it. There's no penalty for lying on a census form, the data is kept secret for 70 years. So even though I wrote in "Klingon" under race in 1990 (because I was in a big Star Trek geek phase at the time) No one made a big deal about it. I imagine someone seeing that data and having a chuckle in 2060.

So all your Illegals have to do is check off that they are citizens. No one's going to check it for 70 years.

But as I said, the problem is that 30% of people don't fill out their form, and have to be tracked down by enumerators. The actual Census probably won't be completed until next year due to Covid. When the enumerators track them down, you can assume a lot of the undocumented won't come to the door, along with all the Right Wingers who think that the Gummit is against them. (I was an enumerator in 2000 and 2010). Then they will just find out who lives there by asking their neighbors, their school districts, etc.
Rioters will push suburban areas Republican in 2020.

No, they probably won't. Have you looked at the demonstrators... they are mostly suburban white kids.

No one is looking at TRUMP RIOTS and saying, "Fine Job, Trump."
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Again. The Supreme Court already dealt with this. Nice try though.

trumpkins are imbeciles

I hate to break it to you, but the USSC did not say it was Unconstitutional, they said Trump did not do it according to protocol.
So Trump just did it by protocol.

Actually that isn’t quite true. The mandate to do a census specifically applies to people and not “citizens”
They didn’t say he didn’t follow “protocol”. They said he had no rational basis.

but he does get his troll base, Like the op, all happy.

They said he had no rational basis
Meaning all he had to do was write up a rational basis.
Which means his goal is not against the US Constitution.
Very LibBot of you.

The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.

Anyone, including myself, who claims to know what even one phrase in the USC, is being disingenuous.
Every phrase is subject to the majority of the USSC.
Rioters will push suburban areas Republican in 2020.

No, they probably won't. Have you looked at the demonstrators... they are mostly suburban white kids.

No one is looking at TRUMP RIOTS and saying, "Fine Job, Trump."
Every Democrat in my neighborhood owns a firearm.
The Libs are voting against Trump and everyone else is voting for Trump.
I never saw a guy get so much shit for being logical, right and pro American as Trump. It's amazing that anyone believes our MSM and their hard line against workers and law enforcement these days.

The Democratic Media is full of people who are not logical, wrong on all measurable accounts, and anti America as it was founded.
The Democratic Government schools taught them to be that way.
The weak and brainless among us either believed those teachings and took them to heart, or were overcome by peer pressure.
Every Democrat in my neighborhood owns a firearm.
The Libs are voting against Trump and everyone else is voting for Trump.

So you keep saying.

But the reality- Trump is going down, hard. Deal with it. He's failed.

The Democratic Media is full of people who are not logical, wrong on all measurable accounts, and anti America as it was founded.
The Democratic Government schools taught them to be that way.
The weak and brainless among us either believed those teachings and took them to heart, or were overcome by peer pressure.

Uh, guy, you don't need school to tell you if you are poor and black, America is kind of a shit sandwich.

They are already painfully aware of that.
So this is Trump playing to the racists, again.

Invading foreign criminals do not constitute a race. There is nothing racist about correctly excluding them from being counted as far as representation in government, to which no rational case can be made that they are entitled.

Of course, it is no surprise to see you, once again, taking the side of criminals, against that of the American people. It's what you do. It's what you are.

And of course, it is no surprise at all, to see you treasonously siding with foreign invaders, against your own country and against your own fellow Americans. Everyone here already knows that you are a filthy, traitorous piece of shit.
If the Constitution meant to use a seperate count for reapportionment then they would have said so. They do not. You are the ones who want to cheat.

There should have been need to say so. It ought to be quite obvious, and taken as a given, that it was only ever intended and proper that legitimate citizens be counted as far as apportionment of political representation.

If it was ever intended that illegitimate foreign invaders should be counted toward that purpose, then that is what would need to have been explicitly stated. Until very recently, no one would have considered that premise at all rational or plausible.
Invading foreign criminals do not constitute a race. There is nothing racist about correctly excluding them from being counted as far as representation in government, to which no rational case can be made that they are entitled.

Actually, the Constitution says to count everyone. And you wouldn't be worried about them if they were white people.

Of course, it is no surprise to see you, once again, taking the side of criminals, against that of the American people. It's what you do. It's what you are.

I don't see a brown person trying to better himself as my enemy or as being against the American people. Lest we forget, they are here because they do the shitty jobs Americans don't want to do. Americans invited them. Americans pay them.

And of course, it is no surprise at all, to see you treasonously siding with foreign invaders, against your own country and against your own fellow Americans. Everyone here already knows that you are a filthy, traitorous piece of @shit.

I'm sorry, I didn't see the Mexican Army occupying my town square? I see people coming here to do jobs Americans don't want to do, just like my ancestors did when they came from Germany and yours did when they came from what I presume was Scotland (judging by your last name.) They aren't coming here to invade, they are coming here to be Americans.

But of course, belonging to a racist cult, you probably see brown people coming over as horrible.
There should have been need to say so. It ought to be quite obvious, and taken as a given, that it was only ever intended and proper that legitimate citizens be counted as far as apportionment of political representation.

If it was ever intended that illegitimate foreign invaders should be counted toward that purpose, then that is what would need to have been explicitly stated. Until very recently, no one would have considered that premise at all rational or plausible.

If you want to go there, back in the day, you got here on a boat, you were in. The notion of having to jump through a bunch of hoops to get here is a recently modern thing, and it clearly doesn't work.
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Except that he can't actually do that.

Sorry for your luck.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.

The Constitution referred to "persons" because there were no "citizens" at the time it was written. It never intended to include people who were not permanent residents. That is why the children of foreign diplomats were specifically excluded from (future) citizenship.

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