Trump to scrap all NASA climate research!!!

Good. It was never NASA's mission.

Where's my damned warp drive, NASA?
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Trump ‘to Scrap’ NASA Climate Research this not refreshing shit or what? The progressive eye poking has begun in earnest and this could not be any more hysterical!!

Where is Charlie?????

There he is................

He is the poster child for liberalism gone terribly wrong or wait was it ever right ?? Hollywood needs it's swamp drained, because it has destroyed countless American lives, and it has ended promising careers of many talented individuals. Why they won't fight back against the very thing that has destroyed them boggles the mind. It's like they left their souls at the door, and signed a contract with the devil to never reveal the problem in order to preserve the problem. Just look at the entertainment industry once upon a time, and look at it now. Americans use to keep intact their morals as best they could, but it's like they have lost all of that now.
I broke out my Right Stuff, my Apollo 13 ,Armageddon pretty cool, And last before least....the better than the best


If he could get the coast rising

Trump ‘to Scrap’ NASA Climate Research this not refreshing shit or what? The progressive eye poking has begun in earnest and this could not be any more hysterical!!

Where is Charlie?????

There he is................

He is the poster child for liberalism gone terribly wrong or wait was it ever right ?? Hollywood needs it's swamp drained, because it has destroyed countless American lives, and it has ended promising careers of many talented individuals. Why they won't fight back against the very thing that has destroyed them boggles the mind. It's like they left their souls at the door, and signed a contract with the devil to never reveal the problem in order to preserve the problem.

Its a masterful eye poke to the boot licking establishment globalists who found yet another way to herd the sheep: climate change. Make the poor poorer.............ghey.

Most people wont even give a shit since climate change is so far off the radar for most folks!
Yep, lets stick our heads in the sand and go back to into the fucking dark ages. Yet, you republicans wonder why I think you're anti-science? This proves me right.

But nobody cares s0n..............Dark Ages FTMFW!! The bumpy cucumber is getting bumpier s0ns!!

Those with their heads in the sands are .......................winning!! The people have more fake science.:bye1::bye1::coffee:
Well, fellows, Standing Rock is just the beginning. And, if necessary, we liberals can shut down vital parts of the economy. We learned that during the Civil Rights and Vietnam fracases. But we will gain allies as people realize just how incompetent your orange clown truly is.
Well, fellows, Standing Rock is just the beginning. And, if necessary, we liberals can shut down vital parts of the economy. We learned that during the Civil Rights and Vietnam fracases. But we will gain allies as people realize just how incompetent your orange clown truly is.

Only when you actually accomplish this will we stop laughing. Maybe.

Or not.

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