Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

Mueller has no evidence of illegal collusion.

Queasy is the coffee boy at the Mueller offices......Queasy knows more than most of us what Mueller has......
Please be kind to Queasy, his bowels can't take much more of this.
I point out the Obvious, which escapes you, snowflake.

2 years later and Mueller is struggling to prosecute a 12+ year old case that has nothing to do with the President, illegal collusion, or the 2016 election.

2 years later and snowflakes are screaming over a meeting that was NOT ILLEGAL - never was.

12 Russians gave been indicted by Mueller for 'interference', but he keeps putting the trial off again and again.

You keep bringing up the names of Trump associates who have been indicted but never mention the fact that their indictments have no connection to the President and consists of no evidence of a crime supposedly committed by the President.

You also intentionally refuse to mention the 'witch hunters' who gave been recommended for indictment ... by the US IG, for example. ... like FBI DEPUTY DIRECTOR Andrew McCabe.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
There is no link because there is no collusion. Show us the evidence. You don't have to answer. You or the rest of the radical libs cant either. Its no wonder you're laughed at.

LOL.....Are you the second or third from the left?

View attachment 208899

You can deflect or obfuscate but you still haven't proved nor has mueller of collusion. Trotting out cartoon pictures doesn't advance your case.
Did the Russian government offer trump camp dirt on Hillary, and did Don Jr happily and joyfully accept?

A crime was committed.
Seems accurate

Amazing how spot on Christopher Steele was......!!!!!!

Wonder who the moles were that he mentioned???

Also. the Trump China connection mentioned?
Inevitably, Trump "defenders" will attempt to address the criticism of the [possibly criminal] meeting by Junior, Kushner and Manafort and Russian operatives, with a typical, "what about Clinton paying Steele for a dossier on Trump"???

Objectively, there is some lop-sided "logic" to this divertive defense........BUT, two factors must also be considered:

First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY, versus the attempt to gather opposition research by a country that is a long time ADVERSARY to the U.S.

Second, as we have long learned from the Watergate scandal, the initial wrong-doing PALES in comparison to the attempt to cover up the mistake......Trump has flip-flopped several times in his attempt to covering up the fiasco....directly implicating himself and his family.

Like most ANTI Trump threads on this forum, I expect this one to soon, give it a shot in addressing it before the inevitable.


The cover up is that the Russian lawyer met with Fusion GPS before the meeting with Trumps Son. It was a set up and the proof is that Trumps son walked away with no information. Is there any info available tracing the fact that Trump paid Russians for dirt on Hillary? We do know that Hillary paid for information that came through the Russians right to their boy Steele. If there was something real on Trump we'd have seen it by now
Really? You still think Mueller's going to get Trump on "collusion"...which isn't even illegal?

MORON.....Mueller's job is NOT to "get" Trump........That's up to the spineless congress AFTER the evidence is revealed....

BTW, nitwit.......collusion is a synonym of CONSPIRACY.

Only the truly naive don't realize that Mueller's job has ALWAYS been to "get" Trump! The judge presiding over the trial of Paul Manafort was quite clear HE believed that was what the entire Manafort case was based on and that the Mueller team was lying to him when they claimed otherwise!
First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY

You're allowed to get Russian dirt, as long as it passes thru the hands of a Brit first...…..DERP!

The OP, while correct in his assertions has missed the biggest difference of all: Hillary Clinton never met Christopher Steele or any of his sources and had no idea who provided the information. Hillary didn’t even meet with or hire Fusion GPS.

Neither Steele nor his sources knew who would ultimately receive the information because neither Steele nor his sources ever had any contact with the buyer. The Clinton campaign asked their lawyers to get the opposition research. Their lawyers hired Fusion GPS and Fusion gave the job to Steele.

Junior and other members of the Trump campaign met with people they were told were Russian government officials for the purpose of getting “dirt” on Hillary Clinton and assistance in their election campaign from the Russian government. Soliciting help from a foreign government in a US election campaign, is illegal.

You have to be wilfully blind to equate the Clinton Campaign's purchase of the Steele Dossier o Junior meeting with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Hillary didn’t even meet with or hire Fusion GPS.

If info from foreigners is an "illegal campaign contribution", the Dems got illegal info and Trump Jr didn't.

Neither Steele nor his sources knew who would ultimately receive the information because neither Steele nor his sources ever had any contact with the buyer.

At a certain point, the Obama DOJ was paying him. Steele wasn't aware of that either?
Her campaign did, Podesta’s were in business with Russians and Clinton Foundation took $$$ From Russians and states that support terrorism. Clinton’s are scum.

What does any of what you posted have to do with the Trump Campaign holding secret meetings in Trump Tower with Russian government agents offering to help elect Trump.

As for the Podesta’s work in Russia, what does that have to do with anything? Were the Podesta’s holding secret meetings with Russian government officials and lying about the meetings? Were they hiding millions in off-sgire

Were the Podesta’s hiding millions of dollars in off-shore accounts and not declaring the income? Did they scam banks and other lenders to borrow more money?

Money donated to Clinton Foundation doesn’t go to the Clintons. No member of the Clinton Family receives a salary from the Foundation. Moneys paid by Russia individuals or entities never went to the Clintons. Even speaking fees were paid directly to the Foundation and both the payments and their final disposition were reviewed by the auditors and the IRS.

The FBI also reviewed Clinton Foundation finances, and Judicial Watch filed a pay for play complaint that triggered an investigation. None of these investigations found any irregularities. This is is sharp contrast to the Trump Foundation which has been shut down due to several instances of financial irregularities and illegal fundraising.

The Clintons may be slime but they didn’t sell out their country to Russia and then lie about it. That would be Trump.
Because “secret meetings” never happened dumbass.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Really? You still think Mueller's going to get Trump on "collusion"...which isn't even illegal?

MORON.....Mueller's job is NOT to "get" Trump........That's up to the spineless congress AFTER the evidence is revealed....

BTW, nitwit.......collusion is a synonym of CONSPIRACY.

Only the truly naive don't realize that Mueller's job has ALWAYS been to "get" Trump! The judge presiding over the trial of Paul Manafort was quite clear HE believed that was what the entire Manafort case was based on and that the Mueller team was lying to him when they claimed otherwise!
Thank you. Leftist “assumed” that the follow-up story line to first black President was first woman President. But, because Obama did such a racist shit worthless job as POTUS people wanted something else. Someone who spoke the truth and was not liberal PC bullshit 24 hours a day 7 day’s a week. Donald J. Trump doesn’t play bullshit and does not pull his punches. American people love him for that.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Trump Tower meeting never happened? :rofl: :rofl:

Check yourself in to the Hotel California boy!!! :cuckoo:

The only one who usurped Democracy is TRUMP and ilk like you who are blinded by darkness.... :eek:
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Trump Tower meeting never happened? :rofl: :rofl:

Check yourself in to the Hotel California boy!!! :cuckoo:

The only one who usurped Democracy is TRUMP and ilk like you who are blinded by darkness.... :eek:
:21: Luv ya Care 4 All. Think I already been to Hotel California when I lived there. 1990’s was a whole bunch of fun...but then I had to check out. Hey...come on...there was no nefarious Russian plot that caused Hillary defeat in 2016. People are just sick and tired of liberal bullshit.
Inevitably, Trump "defenders" will attempt to address the criticism of the [possibly criminal] meeting by Junior, Kushner and Manafort and Russian operatives, with a typical, "what about Clinton paying Steele for a dossier on Trump"???

Objectively, there is some lop-sided "logic" to this divertive defense........BUT, two factors must also be considered:

First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY, versus the attempt to gather opposition research by a country that is a long time ADVERSARY to the U.S.

Second, as we have long learned from the Watergate scandal, the initial wrong-doing PALES in comparison to the attempt to cover up the mistake......Trump has flip-flopped several times in his attempt to covering up the fiasco....directly implicating himself and his family.

Like most ANTI Trump threads on this forum, I expect this one to soon, give it a shot in addressing it before the inevitable.


The cover up is that the Russian lawyer met with Fusion GPS before the meeting with Trumps Son. It was a set up and the proof is that Trumps son walked away with no information. Is there any info available tracing the fact that Trump paid Russians for dirt on Hillary? We do know that Hillary paid for information that came through the Russians right to their boy Steele. If there was something real on Trump we'd have seen it by now

No one needs to pay them for info to break the law... just simply taking the Russian election help, breaks the law...
Amazing how spot on Christopher Steele was......!!!!!!

Steele said he had no clue if anything in the Dossier was valid because it was 2nd and 3rd-hand info from the Russians. He got paid - that's all he was sure about.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Trump Tower meeting never happened? :rofl: :rofl:

Check yourself in to the Hotel California boy!!! :cuckoo:

The only one who usurped Democracy is TRUMP and ilk like you who are blinded by darkness.... :eek:
:21: Luv ya Care 4 All. Think I already been to Hotel California when I lived there. 1990’s was a whole bunch of fun...but then I had to check out. Hey...come on...there was no nefarious Russian plot that caused Hillary defeat in 2016. People are just sick and tired of liberal bullshit.
Love that song!

No one is looking in to whether it changed results, it was illegal, regardless!
No one is looking in to whether it changed results, it was illegal, regardless!
You're a warped, broken record, snowflake.

Nothing TRUMP has done is illegal, as opposed to Hillary, Obama, Brennan, Clapped, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Strzok, Rosenstein, and Mueller.

No evidence. No crime.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Trump Tower meeting never happened? :rofl: :rofl:

Check yourself in to the Hotel California boy!!! :cuckoo:

The only one who usurped Democracy is TRUMP and ilk like you who are blinded by darkness.... :eek:

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Care!

Candidate Trump took a meeting with someone who promised "dirt" on Hillary Clinton...a meeting that immediately fizzled out when it became obvious that person didn't have anything on Clinton but wanted to pitch Trump on something else. That's it...that's the sum total of the "Trump Tower meeting"!

Candidate Clinton on the other hand paid huge sums of money to a British ex secret agent for hire to compile a series of "dossiers" allegedly obtained from Russians inside of the Kremlin and then leak those dossiers to the main stream media right before the election as an eleventh hour smear job on her opponent...all the while hiding what she did behind a law firm "cut out" so the public wouldn't know she was behind this sleazy political hatchet job until after the election if ever!

The Obama Administration then took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Clinton to smear Trump and used them to obtain warrants to wire tap people associated with the Trump campaign...and did so not once but three times!

But you think it was TRUMP that "usurped" Democracy? That's some funny shit! The truth is...Trump won despite Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "usurping" Democracy! You just don't want to admit the obvious.
It was used for months to spy on the Trump campaign. Are you fucking retarded?

Steele FINISHED his dossier in mid-October 2016......
When was the election date, again, nitwit?

Blondie is a Nunes equal ass kisser.
The Trump campaign was heavily involved with Russian agents. The FBI investigating a crime is not spying
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?


You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Trump Tower meeting never happened? :rofl: :rofl:

Check yourself in to the Hotel California boy!!! :cuckoo:

The only one who usurped Democracy is TRUMP and ilk like you who are blinded by darkness.... :eek:

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Care!

Candidate Trump took a meeting with someone who promised "dirt" on Hillary Clinton...a meeting that immediately fizzled out when it became obvious that person didn't have anything on Clinton but wanted to pitch Trump on something else. That's it...that's the sum total of the "Trump Tower meeting"!

Candidate Clinton on the other hand paid huge sums of money to a British ex secret agent for hire to compile a series of "dossiers" allegedly obtained from Russians inside of the Kremlin and then leak those dossiers to the main stream media right before the election as an eleventh hour smear job on her opponent...all the while hiding what she did behind a law firm "cut out" so the public wouldn't know she was behind this sleazy political hatchet job until after the election if ever!

The Obama Administration then took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Clinton to smear Trump and used them to obtain warrants to wire tap people associated with the Trump campaign...and did so not once but three times!

But you think it was TRUMP that "usurped" Democracy? That's some funny shit! The truth is...Trump won despite Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "usurping" Democracy! You just don't want to admit the obvious.
We don’t know what went on at the Trump Tower meeting. Trump has never given an honest assessment of what went on
Did the $145 million Hillary got for approving the uranium deal "of value?"

These Trump ass kissers are getting DESPERATE in their moronic deflections....

ONE MORE fucking time

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, PRIOR to its sale to Rosatom.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...

If we flipped parties, you'd suddenly get what a pile of crap that is

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