Trump to speak on border “crisis” tomorrow at 3 .

Why is he going to address the country at a time and on a day that most of them are off doing other things? Sounds like he's trying to bury whatever he's gonna talk about by doing it on the weekend. If he really wanted to address everyone, he would ask the major networks to run his address during weekday prime time.

Even further proof of why you are a dumbass!
Is it possible he is going to announce a "30 day grace period" in which workers can go back before shutting down again? I don't know if that would be a wise idea as it would show weakness which would empower the Democrats, and, I'm not even sure he can do that if he wanted to. ON twitter, his supporters are definitely in the camp of "Hold The Line", they want this wall build, they understand what's at stake.

Seeing as the Dems refuse to negotiate at all, he cannot give his only card away, which is to allow the shutdown to create more pressure on the Dems as people are more and more in agreement for a National Security. Polls are increasingly in his favor and more and more people want control of their borders. This next caravan is on the way.

I think without question, he can make a National Security announcement. You have another 1000 people organized and rushing to America. Tell me, how does such a number claim asylum when they move in such a massive group? Did the orginating nation try and stop them?

I guarantee you, what I have experienced in Canada, with multiple violations of my rights, including more than just threats and "warnings" (to both my wife and I, which I haven't expressed on here in full detail). If I tried to take a plane to another country for the purpsoes of asylum, Canada would be there either advising the other country or finding a way to prevent me from leaving. Or, they would mess with me in another country by misrepresenting me and receiving assistance from the Host Nation. Yes, it's a diabolic world.

I know this is how Canada works, why would a 2nd World nation be any less forgiving of their asylum seekers? You trying to tell me 22M people in America left due to oppression? That rivals the old Soviet Bloc!

I'm thinking that he's going to keep the government shut down a few more days so thy can start the reduction in force that's supposed to kick in.

Or maybe cutting off all welfare, food stamps and other stuff to the FreeShitArmy and diverting that money to the wall, ICE, DHS and Border Patrol.

Dis gonna be gud.

Where do you keep coming up with this "reduction in force" bullshit?
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.

Let's waste ANOTHER $50 billion building a fence that doesn't work.

Trump didn't research what would effectively stop illegals from crossing the border. HE decided a wall would do it, and now he wants to piss away another $50 billion trying to build a fence on the border which will do NOTHING because the illegals and terrorists are coming through the airports, which Trump is doing NOTHING about.

Walls didn't work in Biblical times, in Medievel Times, nor did they work in modern times, but Trump is going to build a wall. The Fence which W tried to build was a disaster, but Trump didn't even know about it when he promised a wall. The eminent domain cases are still before the courts, but Trump doesn't want to learn from past mistakes, and the $20 billion wasted on W's fence. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.

That's what Trump is doing. Every stupid, wasteful and unsuccessful idea that's already been tried and discarded, Trump is repeating. Like cutting taxes and ballooning the deficit. The first two times the Republicans did this, the stock market crashed and the country was thrown into a recession. The second time, it was coupled with deregulation of the banking industry, and it nearly crashed the world economy. Trump has rolled back the regulations to keep the economy on the rails, so the third time will not be the charm.

But Republicans, being stupid and not blessed with long memories are all for these ideas, because the real base of the Republican Party - the wealthy, not those stupid working people who voted for Trump, is making out like bandits.
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.

Let's waste ANOTHER $50 billion building a fence that doesn't work.

Trump didn't research what would effectively stop illegals from crossing the border. HE decided a wall would do it, and now he wants to piss away another $50 billion trying to build a fence on the border which will do NOTHING because the illegals and terrorists are coming through the airports, which Trump is doing NOTHING about.

Walls didn't work in Biblical times, in Medievel Times, nor did they work in modern times, but Trump is going to build a wall. The Fence which W tried to build was a disaster, but Trump didn't even know about it when he promised a wall. The eminent domain cases are still before the courts, but Trump doesn't want to learn from past mistakes, and the $20 billion wasted on W's fence. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.

That's what Trump is doing. Every stupid, wasteful and unsuccessful idea that's already been tried and discarded, Trump is repeating. Like cutting taxes and ballooning the deficit. The first two times the Republicans did this, the stock market crashed and the country was thrown into a recession. The second time, it was coupled with deregulation of the banking industry, and it nearly crashed the world economy. Trump has rolled back the regulations to keep the economy on the rails, so the third time will not be the charm.

But Republicans, being stupid and not blessed with long memories are all for these ideas, because the real base of the Republican Party - the wealthy, not those stupid working people who voted for Trump, is making out like bandits.
We have spent trillions on wars overseas. We have had both parties play ping pong in the middle east while paying big bucks. This wall is a pittance. And then upgrading airports and ports will be next. I do not like this. But our survival with a good life depends on this.
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.

Let's waste ANOTHER $50 billion building a fence that doesn't work.

Trump didn't research what would effectively stop illegals from crossing the border. HE decided a wall would do it, and now he wants to piss away another $50 billion trying to build a fence on the border which will do NOTHING because the illegals and terrorists are coming through the airports, which Trump is doing NOTHING about.

Walls didn't work in Biblical times, in Medievel Times, nor did they work in modern times, but Trump is going to build a wall. The Fence which W tried to build was a disaster, but Trump didn't even know about it when he promised a wall. The eminent domain cases are still before the courts, but Trump doesn't want to learn from past mistakes, and the $20 billion wasted on W's fence. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.

That's what Trump is doing. Every stupid, wasteful and unsuccessful idea that's already been tried and discarded, Trump is repeating. Like cutting taxes and ballooning the deficit. The first two times the Republicans did this, the stock market crashed and the country was thrown into a recession. The second time, it was coupled with deregulation of the banking industry, and it nearly crashed the world economy. Trump has rolled back the regulations to keep the economy on the rails, so the third time will not be the charm.

But Republicans, being stupid and not blessed with long memories are all for these ideas, because the real base of the Republican Party - the wealthy, not those stupid working people who voted for Trump, is making out like bandits.

Um....Isreal/Palestine..... Wall works like Magic.

I predict he will howl at the moon and proclaim himself a deity. Then he will speak about how great everything he does is and how he is winning at everything. In short his normal narcissistic self.

For a minute I thought you were going to go over the top and mock him for his promise to stem the rise of the Oceans or otherwise heal the planet.
He just tweeted . Declaring an emergency?

Oh. And you have to follow trump on twitter. It’s a hoot .
CNN is reporting that he will offer a compromise

He was on live tv about 15 minutes ago going from here to there and the reporters were questioning him, but I didn't know there was a wall around San Antonio where he said the wall worked great there. Granted I haven't been there since 67, maybe he was referring to the alamo?
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.

Let's waste ANOTHER $50 billion building a fence that doesn't work.

Trump didn't research what would effectively stop illegals from crossing the border. HE decided a wall would do it, and now he wants to piss away another $50 billion trying to build a fence on the border which will do NOTHING because the illegals and terrorists are coming through the airports, which Trump is doing NOTHING about.

Walls didn't work in Biblical times, in Medievel Times, nor did they work in modern times, but Trump is going to build a wall. The Fence which W tried to build was a disaster, but Trump didn't even know about it when he promised a wall. The eminent domain cases are still before the courts, but Trump doesn't want to learn from past mistakes, and the $20 billion wasted on W's fence. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.

That's what Trump is doing. Every stupid, wasteful and unsuccessful idea that's already been tried and discarded, Trump is repeating. Like cutting taxes and ballooning the deficit. The first two times the Republicans did this, the stock market crashed and the country was thrown into a recession. The second time, it was coupled with deregulation of the banking industry, and it nearly crashed the world economy. Trump has rolled back the regulations to keep the economy on the rails, so the third time will not be the charm.

But Republicans, being stupid and not blessed with long memories are all for these ideas, because the real base of the Republican Party - the wealthy, not those stupid working people who voted for Trump, is making out like bandits.

Um....Isreal/Palestine..... Wall works like Magic.


Even the Israelis know they aren't working:

He just tweeted . Declaring an emergency?

Oh. And you have to follow trump on twitter. It’s a hoot .
CNN is reporting that he will offer a compromise

He was on live tv about 15 minutes ago going from here to there and the reporters were questioning him, but I didn't know there was a wall around San Antonio where he said the wall worked great there. Granted I haven't been there since 67, maybe he was referring to the alamo?

Yeah the walls worked really well at the Alamo, didn't they?
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.

Let's waste ANOTHER $50 billion building a fence that doesn't work.

Trump didn't research what would effectively stop illegals from crossing the border. HE decided a wall would do it, and now he wants to piss away another $50 billion trying to build a fence on the border which will do NOTHING because the illegals and terrorists are coming through the airports, which Trump is doing NOTHING about.

Walls didn't work in Biblical times, in Medievel Times, nor did they work in modern times, but Trump is going to build a wall. The Fence which W tried to build was a disaster, but Trump didn't even know about it when he promised a wall. The eminent domain cases are still before the courts, but Trump doesn't want to learn from past mistakes, and the $20 billion wasted on W's fence. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.

That's what Trump is doing. Every stupid, wasteful and unsuccessful idea that's already been tried and discarded, Trump is repeating. Like cutting taxes and ballooning the deficit. The first two times the Republicans did this, the stock market crashed and the country was thrown into a recession. The second time, it was coupled with deregulation of the banking industry, and it nearly crashed the world economy. Trump has rolled back the regulations to keep the economy on the rails, so the third time will not be the charm.

But Republicans, being stupid and not blessed with long memories are all for these ideas, because the real base of the Republican Party - the wealthy, not those stupid working people who voted for Trump, is making out like bandits.

If walls don't work, why did Democrats vote to give millions to Jordan to build a wall to keep Iraqi terrorists out?
He just tweeted . Declaring an emergency?

Oh. And you have to follow trump on twitter. It’s a hoot .
CNN is reporting that he will offer a compromise

He was on live tv about 15 minutes ago going from here to there and the reporters were questioning him, but I didn't know there was a wall around San Antonio where he said the wall worked great there. Granted I haven't been there since 67, maybe he was referring to the alamo?

Yeah the walls worked really well at the Alamo, didn't they?

Know any illegals hauling cannons?
Hope you're right. We need to end this shutdown.

And then the courts will tell him he can't build a wall, because the House will sue.

Trump can't just "declare an emergency" to circumvent the Constitution. There has to BE a national emergency.

That's fine, at least Trump would have gone down swinging. Better than the RINOs caving into the globalists.
If the USSC wants us overrun with migrants that's the country they can live in too.

Let's waste ANOTHER $50 billion building a fence that doesn't work.

Trump didn't research what would effectively stop illegals from crossing the border. HE decided a wall would do it, and now he wants to piss away another $50 billion trying to build a fence on the border which will do NOTHING because the illegals and terrorists are coming through the airports, which Trump is doing NOTHING about.

Walls didn't work in Biblical times, in Medievel Times, nor did they work in modern times, but Trump is going to build a wall. The Fence which W tried to build was a disaster, but Trump didn't even know about it when he promised a wall. The eminent domain cases are still before the courts, but Trump doesn't want to learn from past mistakes, and the $20 billion wasted on W's fence. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.

That's what Trump is doing. Every stupid, wasteful and unsuccessful idea that's already been tried and discarded, Trump is repeating. Like cutting taxes and ballooning the deficit. The first two times the Republicans did this, the stock market crashed and the country was thrown into a recession. The second time, it was coupled with deregulation of the banking industry, and it nearly crashed the world economy. Trump has rolled back the regulations to keep the economy on the rails, so the third time will not be the charm.

But Republicans, being stupid and not blessed with long memories are all for these ideas, because the real base of the Republican Party - the wealthy, not those stupid working people who voted for Trump, is making out like bandits.

Um....Isreal/Palestine..... Wall works like Magic.


Even the Israelis know they aren't working:

That;s funny! That tunnel runs from Gaza to Egypt, where there is no wall, dumbass!

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