Trump to skip GOP debate,raise money for wounded warriors instead

Bucking the system and screwing over Fox News and destroying their ratings bonanza.

Liberal reaction to Fox News being screwed over by a brilliant move by Trump (who is following the advise of Michael Savage basically).

Well talk about a liberal dilemma.


So, are liberals happy that Fox News is getting screwed over and supporting Trump?
Trump was on Bill O'Reilly's 'The Factor' last night, and during the program O'Reilly proved that even he, and fox News, are dishonest and do not keep their word, proving Trump has every right not to trust them and partially vindicating him for deciding to skip the debate.

Before they went on the air Trump asked O'Reilly NOT to bring up the issue of his skipping the debate. O'Reilly promised he would not do so. During the show, however, O'Reilly repeatedly asked Trump not to skip the debate and to at least consider it. On air, Trump called him on his lack of honesty / integrity by going back on his word.

TRUMP: "Well, even though you and I had an agreement that you wouldn’t ask me that, which we did, I will therefore forget that you asked me that.".

O’Reilly conceded he had made a prior agreement not to ask Trump to reconsider attending the debate.

“You’re actually telling the truth there,” O’Reilly said.

O'Reilly then attempted to salvage the perception of integrity / honesty by justifying his breaking his word by saying:

O'Reilly: “But I’m not going to listen to any political person who tells me not to ask anything. But, you’re absolutely an honest man that I said I would try not to do it."

No, Mr. O'Reilly, you admitted - as Trump claimed - that you would NOT ask the question, not 'try' not to. YOU LIED! O'Reilly knew Trump skipping the debate was/is a big issue, and there was NO WAY he was going to have Trump on his show without bringing it up. In doing so, O'Reilly demonstrated his and Fox News' DIS-honesty and a lack of integrity.

At the same time Trump made a good point about the media while demonstrating some hypocrisy:

Trump and the media have a symbiotic relationship in which they both feed off the other, much like parasites. Trump has bragged about how much free publicity he has been given, which has allowed him to spend far less money to campaign than his opponents, while the media has made a lot of money off of Trump, as in high ratings and advertising during the debates - for example.

On the O'Reilly show Trump declared he does not like being treated 'unfairly' by the people who at the same time are 'using' him to make a 'lot' of money (referring to the ratings/advertising money during the up-coming debate). The question of his being treated 'un-fairly' is opinionated and debatable. Yes, Fox is making money off of Trump, and they will / have engaged in 'sensational journalism', intentionally asking 'the tough questions' to come across as 'fair and balanced'. (I also believe they are at least in part attempting to 'damage his image' / 'hurt him' in the race - also opinionated and debatable.)Trump, however - like any politician or celebrity - needs and uses the media. Most any actor will tell you any press is good, even 'bad' press is better than no press at all.

Trump loves the free publicity...but he only wants the 'GOOD' publicity. This reminds me of another narcissist currently in politics....seems Trump meets at least some of the current 'standards' for being President after all. :p
Trump was on Bill O'Reilly's 'The Factor' last night, and during the program O'Reilly proved that even he, and fox News, are dishonest and do not keep their word, proving Trump has every right not to trust them and partially vindicating him for deciding to skip the debate.

Before they went on the air Trump asked O'Reilly NOT to bring up the issue of his skipping the debate. O'Reilly promised he would not do so. During the show, however, O'Reilly repeatedly asked Trump not to skip the debate and to at least consider it. On air, Trump called him on his lack of honesty / integrity by going back on his word.

TRUMP: "Well, even though you and I had an agreement that you wouldn’t ask me that, which we did, I will therefore forget that you asked me that.".

O’Reilly conceded he had made a prior agreement not to ask Trump to reconsider attending the debate.

“You’re actually telling the truth there,” O’Reilly said.

O'Reilly then attempted to salvage the perception of integrity / honesty by justifying his breaking his word by saying:

O'Reilly: “But I’m not going to listen to any political person who tells me not to ask anything. But, you’re absolutely an honest man that I said I would try not to do it."

No, Mr. O'Reilly, you admitted - as Trump claimed - that you would NOT ask the question, not 'try' not to. YOU LIED! O'Reilly knew Trump skipping the debate was/is a big issue, and there was NO WAY he was going to have Trump on his show without bringing it up. In doing so, O'Reilly demonstrated his and Fox News' DIS-honesty and a lack of integrity.
You're just figuring out that O'Reilly is a big blow hole? I hate the way he asks questions and then talks over the person answering the question if he doesn't agree with it. He's been a big jerk forever.
I do wish they'd split these people up evenly. 8 or even 7 debaters is too many to cover the issues well. All we get is 60 second sound bytes -- no way to cover an issue intelligently.

It is not going to hurt Trump to skip this debate, imo.

His reason, though, reminds me of Obama's incensed response to Rush Limbaugh and his ilk when he became president. HOW DARE THEY BE SO MEAN AND LIE? It was snotty in the extreme for Fox to make that crack about Putin et al, but if Trump's going to be President, he'd better get used to it quick.

I watched the debate Trump took issue with, and Kelly did ask him questions about his cracks about Rosie O'Donnell and Fiorina, but it didn't seem to me that she was bleeding from all pores. Don't all journalists continue to question him about his most recent crack at whomever?

Tempest in a teapot. Trump will be fine. Fox will be fine. Everyone is fine.

you make some sense, but Kelly hurt herself with her biased questioning and her continued biased reporting on her show, and her ratings have fallen as a result of it.'

She is all about herself. She thinks she is something special and that everyone should kiss her rosey ass.
I think you are wrong about Kelly's bias. Many women who value themselves have noticed Trump's contempt of women who are not compliant or model material, especially foreign-born models. Kelly touched a point and gave Trump a chance to destroy that image of him and Trump chose to take exception, then blame Kelly for asking something of interest to half the population. I'm not a Kelly fan, or a Fox fan, but this is indeed a tempest in a teapot. Only Trump is creating the tempest, not Kelly. He is diverting from the issue by blaming Kelly for asking.

wrong, it was a cheap shot set up question. She has continued to bash him on her so-called news program.

I don't know if its her or her bosses, but Trump scares the livin shit out of them because he is not beholden to anyone but the American voters.
Trump was on Bill O'Reilly's 'The Factor' last night, and during the program O'Reilly proved that even he, and fox News, are dishonest and do not keep their word, proving Trump has every right not to trust them and partially vindicating him for deciding to skip the debate.

Before they went on the air Trump asked O'Reilly NOT to bring up the issue of his skipping the debate. O'Reilly promised he would not do so. During the show, however, O'Reilly repeatedly asked Trump not to skip the debate and to at least consider it. On air, Trump called him on his lack of honesty / integrity by going back on his word.

TRUMP: "Well, even though you and I had an agreement that you wouldn’t ask me that, which we did, I will therefore forget that you asked me that.".

O’Reilly conceded he had made a prior agreement not to ask Trump to reconsider attending the debate.

“You’re actually telling the truth there,” O’Reilly said.

O'Reilly then attempted to salvage the perception of integrity / honesty by justifying his breaking his word by saying:

O'Reilly: “But I’m not going to listen to any political person who tells me not to ask anything. But, you’re absolutely an honest man that I said I would try not to do it."

No, Mr. O'Reilly, you admitted - as Trump claimed - that you would NOT ask the question, not 'try' not to. YOU LIED! O'Reilly knew Trump skipping the debate was/is a big issue, and there was NO WAY he was going to have Trump on his show without bringing it up. In doing so, O'Reilly demonstrated his and Fox News' DIS-honesty and a lack of integrity.
You're just figuring out that O'Reilly is a big blow hole? I hate the way he asks questions and then talks over the person answering the question if he doesn't agree with it. He's been a big jerk forever.

I said the same thing after his interview with Trump last night. He never let him finish a sentence before talking over him. STFU O'Reilly and let your guests talk.
He can't handle the hard questions and can't stand to be cornered.
I couldn't agree more!
Well hopefully Mr. Trumps withdrawal from the debates is true. It would be a breath of fresh air to have a serious debate without the slap stick comedy!
Its amazing it took Meghan Kelly to slap him off the
he's a diva .
all the assclowns making excuses to shield poor sensitive Donald from Megan Kelly the nurse ratchet of cable news is gut busting .
there goes the myth of tough, independent, responsible republicans right down the shitter.
Uhh, he is no Republican, in my book.
He can't handle the hard questions and can't stand to be cornered.
I couldn't agree more!
Well hopefully Mr. Trumps withdrawal from the debates is true. It would be a breath of fresh air to have a serious debate without the slap stick comedy!
Its amazing it took Meghan Kelly to slap him off the
he's a diva .
all the assclowns making excuses to shield poor sensitive Donald from Megan Kelly the nurse ratchet of cable news is gut busting .
there goes the myth of tough, independent, responsible republicans right down the shitter.
Uhh, he is no Republican, in my book.
He can't handle the hard questions and can't stand to be cornered.
I couldn't agree more!
Well hopefully Mr. Trumps withdrawal from the debates is true. It would be a breath of fresh air to have a serious debate without the slap stick comedy!
Its amazing it took Meghan Kelly to slap him off the
he's a diva .
all the assclowns making excuses to shield poor sensitive Donald from Megan Kelly the nurse ratchet of cable news is gut busting .
there goes the myth of tough, independent, responsible republicans right down the shitter.
really ? you must be one of the dying breed of non paranoid republican?
Anyone who believes that Trump is afraid of Megyn Kelly is simply not paying attention. He's not afraid of her of anyone else. Do you people live in caves?
He can't handle the hard questions and can't stand to be cornered.
I couldn't agree more!
Well hopefully Mr. Trumps withdrawal from the debates is true. It would be a breath of fresh air to have a serious debate without the slap stick comedy!
Its amazing it took Meghan Kelly to slap him off the
he's a diva .
all the assclowns making excuses to shield poor sensitive Donald from Megan Kelly the nurse ratchet of cable news is gut busting .
there goes the myth of tough, independent, responsible republicans right down the shitter.
I don't see anyone else trembling in fright. Trump doesn't represent them all (Thank God).
Uhh, he is no Republican, in my book.
He can't handle the hard questions and can't stand to be cornered.
I couldn't agree more!
Well hopefully Mr. Trumps withdrawal from the debates is true. It would be a breath of fresh air to have a serious debate without the slap stick comedy!
Its amazing it took Meghan Kelly to slap him off the
he's a diva .
all the assclowns making excuses to shield poor sensitive Donald from Megan Kelly the nurse ratchet of cable news is gut busting .
there goes the myth of tough, independent, responsible republicans right down the shitter.

Thank god he isn't. Those "Fiscally Responsible Republicans" just passed the largest budget in US History. They are colossal failures. Yet every one of them talks a line of shit about "cutting the deficit" and "keeping us safe". They are full of crap and it takes a willful suspension of disbelief to continue to buy their BS. . Today's "Republicans" are simply war mongering versions of Democrats.

With the GOP establishment we get all the spending and all the big government we get with Democrats + illegal wire taps and data collection + thousands of dead and maimed soldiers.

PS- Huckabee and Santorum are skipping the Fox News debate too.....going to Trump's event.
Actually, Huckabee and Santorum weren't in the main debate, anyway, and their campaigns are floundering. They are still debating in the pre-debate they qualified for, then heading over to Drake.
Uhh, he is no Republican, in my book.
He can't handle the hard questions and can't stand to be cornered.
I couldn't agree more!
Its amazing it took Meghan Kelly to slap him off the
he's a diva .
all the assclowns making excuses to shield poor sensitive Donald from Megan Kelly the nurse ratchet of cable news is gut busting .
there goes the myth of tough, independent, responsible republicans right down the shitter.

Thank god he isn't. Those "Fiscally Responsible Republicans" just passed the largest budget in US History. They are colossal failures. Yet every one of them talks a line of shit about "cutting the deficit" and "keeping us safe". They are full of crap and it takes a willful suspension of disbelief to continue to buy their BS. . Today's "Republicans" are simply war mongering versions of Democrats.

With the GOP establishment we get all the spending and all the big government we get with Democrats + illegal wire taps and data collection + thousands of dead and maimed soldiers.

PS- Huckabee and Santorum are skipping the Fox News debate too.....going to Trump's event.

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