Trump to Veto Defense Auth. Act Unless Sec230 is Killed

Just another Trumpyhissyfit. I say let him veto it, and let's see how many Banana Republicans he really has.

What an embarrassment that Bunch is.
With libs everything is inside politics

they dont care what happens as long as they win

trump is standing up for a principle
in the overall scheme of things, pork is old school and simply how it's done anymore.

sec 230 needs to go and new rules need to match the times. but the domination will sooner or later be addressed by the DOJ.
This is an direct attack on American history and an indirect attack on our present and future
while i do agree "free enterprise" needs to be left alone, that simply isn't how it works.

people say you have options. really? name an option that has anywhere near the clout as twitter, facebook and google (anderoid, youtube, search engine) all of these have sworn to not let an R win again, or at least Trump.

this is not free enterprises call but "we the people". and we deserve an effort of honest information. to hear people say this is all fine for no other reason than they either hate trump or they like it NOW is crushing because this is a mindset change, not a single event.

this is what people so seldom understand in the effort to be "instantly gratified". great. but tomorrow the wave will shift and this "mindset change" will impact you directly and it's too late. you made it "ok".

i compare this a lot to Microsoft in the 90s. the DOJ went after them and forced many stupid business changes. they said MS dominated the market despite apple, IBM and other options being "out there".

Section 230 was created in 1996 when AOL was a thing and social media was never even an idea yet. i don't believe social media is a platform OR a publisher - but they must have rules to follow.

it needs to happen. while i'd rather see a harmonious world where we talk and work through issues, that isn't the world being created today is it?

so while i view this as a psuedo "party foul", it's like a party foul from the 80s so low in key and so accepted in our culture, who cares anymore?

just do it.
A veto override in the waning days of President Trump's administration would be rather embarrassing.
Oh lord, just stop.

you and so many others never talk the issues, just hate the people.
There isn’t any hate in my post. I simply shared my opinion and for some reason you got you all pissy about it.
because i'm tired of people attacking trump instead of issues. i'd rather talk about Sec 230, merits, should it go, should it go this way, should it be replaced and so on.

far too many people in here (both sides yes) hear a name and have a pavlovs dog reaction and attack the person and totally ignore the actual topic.
Stating a veto override is embarrassing to a president isn’t an attack, it’s stating a fact. I think if President Trump vetos the bill it will get overridden. It’s apart of the topic at hand, even if you would rather discuss other aspects of it.
There isn’t any hate in my post. I simply shared my opinion and for some reason you got you all pissy about it.
I agree with Iceberg

all you care about is does trump win or does he lose?

That’s isn’t true at all, but I’m still not sure why you care what I think either way?
A veto override in the waning days of President Trump's administration would be rather embarrassing.
In no way is it any more embarrassing than every veto ever signed by a Dermocrat.

It's always a bit of an embarrassment to be overridden. A veto override in your lame duck period adds a little more to it in my opinion.
it doesn't. What is embarrassing is wanting to line the pockets of those who support you over helping the American people. Something Pelosi's house has been doing for four years. That is embarrassing.
Just another Trumpyhissyfit. I say let him veto it, and let's see how many Banana Republicans he really has.

What an embarrassment that Bunch is.

You don't even understand the issue, foreigner. Why should big tech be shielded from liability in a bill that provides for defense?

That's just just giving shithead foreigners like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians a "back door" to wage cyber-warfare against the US.

I'm sure glad people like you aren't in charge of protecting and defending this country, we'd be in a world of shit.

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Kinda interesting that the article mentions Section 230 and prints Rump's twats about it --- yet never explains what "Section 230" IS. Wonder why they're trying to keep a lid on it.

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material

Ruh roh. Rumpypants shitting his pants over the prospect that he mightn't have his own megaphone to spout bullshit without it being challenged, so he's gonna throw yet another tantrum from Tiny Desk. WAAAAH.

Hard to believe any sentient human could have ever voted for this shit. And it's not like it wasn't well known from the beginning:

Fucking asshole spoiled little runt who can't handle any kind of contradiction at all about anything. Didn't even have the stones to go to a White House Correspondent's Dinner. Not a single one. First Resident since I think Coolidge. Good riddance to this asshole motherfucker and his contempt for the Constitution, fuck him and fuck him again. Let him wallow in LOSER misery for the rest of his worthless life, and I hope it hurts. A LOT. Get the FUCK out of the people's house, LOSER. :fu:

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Kinda interesting that the article mentions Section 230 and prints Rump's twats about it --- yet never explains what "Section 230" IS. Wonder why they're trying to keep a lid on it.

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material

Ruh roh. Rumpypants shitting his pants over the prospect that he mightn't have his own megaphone to spout bullshit without it being challenged, so he's gonna throw yet another tantrum from Tiny Desk. WAAAAH.

Hard to believe any sentient human could have ever voted for this shit. And it's not like it wasn't well known from the beginning:

Fucking asshole spoiled little runt who can't handle any kind of contradiction at all about anything. Didn't even have the stones to go to a White House Correspondent's Dinner. Not a single one. First Resident since I think Coolidge. Good riddance to this asshole motherfucker and his contempt for the Constitution, fuck him and fuck him again. Let him wallow in LOSER misery for the rest of his worthless life, and I hope it hurts. A LOT. Get the FUCK out of the people's house, LOSER. :fu:

like i said - people come in and can't talk the issue, they must attack trump.
Just another Trumpyhissyfit. I say let him veto it, and let's see how many Banana Republicans he really has.

What an embarrassment that Bunch is.

You don't even understand the issue, foreigner. Why should big tech be shielded from liability in a bill that provides for defense?

That's just just giving shithead foreigners like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians a "back door" to wage cyber-warfare against the US.

I'm sure glad people like you aren't in charge of protecting and defending this country, we'd be in a world of shit.
you mean we're not today???

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Kinda interesting that the article mentions Section 230 and prints Rump's twats about it --- yet never explains what "Section 230" IS. Wonder why they're trying to keep a lid on it.

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material

Ruh roh. Rumpypants shitting his pants over the prospect that he mightn't have his own megaphone to spout bullshit without it being challenged, so he's gonna throw yet another tantrum from Tiny Desk. WAAAAH.

Hard to believe any sentient human could have ever voted for this shit. And it's not like it wasn't well known from the beginning:

Fucking asshole spoiled little runt who can't handle any kind of contradiction at all about anything. Didn't even have the stones to go to a White House Correspondent's Dinner. Not a single one. First Resident since I think Coolidge. Good riddance to this asshole motherfucker and his contempt for the Constitution, fuck him and fuck him again. Let him wallow in LOSER misery for the rest of his worthless life, and I hope it hurts. A LOT. Get the FUCK out of the people's house, LOSER. :fu:


not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Kinda interesting that the article mentions Section 230 and prints Rump's twats about it --- yet never explains what "Section 230" IS. Wonder why they're trying to keep a lid on it.

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material

Ruh roh. Rumpypants shitting his pants over the prospect that he mightn't have his own megaphone to spout bullshit without it being challenged, so he's gonna throw yet another tantrum from Tiny Desk. WAAAAH.

Hard to believe any sentient human could have ever voted for this shit. And it's not like it wasn't well known from the beginning:

Fucking asshole spoiled little runt who can't handle any kind of contradiction at all about anything. Didn't even have the stones to go to a White House Correspondent's Dinner. Not a single one. First Resident since I think Coolidge. Good riddance to this asshole motherfucker and his contempt for the Constitution, fuck him and fuck him again. Let him wallow in LOSER misery for the rest of his worthless life, and I hope it hurts. A LOT. Get the FUCK out of the people's house, LOSER. :fu:

like i said - people come in and can't talk the issue, they must attack trump.

What's your topic here Smelly? What's the frickin' FIRST WORD IN YOUR TITLE???

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Kinda interesting that the article mentions Section 230 and prints Rump's twats about it --- yet never explains what "Section 230" IS. Wonder why they're trying to keep a lid on it.

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material

Ruh roh. Rumpypants shitting his pants over the prospect that he mightn't have his own megaphone to spout bullshit without it being challenged, so he's gonna throw yet another tantrum from Tiny Desk. WAAAAH.

Hard to believe any sentient human could have ever voted for this shit. And it's not like it wasn't well known from the beginning:

Fucking asshole spoiled little runt who can't handle any kind of contradiction at all about anything. Didn't even have the stones to go to a White House Correspondent's Dinner. Not a single one. First Resident since I think Coolidge. Good riddance to this asshole motherfucker and his contempt for the Constitution, fuck him and fuck him again. Let him wallow in LOSER misery for the rest of his worthless life, and I hope it hurts. A LOT. Get the FUCK out of the people's house, LOSER. :fu:

like i said - people come in and can't talk the issue, they must attack trump.

What's your topic here Smelly? What's the frickin' FIRST WORD IN YOUR TITLE???

and here we go with the personal attacks now at me.

that comes in next when you ask them to talk issues, not people.

so if "Biden wants to allow mass immigration" is a story, we can trash biden and ignore the actual topic?
Do we want USMB indicted every time a poster says we should rebel? ... every time a poster claims election fraud? ... every time a poster claims white privilege? ...

USMB will quickly cease to exist ...

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Kinda interesting that the article mentions Section 230 and prints Rump's twats about it --- yet never explains what "Section 230" IS. Wonder why they're trying to keep a lid on it.

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material

Ruh roh. Rumpypants shitting his pants over the prospect that he mightn't have his own megaphone to spout bullshit without it being challenged, so he's gonna throw yet another tantrum from Tiny Desk. WAAAAH.

Hard to believe any sentient human could have ever voted for this shit. And it's not like it wasn't well known from the beginning:

Fucking asshole spoiled little runt who can't handle any kind of contradiction at all about anything. Didn't even have the stones to go to a White House Correspondent's Dinner. Not a single one. First Resident since I think Coolidge. Good riddance to this asshole motherfucker and his contempt for the Constitution, fuck him and fuck him again. Let him wallow in LOSER misery for the rest of his worthless life, and I hope it hurts. A LOT. Get the FUCK out of the people's house, LOSER. :fu:

like i said - people come in and can't talk the issue, they must attack trump.

What's your topic here Smelly? What's the frickin' FIRST WORD IN YOUR TITLE???

and here we go with the personal attacks now at me.

that comes in next when you ask them to talk issues, not people.

so if "Biden wants to allow mass immigration" is a story, we can trash biden and ignore the actual topic?

Three lines separated by carriage break --- and no answer.

It's kind of an open-book test. All you have to do is scroll up and read your own title.
Just another Trumpyhissyfit. I say let him veto it, and let's see how many Banana Republicans he really has.

What an embarrassment that Bunch is.

You don't even understand the issue, foreigner. Why should big tech be shielded from liability in a bill that provides for defense?

That's just just giving shithead foreigners like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians a "back door" to wage cyber-warfare against the US.

I'm sure glad people like you aren't in charge of protecting and defending this country, we'd be in a world of shit.

Sure thing Zippy, Trumpybear had another Hissyfit and wants to sue twitter for the things Americans are saying about his worthless ass.....

He's such an Angry Trumpybear.

I'm gonna miss him when he's gone.
people say you have options. really? name an option that has anywhere near the clout as twitter, facebook and google (anderoid, youtube, search engine) all of these have sworn to not let an R win again, or at least Trump.
That’s the thing. This isn’t about free speech. You want to speak online? It’s trivially easy. But a domain for $7. Rent a host server. Put your speech up on the internet.

What you are actually demanding isn’t speech, it’s an audience. The only reason people demand to post on Twitter is that they want to reach the other users.
Right or wrong, s230 does NOT belong in a Defense spending bill.

That's bull crap Swamp creature shenanigans.... that neither side should do.... It's crooked to slip it in a must pass Defense bill...

argue the merits for or against 230, on the floor, and vote on the removal or on the keeping of it.
Right or wrong, s230 does NOT belong in a Defense spending bill.

That's bull crap Swamp creature shenanigans.... that neither side should do.... It's crooked to slip it in a must pass Defense bill...

argue the merits for or against 230, on the floor, and vote on the removal or on the keeping of it.
see - we agree on ONE point that it needs to be it's own bill.

HOWEVER - i didn't hear you bitch when trump tried to get a covid relief bill out and the left was stocking it full of their crap which kept killing it.

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