Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

that includes your opinion.
Which opinion is that? Could you be more specific? I am not the on ruling out that something happened, I find it possible that they got nothing from the meeting, and possible that they did. BY the way, you agree with me.
Great, then I didn't originally misspeak, as you stated. Glad you came to your senses
that includes your opinion.
Which opinion is that? Could you be more specific? I am not the on ruling out that something happened, I find it possible that they got nothing from the meeting, and possible that they did. BY the way, you agree with me.

Meeting to acquire opposition research is not / was not illegal. Aside from that fact, you got him this time.

Great, then I didn't originally misspeak, as you stated.
Actually, that would mean you did. You first denied the existence of "collusion", then stated it as possible, thereby agreeing with me...
I deny collusion until the facts say otherwise. Seriously, are you this inept at the English language?
Yes, if I murder you to get evidence on Hillary, murder is still a crime.
No, you must be high again. Pay attention: If you give me a ride somewhere, that is not illegal. If you do it to cover up a murder and drive the getaway car, it is illegal.

Yes, if there were actually a crime involved in meeting a Russian and getting no evidence on Hillary, you might have a point.

There is an actual crime and it’s called “Conspiracy against the United States”. If you intend to do something illegal, and it falls through for whatever reason, you’ve still conspired to commit the crime.

Lying about it afterward and attempting to cover it up, even though it fell through, is still obstruction of justice.

This then begs the questions: If it wasn’t illegal, and nothing happened anyway, why all of the lies? Why the coverup?

If all this stuff is so innocent and above board and nothing burgers, why all of the lies, the cover ups and the deflections over the past year?
I'm amazed at the difference in reporting between Fox and other networks.

For instance, we all know that Trump dictated an explanation about what this meeting was for, for son Donald to pass on to congress. But Fox never mentions that. Not sure why.

And they insist that getting aid from an adversarial foreign government in a US election is not illegal which of course is.

That's an awful lot of omission.
So they lied to the FISA court. They never verified any of the dossier claims.
Says who? You? Some of the claims were already verified, before they even saw the dossier, regarding russian efforts and russian agents and contacts.

Dude, seriously. You should probably just give it up. This defense is over.

Says who? You?

Says James Comey, in front of Congress, under oath.


When Comey said that, the Bureau had only had the Dossier for a short time and hadn’t had time to verify much of the information in it. Since that time much of the Dossier has been verified. And perhaps even more importantly: nothing contained in the Dossier has been proven to be false.
I'm amazed at the difference in reporting between Fox and other networks.

For instance, we all know that Trump dictated an explanation about what this meeting was for, for son Donald to pass on to congress. But Fox never mentions that. Not sure why.

And they insist that getting aid from an adversarial foreign government in a US election is not illegal which of course is.

That's an awful lot of omission.
Straight from the Law Offices of Deano and Associates Esq
Why would I have the evidence? I am not Bob Mueller. What bizarre thing to say.
Mueller has no evidence of illegal collusion.

Mueller has no evidence of a crime involving Trump.

If he did he would not be attempting to prosecute a 12+ year old case that has nothing to do with Trump or BS claims of collusion.

Mueller has no evidence of a crime regarding this meeting because NOTHING ABOUT IT WAS EVER A CRIME.

YET, the liberal pied pipers spun all the emotionally gullible snowflakes up...for nothing.
I get it now......sorry I wasted my time with your drivel. carry on
But, your whining doesn't matter that I, personally, possess no hard evidence that they got info in that meeting, in order to believe it possible.

So, what easyt said was absurd.
And they insist that getting aid from an adversarial foreign government in a US election is not illegal which of course is.

You're a lying idiot.

In 2014 the Russians began their interference...Barry knew and did nothing.

The Russians:

- Attempted to hack the US Power grid. NO IMPACT ON THE 2016 ELECTION.

- Used social media to CON SNOWFLAKES into organizing and marching for them. NO IMPACT ON THE 2016 ELECTION.

- Paid willing liberal groups to spread racial division and violence in the US. NO IMPACT ON THE 2016 ELECTION.

- Were 1 of 6 foreign entities who accessed Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all crimes) server with TOP SECRET+ data on it....meaning HILLARY CLINTON COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY.

- Released hacked information from the servers of Hillary Clinton and the DNC. This information showed that Hillary Clinton and the DNC did exactly what Democrats/snowflakes are claiming Trump tried to do - affect the 2016 election.
--- Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated Election Laws, violated Campaign Finance Laws....

One could argue that a service was done for the country, exposing Hillary's crimes.

This was embarrassing as hell for Hillary & the DNC. Impact on the 2016 election?
-- Hillary should have been in jail.
- Bernie's nomination was stolen
- It should have been Bernie Vs Trump (& that's a huge impact)

Meeting to get opposition research is not illegal. No information was passed. No crime was committed. Not one vote was changed during the election as a result of this non-event.

2 crime.
Really? You still think Mueller's going to get Trump on "collusion"...which isn't even illegal?

MORON.....Mueller's job is NOT to "get" Trump........That's up to the spineless congress AFTER the evidence is revealed....

BTW, nitwit.......collusion is a synonym of CONSPIRACY.
What do you call a dossier created by Russians and paid for by Hillary and her DNC nitwits? The intelligence community was kissing Hillary's ass. Licking that hole hard. They did as they were told and leftist trash was waving the pom poms.
Mueller has no evidence of illegal collusion.

Queasy is the coffee boy at the Mueller offices......Queasy knows more than most of us what Mueller has......
Please be kind to Queasy, his bowels can't take much more of this.
When Comey said that, the Bureau had only had the Dossier for a short time and hadn’t had time to verify much of the information in it. Since that time much of the Dossier has been verified. And perhaps even more importantly: nothing contained in the Dossier has been proven to be false.
Nice opinion.

You ignore several key facts:

1. Steele told the FBI he never verified the info. The FBI still used the document to illegally acquire FISA warrants, telling the FISA Judge the information had been confirmed as 10p% true.
-- According to the US IG the FBI broke the law by doing so.

2. CIA Director Brennan briefed members of Congress on the Dossier, lying to them by telling them it was all true / had been verified, which it had not. Later he committed Perjury by testifying he had never done so.... Until the official record was brought forward proving he did.


Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and RUSSIANS to acquire a document consisting of 2nd and 3rd-hand account reports from RUSSIANS...the same Russians who had used social media to con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them...

The Russian Govt was behind some of that information, so Hillary attempted to benefit from Russian / Russian Govt-generated info ... She paid for Russian Govt-generated info....

Accusations continue to be hurled at Trump while liberals attempt to step around / over steaming piles of evidence of Democrat crimes...

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