Trump to Paul Ryan: Shut up, for you know nothing about birthright citizenship

Whose side are you on?

  • Trump

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • Ryan

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters
It is hard to believe that the intent of the 14th amendment was to pretend jurisdiction over someone merely born here and raised in a different homeland, sometimes a very hostile homeland.
That's how it worked before the 14th amendment, if you were born on this soil, you automatically had citizenship.

what the 14th did, is give that same right to everyone... not just white Europeans, but the ex-slaves.

jus soil is how citizenship was given in the US...through common law, before and after we won the revolution and became a nation.. up until the 14th, which then gave that same jus soil to the ex-slaves.
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

WHY IN HELL are YOU bringing some crap in here concerning POTUS nominees?


No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

WHY IN HELL are YOU bringing some crap in here concerning POTUS nominees?


No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.

Trump stated he would EO the Amendment; why? He wants it CHANGED.

Changed, interpreted = semantics

THE FACT REMAINS the other member brought the concept of 'the nuclear option' into the conversation, which deals with POTUS nominees. That has NOTHING to do with Amendments.

Me & you are basically on the same page so, I'm not sure why you're being a jack ass but oh well.
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

WHY IN HELL are YOU bringing some crap in here concerning POTUS nominees?


No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.

Trump stated he would EO the Amendment; why? He wants it CHANGED.

Changed, interpreted = semantics

THE FACT REMAINS the other member brought the concept of 'the nuclear option' into the conversation, which deals with POTUS nominees. That has NOTHING to do with Amendments.

Me & you are basically on the same page so, I'm not sure why you're being a jack ass but oh well.

Breaking: SCOTUS rules the 14th amendment does not grant citizenship to illegals, liberals butthurt.
I take neither side...That said, Ryan needs to STFU for no better reason that he's a lame duck....Go away Eddie Munster, and take Hildabeest with you.
Ryan's balls & spine didn't grow overnight.

the moderate right gets to rejoice that their party still has a shred of decency left.
The Wisconsin Whiskbroom

What kind of whine do you want with your Cheesehead?
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

WHY IN HELL are YOU bringing some crap in here concerning POTUS nominees?


No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.

Trump stated he would EO the Amendment; why? He wants it CHANGED.

Changed, interpreted = semantics

THE FACT REMAINS the other member brought the concept of 'the nuclear option' into the conversation, which deals with POTUS nominees. That has NOTHING to do with Amendments.

Me & you are basically on the same page so, I'm not sure why you're being a jack ass but oh well.

Breaking: SCOTUS rules the 14th amendment does not grant citizenship to illegals, liberals butthurt.


WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

WHY IN HELL are YOU bringing some crap in here concerning POTUS nominees?


No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.

Trump stated he would EO the Amendment; why? He wants it CHANGED.

Changed, interpreted = semantics

THE FACT REMAINS the other member brought the concept of 'the nuclear option' into the conversation, which deals with POTUS nominees. That has NOTHING to do with Amendments.

Me & you are basically on the same page so, I'm not sure why you're being a jack ass but oh well.

Breaking: SCOTUS rules the 14th amendment does not grant citizenship to illegals, liberals butthurt.

I could care less about the 14th: What I do care is about
(1) truth = Trump doesn't have that
(2) policy = Trump doesn't know what that means AFA the concept of changing any part of any Amendment
(3) having a POTUS with a brain that doesn't look stupid = Trump has no brain & he looks & sounds stupid
No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.

Trump stated he would EO the Amendment; why? He wants it CHANGED.

Changed, interpreted = semantics

THE FACT REMAINS the other member brought the concept of 'the nuclear option' into the conversation, which deals with POTUS nominees. That has NOTHING to do with Amendments.

Me & you are basically on the same page so, I'm not sure why you're being a jack ass but oh well.

Breaking: SCOTUS rules the 14th amendment does not grant citizenship to illegals, liberals butthurt.

I could care less about the 14th: What I do care is about
(1) truth = Trump doesn't have that
(2) policy = Trump doesn't know what that means AFA the concept of changing any part of any Amendment
(3) having a POTUS with a brain that doesn't look stupid = Trump has no brain & he looks & sounds stupid

Yet Trump crushes the left at every turn and they are powerless to stop him.
No we are talking about the SCOTUS clarifying the 14th amendment. You libwits constantly harp about interpreting the 2nd amendment so fine we'll have the SCOTUS clear up the 14th. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, just like I stated in the first sentence you quoted = WE ARE TALKING ABOUT changing a Constitutional Amendment.

The other dumbass brought the concept of the 'nuclear option' into the conversation; that deals with POTUS nominees.

I see you also are NOT very good at paying attention.

No the 14th is not being changed, its being interpreted.

Section 1, first sentence, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

An illegal steps over the border and pops out an anchor baby, they are not "residing" in a state. I don't think an illegal can legally reside in a state. Squat maybe but they are not a legal resident. If Trump pushes this into the SCOTUS you fools won't like the ruling.

Trump stated he would EO the Amendment; why? He wants it CHANGED.

Changed, interpreted = semantics

THE FACT REMAINS the other member brought the concept of 'the nuclear option' into the conversation, which deals with POTUS nominees. That has NOTHING to do with Amendments.

Me & you are basically on the same page so, I'm not sure why you're being a jack ass but oh well.

Breaking: SCOTUS rules the 14th amendment does not grant citizenship to illegals, liberals butthurt.

I could care less about the 14th:

Obviously. You people don't care about any of it.

That's why Americans have become so dreadfully cross with you.
Ha! A/O now, Trump has 75% of the vote!
The same people who supported Trump are the same people who are willing getting played by Trump on his caravan fear mongering;.
Now, Trump is saying he'll send 15,00 troops to stop the "invasion" of 5,000 and dwindling, exhausted migrants, who are going to overcome a nation of 325 million Americans.
Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border | Reuters
And you people are shaking in your boots over this? You are buying this complete bullshit. Wow, talk about extremely weak-minded and talk about being scared little pussies.
I saw an estimated taxpayer expense of sending 5,200 at around $50,000,000. Migrant caravan troop deployment could cost $50 million despite no evidence of terrorists, major gang presence
So what would it cost the tax payer for 15,000 troops?
So yeah, let's think Trump knows what he is talking about regarding the Constitution and birth rights..He gets confused how the US government works and is totally clueless about the Constitution.But the predictable small-minded Little Trumpsters are all for, getting played again. :2up:
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Trump attacks Paul Ryan, says he 'knows nothing' about birthright citizenship - CNNPolitics

Of course Dumpf thinks he is an expert on birther issues. Look at his failed assault on President Obama's birth history. So now he goes after the Speaker of the House over an issue that not only will Dumpf lose, but that has shaken the GOP to its core, just prior to the midterms. Dumpf thinks that he can get this issue all the way to the SCOTUS, and that his newly appointed right wingers will save him. Wake up Dumpf. The SCOTUS will rule against you unanimously. It's a no brainer. Your poll numbers are sinking; this ain't gonna help you!!!

The 14th Amendment couldn't be clearer on the issue of birthright citizenship. But, we know Dumpf does not read; we know he has not read the Constitution, and we know that the GOP is facing a staggering smack down in the midterms not only in the House, but also in the Senate. And, that's the only reason he has brought up this idiotic birther issue, to energize the base of stupidity, looking for votes. This midterm defeat is gonna get placed right where it belongs, at the feet of Dumpf.
The 14th Amendment couldn't be clearer on the issue of birthright citizenship

Definition of The Fourteenth Amendment:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

First of all, Trump is not making the law (Congress does that). He isn't enforcing the law (again, Congress does that). He is simply letting these illegals know We, The American People, are no longer accepting "anchor babies" in this country. He is simply stating that we need to put an end to this stupid process of letting these people into this country.

Paul Ryan has absolutely no clue on this issue. And Trump has every right to call him out on it.
I used to think Ryan had a brain. That was some time ago. His comments on the birthright matter only serve to cement my opinion.

Everyone knows, including Trump, that he cannot erase the matter with a mere Executive Order. He can however steer the matter into the judicial system and into the Supreme Court.
Or get congress to bring up the issue in session, and then either write a new law amending the 14th or being a turncoat and push for more illegal anchor babies, which would be a death wish for Paul.
How many votes are needed for a constitutional amendment?

We don't need a new amendment, just some common sense regulations for the one we have, right?
God what a question!

Of course I am on President Trump's side! :up:

That goes without even saying! :wink_2:
It is hard to believe that the intent of the 14th amendment was to pretend jurisdiction over someone merely born here and raised in a different homeland, sometimes a very hostile homeland.

You don't have to guess what was intended. The amendment was carefully written, and that is what was ratified. Any opinions about what you think it should mean don't matter. What it says is all that matters.
I used to think Ryan had a brain. That was some time ago. His comments on the birthright matter only serve to cement my opinion.

Everyone knows, including Trump, that he cannot erase the matter with a mere Executive Order. He can however steer the matter into the judicial system and into the Supreme Court.
Our President is being laughed at

Even by his own party
I used to think Ryan had a brain. That was some time ago. His comments on the birthright matter only serve to cement my opinion.

Everyone knows, including Trump, that he cannot erase the matter with a mere Executive Order. He can however steer the matter into the judicial system and into the Supreme Court.
Our President is being laughed at

Even by his own party
Melania immigration lawyer that helped her and her parents to stay in country said best.....fuck the orange racist ****.

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