Trump told McGhan to do crazy .... about the Mueller investigation

If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.
Then clearly you don't know what obstruction of justice is.
Obstruction of justice Explain by way of definition, how Trump never did any of the things the definition describes. Because I can.
We know there was no obstruction of justice because Barr and Rosenstein reviewed Mueller's report and both found there were no grounds for obstruction of justice and Mueller has not disagreed with them on this point. You have to try harder to distinguish between wanting to see evidence of a crime and actually seeing evidence of a crime.
Barr wrote a seventeen page report before the Mueller investigation was complete that a sitting president could not obstruct. That is an opinion that the president is above the law. No one under the Constitution is above the law. And anyone with basic knowledge of the law knows this, proving that Bill Barr is not qualified and should have been recused.

And by the way, why did you ignore my question by not answering it? Is it because you can't? By definition of obstruction of justice Trump repeatedly obstructed. You failed to counter my argument.

Oh, and Rosentein! Rosenstein dropped the ball when he wrote the false letter of termination of Comey, when he included the reason for firing, was over the Clinton email false scandal, then Trump admitted that it was over Russia. Rosenstein is a material witness to a crime Trump committed. For Rosenstein to give us an opinion on obstruction is laughable on its face. And for you to give Barr and Rosenstein credibility on these fronts just shows how dishonest and ignorant of the law you are.
Barr wrote a very logical legal argument about why a President can't be accused of obstructing justice by closing an investigation if that investigation had no legitimate basis, which is certainly true of Comey's investigation and Mueller's also. If there is no legitimate basis for believing a crime has been committed then that investigation constitutes harassment, not a search for justice. These are not cases where the President believed he was above the law but where the investigators believed they were above the law.

I know you don't want to believe Barr or Rosenstein, but apparently you don't trust Mueller either since he has not disagreed with the conclusion Barr and Rosenstein reached that the President did not obstruct justice.
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If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Translation: I can't make a cogent reply to your statement, that is why I decided to make a childish personal attack on you, to save my face.

The reality is that Mueller was not removed, you that stupid?
Motive asshole, motive! What do you think obstruction is? Look up the statute for yourself. Crimes attempted or completed, are still crimes.


I see that Crepitus shares your ignorance, since the President at any time could have fired Mueller, it is even legal to do it, but he have to have sufficient cause to justify it.

The fact remains, no firings, gave up the documents as requested, told his people to cooperate with the investigation, didn't release classified documents, and more. Mueller always got the money from Trump administration to run the investigation, who then indicted some of Trumps people, they go to jail, without Trump interfering with it.

Here we are today, we have a report where in a series of DECLINATIONS, Mueller says no Russian election/Trump conspiracy was found. He punted on the obstruction charge (in violation of his office rules) thus forcing AD Barr, Deputy AG Rosenstein and a few DOJ lawyers to make a determination based on the Mueller report, in the end ruled NO Obstruction took place.

Mueller never posted a "prosecution or declination decision" on the Obstruction question, as REQUIRED by law in the report that was sent to AG Barr. He did that because he knows there are millions of leftist airheads in America who will fall for the Barr is guilty for bailing out Trump pap, when it was actually Mueller's job to make that decision, it was a political calculus, one you are completely unaware of.

Mueller and his leftists thus wrote this stupid punting to AG Barr crap:

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Which is a VIOLATION to the Special Counsel rule that HE make the legal determination, from Cornell Law:

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel. "


red bolding mine

He never made the REQUIRED decision.

The Mueller report is not the work of real prosecutors. It is the work of political operatives.

It is all over, case is closed, you need to let it go...…………...
It is not a violation, because Mueller was never authorized to prosecute. He was put in there to establish facts. Which he did. And there was obstruction coming from everywhere in the report. He also established proof of collusion. The conspiracy part was never proven because they didn't have a formal agreement between Putin and Trump. Again, Mueller had no authority to prosecute. It's up to Congress to decide obstruction, and the report tells us that was Mueller's intentions.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.
Then clearly you don't know what obstruction of justice is.
Obstruction of justice Explain by way of definition, how Trump never did any of the things the definition describes. Because I can.
We know there was no obstruction of justice because Barr and Rosenstein reviewed Mueller's report and both found there were no grounds for obstruction of justice and Mueller has not disagreed with them on this point. You have to try harder to distinguish between wanting to see evidence of a crime and actually seeing evidence of a crime.
Barr wrote a seventeen page report before the Mueller investigation was complete that a sitting president could not obstruct. That is an opinion that the president is above the law. No one under the Constitution is above the law. And anyone with basic knowledge of the law knows this, proving that Bill Barr is not qualified and should have been recused.

And by the way, why did you ignore my question by not answering it? Is it because you can't? By definition of obstruction of justice Trump repeatedly obstructed. You failed to counter my argument.

Oh, and Rosentein! Rosenstein dropped the ball when he wrote the false letter of termination of Comey, when he included the reason for firing, was over the Clinton email false scandal, then Trump admitted that it was over Russia. Rosenstein is a material witness to a crime Trump committed. For Rosenstein to give us an opinion on obstruction is laughable on its face. And for you to give Barr and Rosenstein credibility on these fronts just shows how dishonest and ignorant of the law you are.
Barr wrote a very logical legal argument about why a President
What's legal and logical about it? Show us the legal precedent why or how a sitting president cannot obstruct?
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Your diaper needs changing. Seriously.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Translation: I can't make a cogent reply to your statement, that is why I decided to make a childish personal attack on you, to save my face.

The reality is that Mueller was not removed, you that stupid?
Motive asshole, motive! What do you think obstruction is? Look up the statute for yourself. Crimes attempted or completed, are still crimes.
It is not a crime to fire Mueller, jackass.
Let's hope the Republicans have the spine to follow through.
Seeing how democrats aren’t smart enough to stop digging themselves the hole they started, it should be an easy win for Trump in 2020.

I also think the investigations into what the obama admin did will kill any chances of them being trusted.
Let's see now, no evidence of Obama with wrongdoing. Are you people feeling okay?

Can you actually be this dumb?????

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."

"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"
When the Right escapes to Hillary or Obama, you know they are losing.

Did you say 'losing'?????

Heard about the Mueller Report, dope?
Lol! Yea, and it proves obstruction.
There is a mountain of evidence against these goons, and obstruction and collusion have already been proven.
It does not matter how many times you repeat this lie, it remains a lie.
If it were, you would have proven it a lie. You didn't. You lose.

No. If collusion and obstruction were proven, Trump would have been indicted. Your failed wet dream is a failed wet dream. Change your sheets and move on.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Your diaper needs changing. Seriously.
After the Mueller report proved obstruction, have you seen Trump's dumps in his diapers? We know he has.
There is a mountain of evidence against these goons, and obstruction and collusion have already been proven.
It does not matter how many times you repeat this lie, it remains a lie.
If it were, you would have proven it a lie. You didn't. You lose.

No. If collusion and obstruction were proven, Trump would have been indicted. Your failed wet dream is a failed wet dream. Change your sheets and move on.
Not according to the rules. You are wrong. He can be impeached and indicted, or indicted after leaving office.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Your diaper needs changing. Seriously.
After the Mueller report proved obstruction, have you seen Trump's dumps in his diapers? We know he has.

No, it didn't. The Mueller Report Volume II is an Epic Moonbat Whingefest, fully equipped with Rage and Fury, but in the end...signifying NOTHING. The "does not exonerate" is political pablum for the Dem Base. It's the sugar to go with the medicine, but it has no nutritional value.
There is a mountain of evidence against these goons, and obstruction and collusion have already been proven.
It does not matter how many times you repeat this lie, it remains a lie.
If it were, you would have proven it a lie. You didn't. You lose.

No. If collusion and obstruction were proven, Trump would have been indicted. Your failed wet dream is a failed wet dream. Change your sheets and move on.
Not according to the rules. You are wrong. He can be impeached and indicted, or indicted after leaving office.

Yeah. Good luck with that.

I have some shares for sale - only $50 per share!
Then clearly you don't know what obstruction of justice is.
Obstruction of justice Explain by way of definition, how Trump never did any of the things the definition describes. Because I can.
We know there was no obstruction of justice because Barr and Rosenstein reviewed Mueller's report and both found there were no grounds for obstruction of justice and Mueller has not disagreed with them on this point. You have to try harder to distinguish between wanting to see evidence of a crime and actually seeing evidence of a crime.
Barr wrote a seventeen page report before the Mueller investigation was complete that a sitting president could not obstruct. That is an opinion that the president is above the law. No one under the Constitution is above the law. And anyone with basic knowledge of the law knows this, proving that Bill Barr is not qualified and should have been recused.

And by the way, why did you ignore my question by not answering it? Is it because you can't? By definition of obstruction of justice Trump repeatedly obstructed. You failed to counter my argument.

Oh, and Rosentein! Rosenstein dropped the ball when he wrote the false letter of termination of Comey, when he included the reason for firing, was over the Clinton email false scandal, then Trump admitted that it was over Russia. Rosenstein is a material witness to a crime Trump committed. For Rosenstein to give us an opinion on obstruction is laughable on its face. And for you to give Barr and Rosenstein credibility on these fronts just shows how dishonest and ignorant of the law you are.
Barr wrote a very logical legal argument about why a President
What's legal and logical about it? Show us the legal precedent why or how a sitting president cannot obstruct?
Again, Barr did not argue that a sitting president can't obstruct justice, he argued that if the investigation was not warranted by the facts, ending it was not obstruction of justice. Neither Comey nor Mueller had evidence that a crime had been committed and so neither investigation had a legitimate basis; therefore closing either of them could not be obstruction. If the FBI opened an investigation into your activities and began interrogating your friends and family and demanding all your personal and business records, you could go to a judge and the FBI would either have to show a legitimate basis for the investigation or shut it down. The judge would not be obstruction justice and neither was Trump when he fired Comey or opposed Mueller's investigation.
I can’t wait for the other reports to come out. Hopefully, they will explain more fully the set up.
Obstruction of justice Explain by way of definition, how Trump never did any of the things the definition describes. Because I can.
We know there was no obstruction of justice because Barr and Rosenstein reviewed Mueller's report and both found there were no grounds for obstruction of justice and Mueller has not disagreed with them on this point. You have to try harder to distinguish between wanting to see evidence of a crime and actually seeing evidence of a crime.
Barr wrote a seventeen page report before the Mueller investigation was complete that a sitting president could not obstruct. That is an opinion that the president is above the law. No one under the Constitution is above the law. And anyone with basic knowledge of the law knows this, proving that Bill Barr is not qualified and should have been recused.

And by the way, why did you ignore my question by not answering it? Is it because you can't? By definition of obstruction of justice Trump repeatedly obstructed. You failed to counter my argument.

Oh, and Rosentein! Rosenstein dropped the ball when he wrote the false letter of termination of Comey, when he included the reason for firing, was over the Clinton email false scandal, then Trump admitted that it was over Russia. Rosenstein is a material witness to a crime Trump committed. For Rosenstein to give us an opinion on obstruction is laughable on its face. And for you to give Barr and Rosenstein credibility on these fronts just shows how dishonest and ignorant of the law you are.
Barr wrote a very logical legal argument about why a President
What's legal and logical about it? Show us the legal precedent why or how a sitting president cannot obstruct?
Again, Barr did not argue that a sitting president can't obstruct justice, he argued that if the investigation was not warranted by the facts, ending it was not obstruction of justice. Neither Comey nor Mueller had evidence that a crime had been committed and so neither investigation had a legitimate basis; therefore closing either of them could not be obstruction. If the FBI opened an investigation into your activities and began interrogating your friends and family and demanding all your personal and business records, you could go to a judge and the FBI would either have to show a legitimate basis for the investigation or shut it down. The judge would not be obstruction justice and neither was Trump when he fired Comey or opposed Mueller's investigation.
Definitely the most vetted. No president has had more of his life urned over than President Trump.

People have grown tired of Trump, his administration, and all the goons who voted for him as all his crimes have been exposed. THE BS ENDS TODAY.
Lol, the only thing people are getting tired of your constant crying daily on here. Even though it can be entertaining. After this investigation proved Trump is probably the cleanest president we have ever had. This investigation also made Trump president till 2024. Thanks!

If he's so transparent and vetted, why won't he release his tax returns? Every other person who has run for the presidency in the modern age has done so.

By the way..................remember how Trump kept screaming for Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts? Why is it that Trump is blocking all of his college transcripts from being seen?
I'm sure Muller saw them, if he broke tax law. I'm sure he would've prosecuted him for it. Trump has to be the most investigated president in history.
Mueller can't prosecute. Didn't you know that?
He certainly can show the evidence, he didn't. Because there was none.
It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Translation: I can't make a cogent reply to your statement, that is why I decided to make a childish personal attack on you, to save my face.

The reality is that Mueller was not removed, you that stupid?
Motive asshole, motive! What do you think obstruction is? Look up the statute for yourself. Crimes attempted or completed, are still crimes.
It is not a crime to fire Mueller, jackass.
Seeing how democrats aren’t smart enough to stop digging themselves the hole they started, it should be an easy win for Trump in 2020.

I also think the investigations into what the obama admin did will kill any chances of them being trusted.
Let's see now, no evidence of Obama with wrongdoing. Are you people feeling okay?

Can you actually be this dumb?????

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."

"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"
When the Right escapes to Hillary or Obama, you know they are losing.

Did you say 'losing'?????

Heard about the Mueller Report, dope?
Lol! Yea, and it proves obstruction.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Your diaper needs changing. Seriously.
After the Mueller report proved obstruction, have you seen Trump's dumps in his diapers? We know he has.

No, it didn't. The Mueller Report Volume II is an Epic Moonbat Whingefest, fully equipped with Rage and Fury, but in the end...signifying NOTHING. The "does not exonerate" is political pablum for the Dem Base. It's the sugar to go with the medicine, but it has no nutritional value.
"Epic moonbat wingfest" has a nice distractive touch, but it doesn't change the Mueller report nor its contents. Keep trying.
Definitely the most vetted. No president has had more of his life urned over than President Trump.

Lol, the only thing people are getting tired of your constant crying daily on here. Even though it can be entertaining. After this investigation proved Trump is probably the cleanest president we have ever had. This investigation also made Trump president till 2024. Thanks!

If he's so transparent and vetted, why won't he release his tax returns? Every other person who has run for the presidency in the modern age has done so.

By the way..................remember how Trump kept screaming for Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts? Why is it that Trump is blocking all of his college transcripts from being seen?
I'm sure Muller saw them, if he broke tax law. I'm sure he would've prosecuted him for it. Trump has to be the most investigated president in history.
Mueller can't prosecute. Didn't you know that?
He certainly can show the evidence, he didn't. Because there was none.
Nice counter argument that says absolutely nothing. Try again. Lol! These losers from the Right wish they had an argument to play with.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.
Then clearly you don't know what obstruction of justice is.
Obstruction of justice Explain by way of definition, how Trump never did any of the things the definition describes. Because I can.
We know there was no obstruction of justice because Barr and Rosenstein reviewed Mueller's report and both found there were no grounds for obstruction of justice and Mueller has not disagreed with them on this point. You have to try harder to distinguish between wanting to see evidence of a crime and actually seeing evidence of a crime.
Barr wrote a seventeen page report before the Mueller investigation was complete that a sitting president could not obstruct. That is an opinion that the president is above the law. No one under the Constitution is above the law. And anyone with basic knowledge of the law knows this, proving that Bill Barr is not qualified and should have been recused.

And by the way, why did you ignore my question by not answering it? Is it because you can't? By definition of obstruction of justice Trump repeatedly obstructed. You failed to counter my argument.

Oh, and Rosentein! Rosenstein dropped the ball when he wrote the false letter of termination of Comey, when he included the reason for firing, was over the Clinton email false scandal, then Trump admitted that it was over Russia. Rosenstein is a material witness to a crime Trump committed. For Rosenstein to give us an opinion on obstruction is laughable on its face. And for you to give Barr and Rosenstein credibility on these fronts just shows how dishonest and ignorant of the law you are.
Barr wrote a very logical legal argument about why a President can't be accused of obstructing justice by closing an investigation if that investigation had no legitimate basis, which is certainly true of Comey's investigation and Mueller's also. If there is no legitimate basis for believing a crime has been committed then that investigation constitutes harassment, not a search for justice. These are not cases where the President believed he was above the law but where the investigators believed they were above the law.

I know you don't want to believe Barr or Rosenstein, but apparently you don't trust Mueller either since he has not disagreed with the conclusion Barr and Rosenstein reached that the President did not obstruct justice.
No, that isn't what Barr wrote. Barr wrote an opinion of his own that a president could not obstruct, "period." There exists no "legal argument" in law that a president cannot obstruct. If that were true, he and you would have dictated that legal documentation from a written law text. Neither of you have done so. Which makes you and Barr FOS.

And the fact that you totally got it wrong about Mueller agreeing with Rosenstein and Barr isn't going to help you either. Why do you people lie all the time? Do you not see how obvious you are? Mueller never agreed with Rosenstein and Barr, nor did Mueller leave the decision making upm to Barr or Rosenstein. There is nothing in the report telling us that. You show up to this forum to lie. Why?
It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Translation: I can't make a cogent reply to your statement, that is why I decided to make a childish personal attack on you, to save my face.

The reality is that Mueller was not removed, you that stupid?
Motive asshole, motive! What do you think obstruction is? Look up the statute for yourself. Crimes attempted or completed, are still crimes.
It is not a crime to fire Mueller, jackass.
Seeing how democrats aren’t smart enough to stop digging themselves the hole they started, it should be an easy win for Trump in 2020.

I also think the investigations into what the obama admin did will kill any chances of them being trusted.
Let's see now, no evidence of Obama with wrongdoing. Are you people feeling okay?

Can you actually be this dumb?????

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."

"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"
When the Right escapes to Hillary or Obama, you know they are losing.

Did you say 'losing'?????

Heard about the Mueller Report, dope?
Lol! Yea, and it proves obstruction.

Soooo.....why didn't Mueller claim so, Einstein?
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

It can only be an obstruction, if something was actually obstructed. He we have a claim that Trump asked McGhan to remove Mueller, he refused, thus nothing happened. No obstruction occurred, that is the reality you ignore.
There are too many Trump apologists on this board who can no longer carry any kind of defense for this criminal. The gig is up. Trump has been had. No more bs.

Your diaper needs changing. Seriously.
After the Mueller report proved obstruction, have you seen Trump's dumps in his diapers? We know he has.

"After the Mueller report proved obstruction..."

Can you quote that part?


Why not?

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