Trump to place MORE sanctions on Russia for nerve agent attack

Sanctions just because stupid Teresa May said "highly likely" and showed ZERO evidence since March? Sounds strange....

I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence?

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins

P.S. That was done in March, two weeks before Presidential election in Russia and three months before Russia hosted FIFA Cup. Are the Russians that dumb to shoot their own feet? Highly likely NOT.
Nerve agent attack: US to PUNISH Russia for carrying out Salisbury spy poisoning

This is NOT how collusion works! Jeez he is the worst at collusion ever! He didn't get the memo!?
From your link:

The sanctions against Russian will happen in two rounds and will restrict financing and exports – a move that could strangle its economy, costing it millions.

Millions! Oh, that's gotta hurt! :lol:
When Russia barely has an economy the size of Texas, yeah, it will hurt. Russia is dirt poor.
Nerve agent attack: US to PUNISH Russia for carrying out Salisbury spy poisoning

This is NOT how collusion works! Jeez he is the worst at collusion ever! He didn't get the memo!?
From your link:

The sanctions against Russian will happen in two rounds and will restrict financing and exports – a move that could strangle its economy, costing it millions.

Millions! Oh, that's gotta hurt! :lol:
Good gawd you are a dipshit.
I hope you realize that...
Whatever piddling millions Russia loses in this deal will be more than made up by the billions they will reap from Trump stoking the price of oil up, up, and up.
Nerve agent attack: US to PUNISH Russia for carrying out Salisbury spy poisoning

This is NOT how collusion works! Jeez he is the worst at collusion ever! He didn't get the memo!?
/-----/ But but but Trump is Putin's puppet......
liberalism find a cure.jpg
Whatever piddling millions Russia loses in this deal will be more than made up by the billions they will reap from Trump stoking the price of oil up, up, and up.
Well... maybe that makes sense on your planet, but not here on earth. That's bull shit.

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