Trump to Paul Ryan: Shut up, for you know nothing about birthright citizenship

Whose side are you on?

  • Trump

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • Ryan

    Votes: 7 20.0%

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I used to think Ryan had a brain. That was some time ago. His comments on the birthright matter only serve to cement my opinion.

Everyone knows, including Trump, that he cannot erase the matter with a mere Executive Order. He can however steer the matter into the judicial system and into the Supreme Court.

Ryan is focusing on getting a position on MSNBC alongside Morning Joe. What he cares about is becoming a leftist media sellout.
Sure we can, but it will take a Constitutional Amendment to do it... there is a procedure in law, on how to handle it... and an executive order, aint it.... nor is a law from congress to replace an amendment in the Constitution legal.

God Bless the Constitution, that a simple law, can NOT tear it apart!!!!

Indeed, but on the border it's a national security issue, mandated by the Constitution and not bound by Posse Comitatus.

MALONE: "You want to get Capone? What are you prepared to do?"
Why is it a National security issue?

Read the Constitution, and you'll know.
i've read it more than a handful of times....

what part are you referring to with your comment?

Read it again and find out. Apparently you missed a lot. Make notes.
ahhhh, so you are simply bull-shitting! okie dokie :rolleyes:
"The Citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment was added after the Democrats fought to keep black people enslaved and lost. It protects citizenship rights for freed slaves & children of slaves who were brought to the U.S. without a choice, not for Illegal Aliens who have a choice." - President Trump
I used to think Ryan had a brain. That was some time ago. His comments on the birthright matter only serve to cement my opinion.

Everyone knows, including Trump, that he cannot erase the matter with a mere Executive Order. He can however steer the matter into the judicial system and into the Supreme Court.
Or get congress to bring up the issue in session, and then either write a new law amending the 14th or being a turncoat and push for more illegal anchor babies, which would be a death wish for Paul.
"either write a new law amending the 14th"......:71:

Another U.S. Government 101 fail.

Could happen. That could pop the issue right into the Supreme Court without going through the middlemen.

I mean, it's not as if Congress has never written unconstitutional legislation. :auiqs.jpg:

The 14th Amendment, ratified after the Civil War, with ZERO democrats supporting it, was not interpreted to grant citizenship to foreign nationals illegally in the country until 1915. The Wong Kim Ark decision remade the 14th in the image of the Progressive movement, and was based on spurious logic.

Trump is throwing the issue back to the SCOTUS.
Oh, Obama hasn't been POTUS for nearly two years
What does that have to do with you being stupid?

Me; I'm not stupid but maybe you are.

Trump has demonstrated he has no ability to handle concepts & lessons from a 5th grade level CIVICS class, all while Paul Ryan spoke with clear knowledge on the issue, yet you sit here bitching & whining about your hate for blacks, Obama in particular.

Yep; you be lokkin' pretty stu.
Do you have anything besides the race card? No? I didn't think so.
Uh oh.

"Paul Ryan should be focusing on holding the Majority rather than giving his opinions on Birthright Citizenship, something he knows nothing about! Our new Republican Majority will work on this, Closing the Immigration Loopholes and Securing our Border!"
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Right... and Trump knows all about it because.... he once read the konstitushun once at school.
yeah, shut up Paulie - why would patriotic Republicans care, it's only the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Indeed, but on the border it's a national security issue, mandated by the Constitution and not bound by Posse Comitatus.

MALONE: "You want to get Capone? What are you prepared to do?"
Why is it a National security issue?

Read the Constitution, and you'll know.
i've read it more than a handful of times....

what part are you referring to with your comment?

Read it again and find out. Apparently you missed a lot. Make notes.
ahhhh, so you are simply bull-shitting! okie dokie :rolleyes:

Not at all. I'm not your secretary, and I don't give a rat's ass whether you become educated or not.
Oh, Obama hasn't been POTUS for nearly two years
What does that have to do with you being stupid?

Me; I'm not stupid but maybe you are.

Trump has demonstrated he has no ability to handle concepts & lessons from a 5th grade level CIVICS class, all while Paul Ryan spoke with clear knowledge on the issue, yet you sit here bitching & whining about your hate for blacks, Obama in particular.

Yep; you be lokkin' pretty stu.
Do you have anything besides the race card? No? I didn't think so.

Someone else brought O into this; wasn't me.
Oh, Obama hasn't been POTUS for nearly two years
What does that have to do with you being stupid?

Me; I'm not stupid but maybe you are.

Trump has demonstrated he has no ability to handle concepts & lessons from a 5th grade level CIVICS class, all while Paul Ryan spoke with clear knowledge on the issue, yet you sit here bitching & whining about your hate for blacks, Obama in particular.

Yep; you be lokkin' pretty stu.
Do you have anything besides the race card? No? I didn't think so.

Someone else brought O into this; wasn't me.
Oh, I get it. If somebody criticizes Obama, they must be a racist. Thanks for clearing that up for us.
except diplomats who are under the jurisdiction of their own country, ( and Native Americans at the time) children born on our soil, are US Citizens.

The 14th amendment could have easily stated those born of citizens or those born of only legal residents, or mentioned this was for newly freed slaves only....


It stated all children born, on our soil, under our jurisdiction, are citizens.... foreign diplomats are NOT under our jurisdiction, so THEIR CHILDREN are not US Citizens... diplomats are not under our jurisdiction, they have Diplomatic Immunity in the USA.

It was important in the 14th that ALL under our jurisdiction born on our soil to be included, because we had millions born on our soil with Scottish, and Irish, and Italian decent etc....that were not US citizens themselves....

or even here legally

and if the 14th were interpreted in any other way than what it was, the children of all of those white immigrants, would lose their citizenship.... and America was trying to POPULATE the nation and get more Europeans to immigrate here... and the one way we did this, was by making the citizenship of their children easy, through jus soli citizenship.

The executive order or a new law by congress to change the 14th amendment would be challenged immediately as being unconstitutional... and would make it to the Supreme court on that challenge, for the Supreme court to re-evaluate, but I see no way the Supreme court could rule any differently that they have previously on the decision of what the 14th amendment meant....

and it would still need an amendment to the constitution to change it.
In Marbury, They Illogically Interpreted the Constitution As Giving Them the Right to Interpret the Constitution

Your xenophile (or should I say, "Xena-phile"?) spin contradicts a basic principle of logic: A legal right can't be obtained by illegal means, whether the anchor baby is guilty or the passive recipient of his parents' illegal activity. This supersedes any possible interpretation of the Constitution that pretends to have the right to that kind of power. Even a Supreme Being cannot make a contradiction, such as a square circle, so SCROTUS should be stripped of its powers, which have only made them Satanically arrogant.

If someone, as in an actual case I found out about, buys a stolen car with no indication that it was stolen and all the documents indicating that it was legal were forged, does he get to keep the car?

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