Trump to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment Counts

I will read a Link concerning pro-American legislation by the Dems that was called up for a vote while the Dems had both houses and the WH, which actually happened in the last 10 years under Obama.

Obama wasn't president for the last 10 years. He only held the WH and both houses of Congress for two years, in 09 and 10.

Lets' see now, He passed the Stimulus, which saved the American economy, and the ACA which provided healthcare to 26 million Americans.
I actually think the ACA is a good thing.
Obama did nothing about the 3 things that cause massive unemployment...
Business Visas
Penalize Off-Shoring

I know you think these 3 things are great for American minorities.
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Again. The Supreme Court already dealt with this. Nice try though.

trumpkins are imbeciles

You are WRONG!!!!

They said you had to count them in the census, not use their numbers to distribute districts and electoral votes!!!

California is TOTALLY gaming the system by bringing in new people (illegal Mexicans etc) to gain a much stronger Democrat base.




I suggest you read the 14th Amendment.

Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

Apportionment is done according to the number of persons except for Indians. It specifically mentioms citizens when it talks about voting. What Trump is proposing is unconstitutional. You do not even need to be a lawyer to see it.

Come one, it's not that hard to understand that, since only citizens can vote, then only citizens should be counted for apportion of their representatives.

The 14th Amendment says nothing about citizens in terms of the apportionment of seats. It says it shall be done by a count of all people not citizens. Clearly it makes a distinction between all people and citizens. Apparently you do not understand simple English.

OK, great. Now explain who, according to 14th, counts as a person.

Anyone who is in the United States except for Indians. That is very clear.

What, Indians are not persons?
I actually think the ACA is a good thing.
Obama did nothing about the 3 things that cause massive unemployment...
Business Visas
Penalize Off-Shoring

I know you think these 3 things are great for American minorities.

Naw, I'm more of a realist. These things are going to happen, regardless.

We have undocumented aliens because there are shit jobs Americans won't do. Period. I've told the story of how at a previous employer, they had undocumented folks who did the scrub work. They got around it by using a manpower agency, and if they said that they had their papers, good enough. Well... when a bigger company bought them out, and insisted on seeing the papers, all those Hispanic guys disappeared and were replaced by white meth-heads. The office girls were terrified of going out to their cars in the evening.

Business Visa- same thing. (Also, my best customers!) Our education system has done a shitty job preparing our dumb, bible thumping kids to do STEM work.. so we have to import STEM workers from the companies that made the investment.

The underlying problem with all three of the things on your list is that if there were no borders or countries (wow, what a terrible thing that would be) Americans would be at a disadvantage because they are lazy, fat, uneducated and put comfort ahead of jobs.

Obama wasn't going to fix that. Neither is Trump.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Actually, at the time, you got here in a boat, you were fine. That's all you really needed to do. "Legal and Illegal" is a modern and unworkable construction.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?

In last Census, all people are counted.

Not all people get representation, just citizens.
I actually think the ACA is a good thing.
Obama did nothing about the 3 things that cause massive unemployment...
Business Visas
Penalize Off-Shoring

I know you think these 3 things are great for American minorities.

Naw, I'm more of a realist. These things are going to happen, regardless.

We have undocumented aliens because there are shit jobs Americans won't do. Period. I've told the story of how at a previous employer, they had undocumented folks who did the scrub work. They got around it by using a manpower agency, and if they said that they had their papers, good enough. Well... when a bigger company bought them out, and insisted on seeing the papers, all those Hispanic guys disappeared and were replaced by white meth-heads. The office girls were terrified of going out to their cars in the evening.

Business Visa- same thing. (Also, my best customers!) Our education system has done a shitty job preparing our dumb, bible thumping kids to do STEM work.. so we have to import STEM workers from the companies that made the investment.

The underlying problem with all three of the things on your list is that if there were no borders or countries (wow, what a terrible thing that would be) Americans would be at a disadvantage because they are lazy, fat, uneducated and put comfort ahead of jobs.

Obama wasn't going to fix that. Neither is Trump.
This started under Reagan and both parties realized that Wall Street was more than happy to fund this bullshit.
The Dems, for all of their claims to care about everyone, are full of crap.

It's funny how Business Visas are so well educated that they all come to the US.
Why does India allow this?
Why does India encourage this?
Why does India have almost all of their software development done in Israel?
Almost all BVs come via India's version of Wall Street and the Indian Wall Streeters are making the money, not the BVs, who, by the way, suck at what they do.

Yep...India has the best universities...which is why the Indians cried a few weeks ago when Trump was about to send them back to India.
Well, if India has the Best & The Brightest, why leave India?
You make as much sense as a pile of dog waste being pumped into a car's gas tank.

It's funny, but 99% of the people I know and meet work their asses off and who do you think works 100+hours a week running all the corporations?
Not the BVs, who are just slaves.

I'm sure that when you need surgery or construction done, you call the Indians...NOT!

It's all about cheap, 24/7, personality compliant, no need to provide any benefits at all, slave labor.

The fact is that you're just another self-serving capitalist making believe you give a shit about anything but making money.
You should run for Congress.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?

You have no clue what you are talking about. The language is clear. You are the criminals. You people are the ones who should be deported.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?

In last Census, all people are counted.

Not all people get representation, just citizens.

The number of PEOPLE that are counted is used to apportion House seats. The 14th Amendment is very clear on this.
It's funny how Business Visas are so well educated that they all come to the US.
Why does India allow this?
Why does India encourage this?

Why not? It expands their economy, and their country is already overpopulated.

The rest of your post is a crazy racist rant. Most Indians I know are great people, they work hard, they have some smoking hot women.

I'm sure that when you need surgery or construction done, you call the Indians...NOT!

Actually, my family doctor is Indian.

The fact is that you're just another self-serving capitalist making believe you give a shit about anything but making money.

Shhhh... half the board says I'm a "communist" because I think we should redistribute the wealth fairly.

But wow,man, all this hostility towards Indian people. You need help.
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Again. The Supreme Court already dealt with this. Nice try though.

trumpkins are imbeciles

You are WRONG!!!!

They said you had to count them in the census, not use their numbers to distribute districts and electoral votes!!!

California is TOTALLY gaming the system by bringing in new people (illegal Mexicans etc) to gain a much stronger Democrat base.




I suggest you read the 14th Amendment.

Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

Apportionment is done according to the number of persons except for Indians. It specifically mentioms citizens when it talks about voting. What Trump is proposing is unconstitutional. You do not even need to be a lawyer to see it.

Come one, it's not that hard to understand that, since only citizens can vote, then only citizens should be counted for apportion of their representatives.

The 14th Amendment says nothing about citizens in terms of the apportionment of seats. It says it shall be done by a count of all people not citizens. Clearly it makes a distinction between all people and citizens. Apparently you do not understand simple English.

OK, great. Now explain who, according to 14th, counts as a person.

Anyone who is in the United States except for Indians. That is very clear.

What, Indians are not persons?

Not originally. They were considered members of their own nation.
It's funny how Business Visas are so well educated that they all come to the US.
Why does India allow this?
Why does India encourage this?

Why not? It expands their economy, and their country is already overpopulated.

The rest of your post is a crazy racist rant. Most Indians I know are great people, they work hard, they have some smoking hot women.

I'm sure that when you need surgery or construction done, you call the Indians...NOT!

Actually, my family doctor is Indian.

The fact is that you're just another self-serving capitalist making believe you give a shit about anything but making money.

Shhhh... half the board says I'm a "communist" because I think we should redistribute the wealth fairly.

But wow,man, all this hostility towards Indian people. You need help.
Most Indians I know are great people, they work hard, they have some smoking hot women.
Now I know you're insane.
Yes, Indians work hard...because they suck at what they do and have to work 3x harder to produce something that seems to work.
I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 and 99 out of a 100 Indian women are ugly as pigs.
I work with one who is kind of attractive.

I don't think you're a communist and you have some very good points.
Once again, Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and the rest of Congress from 1981 and on produced the society we live in today, but 35% of African Blacks seem to enjoy getting welfare and not caring about the reputation of their neighborhoods.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?

In last Census, all people are counted.

Not all people get representation, just citizens.

The number of PEOPLE that are counted is used to apportion House seats. The 14th Amendment is very clear on this.

Everyone IS counted.

Person that are in the U.S. illegally don't get representation, since they should't be in the country anyways. Otherwise, you could have an influx of illegals at the time of census every ten years, just in time to get counted for appropriating seats, and go back afterwards.

Imagine having congressional district with 100,000 illegals and 100 voters, where those 100 would would get congressional seat. That's what basically happening in California, on a different scale.

And about 14th amendment, you should research what was its intent. The primary reason, other than balancing representation between slave states and free states, was because the Federal government was prevented direct taxation that wasn’t apportioned by states’ populations. The government, wanting as much revenue for the national government as the states would let them get away with, used as expansive a definition of personhood as they could get away with. They did this with full knowledge that tying taxation to total personhood would have included landless, native-born male citizens (and virtually all women) who, under the laws of their states, may have been just as ineligible to vote as the people who just got off the boats, of their own free will or otherwise.

By the way, when I say "you should research", it's just figure of speech, since I doubt you will do so. You're hopelessly stuck in your ideological labyrinth, and you know just what you've been told by your overlords, with complete lack of thought of your own.
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Again. The Supreme Court already dealt with this. Nice try though.

trumpkins are imbeciles

You are WRONG!!!!

They said you had to count them in the census, not use their numbers to distribute districts and electoral votes!!!

California is TOTALLY gaming the system by bringing in new people (illegal Mexicans etc) to gain a much stronger Democrat base.




I suggest you read the 14th Amendment.

Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

Apportionment is done according to the number of persons except for Indians. It specifically mentioms citizens when it talks about voting. What Trump is proposing is unconstitutional. You do not even need to be a lawyer to see it.

Come one, it's not that hard to understand that, since only citizens can vote, then only citizens should be counted for apportion of their representatives.

The 14th Amendment says nothing about citizens in terms of the apportionment of seats. It says it shall be done by a count of all people not citizens. Clearly it makes a distinction between all people and citizens. Apparently you do not understand simple English.

OK, great. Now explain who, according to 14th, counts as a person.

Anyone who is in the United States except for Indians. That is very clear.

What, Indians are not persons?

Not originally. They were considered members of their own nation.

OK, great. Just tell me this, illegal Guatemalan is considered a member of what nation?
Now I know you're insane.
Yes, Indians work hard...because they suck at what they do and have to work 3x harder to produce something that seems to work.
I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 and 99 out of a 100 Indian women are ugly as pigs.
I work with one who is kind of attractive.

I don't think you're a communist and you have some very good points.
Once again, Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and the rest of Congress from 1981 and on produced the society we live in today, but 35% of African Blacks seem to enjoy getting welfare and not caring about the reputation of their neighborhoods.

Wow, dude, I guess I am happy you are honest about your open racism. But damn.
Everyone IS counted.

Person that are in the U.S. illegally don't get representation, since they should't be in the country anyways. Otherwise, you could have an influx of illegals at the time of census every ten years, just in time to get counted for appropriating seats, and go back afterwards.

Okay, theoretically. Why would anyone do that?

Imagine having congressional district with 100,000 illegals and 100 voters, where those 100 would would get congressional seat. That's what basically happening in California, on a different scale.

Not really. Yes, CA has about 2 million undocumented out of some 26 million people... So that maybe works out to four seats... but they aren't concentrated in any one district enough to make it so.

And about 14th amendment, you should research what was its intent. The primary reason, other than balancing representation between slave states and free states, was because the Federal government was prevented direct taxation that wasn’t apportioned by states’ populations. The government, wanting as much revenue for the national government as the states would let them get away with, used as expansive a definition of personhood as they could get away with. They did this with full knowledge that tying taxation to total personhood would have included landless, native-born male citizens (and virtually all women) who, under the laws of their states, may have been just as ineligible to vote as the people who just got off the boats, of their own free will or otherwise.

Okay. I'm not sure what your point is here. Yes, the ongoing struggle to be more inclusive in democracy is an ongoing thing. If it were up to me, everyone would get to vote. The fact is, a lot of us don't, and a lot of us make no effort to find out who we are voting for.

I did an office survey once to see how many of my coworkers could name both of Illinois' senators. None of them could name both. Most couldn't name either.
The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?

In last Census, all people are counted.

Not all people get representation, just citizens.

The number of PEOPLE that are counted is used to apportion House seats. The 14th Amendment is very clear on this.

Everyone IS counted.

Person that are in the U.S. illegally don't get representation, since they should't be in the country anyways. Otherwise, you could have an influx of illegals at the time of census every ten years, just in time to get counted for appropriating seats, and go back afterwards.

Imagine having congressional district with 100,000 illegals and 100 voters, where those 100 would would get congressional seat. That's what basically happening in California, on a different scale.

And about 14th amendment, you should research what was its intent. The primary reason, other than balancing representation between slave states and free states, was because the Federal government was prevented direct taxation that wasn’t apportioned by states’ populations. The government, wanting as much revenue for the national government as the states would let them get away with, used as expansive a definition of personhood as they could get away with. They did this with full knowledge that tying taxation to total personhood would have included landless, native-born male citizens (and virtually all women) who, under the laws of their states, may have been just as ineligible to vote as the people who just got off the boats, of their own free will or otherwise.

By the way, when I say "you should research", it's just figure of speech, since I doubt you will do so. You're hopelessly stuck in your ideological labyrinth, and you know just what you've been told by your overlords, with complete lack of thought of your own.

The Amendment is written in plain English. You can talk intent all you want but that is 1 person's opinion
ROFLMOA, Libtard heads exploding across the GLOBE! I CAN HEAR THEM NOW!

Illegal aliens will not be counted for purposes of congressional apportioning thanks to a memorandum set to be signed by President Trump on Tuesday.
Congressional seats and electoral college votes are currently divided up by counting all persons in each district, including illegal aliens. This allows states like California, New York, and Florida to receive more congressional seats and electoral college votes, while diluting political power in states with small illegal alien populations.

Dems would like to allocate two votes per illegal, three for every felon, four for every fake fraudulent ballot.
Yes, Indians work hard...because they suck at what they do and have to work 3x harder to produce something that seems to work.

When I worked at the Census Department the last couple of years (2018-19), the old quality among Indian immigrants had clearly dropped off, but most of them seemed to have their act together.

But that is not relevant to an H1-B takingg a job slot that an American can and would do.

I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 and 99 out of a 100 Indian women are ugly as pigs.
I work with one who is kind of attractive.
The Indian women I have met have mostly been very attractive.

Many have resembled this model, though I dont know that she is Indian, but she has that same look to her, with no dot.

The Constitution says all poeople shall be counted. All means citizens abd non-citizens.
At the time it wasn't considered that illegal aliens would be given sanctuary instead of being deported.

Doesn't it suck for you to have to admit to supporting the dilution of American citizen
representation by giving part of that representation to foreign national criminals?

In last Census, all people are counted.

Not all people get representation, just citizens.

The number of PEOPLE that are counted is used to apportion House seats. The 14th Amendment is very clear on this.

Everyone IS counted.

Person that are in the U.S. illegally don't get representation, since they should't be in the country anyways. Otherwise, you could have an influx of illegals at the time of census every ten years, just in time to get counted for appropriating seats, and go back afterwards.

Imagine having congressional district with 100,000 illegals and 100 voters, where those 100 would would get congressional seat. That's what basically happening in California, on a different scale.

And about 14th amendment, you should research what was its intent. The primary reason, other than balancing representation between slave states and free states, was because the Federal government was prevented direct taxation that wasn’t apportioned by states’ populations. The government, wanting as much revenue for the national government as the states would let them get away with, used as expansive a definition of personhood as they could get away with. They did this with full knowledge that tying taxation to total personhood would have included landless, native-born male citizens (and virtually all women) who, under the laws of their states, may have been just as ineligible to vote as the people who just got off the boats, of their own free will or otherwise.

By the way, when I say "you should research", it's just figure of speech, since I doubt you will do so. You're hopelessly stuck in your ideological labyrinth, and you know just what you've been told by your overlords, with complete lack of thought of your own.

The Amendment is written in plain English. You can talk intent all you want but that is 1 person's opinion

Are you stupid, retarded, or both?

Every single Amendment is written in plain English, but it doesn't bother you lefties to go around it when it's against what you want.

But lets go back to 14 Amendment and see who are the "persons" who are being represented, it's in the first sentence:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

People who sneak across the borders, and live wholly outside the laws of society, are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. They are alien invaders, not lawful immigrants. They are not persons that 14 Amendment is talking about, moron.

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