Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

Yes, adding a personal insult is SURE to make me more willing and compliant.

Please show a little mercy toward these trump cultists.....They're going through a difficult
You are breaking the board rules by your efforts to hijack this thread on the Trump tower meeting.

Knock it off......!!!!
Trump Tower meeting never happened. You lost in 2016. Get over it and stop trying to usurp democracy.
Trump Tower meeting never happened? :rofl: :rofl:

Check yourself in to the Hotel California boy!!! :cuckoo:

The only one who usurped Democracy is TRUMP and ilk like you who are blinded by darkness.... :eek:

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Care!

Candidate Trump took a meeting with someone who promised "dirt" on Hillary Clinton...a meeting that immediately fizzled out when it became obvious that person didn't have anything on Clinton but wanted to pitch Trump on something else. That's it...that's the sum total of the "Trump Tower meeting"!

Candidate Clinton on the other hand paid huge sums of money to a British ex secret agent for hire to compile a series of "dossiers" allegedly obtained from Russians inside of the Kremlin and then leak those dossiers to the main stream media right before the election as an eleventh hour smear job on her opponent...all the while hiding what she did behind a law firm "cut out" so the public wouldn't know she was behind this sleazy political hatchet job until after the election if ever!

The Obama Administration then took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Clinton to smear Trump and used them to obtain warrants to wire tap people associated with the Trump campaign...and did so not once but three times!

But you think it was TRUMP that "usurped" Democracy? That's some funny shit! The truth is...Trump won despite Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "usurping" Democracy! You just don't want to admit the obvious.
We donā€™t know what went on at the Trump Tower meeting. Trump has never given an honest assessment of what went on
Let me fill in the blanks...ā€nothing nefarious happened.ā€ End of story. Hillary lost. Get over it.

How do you know nothing nefarious happened? Because Donald Trump said so? Heā€™s told so many lies about this meeting, what makes you think heā€™s telling the truth this time?

The US election process was attacked by a propaganda and influence campaign carried out by a hostile foreign government, in favour of one of the candidates. That campaign involved breaking into one of the Party's private correspondence files, stealing copies and selectively leaking damaging correspondence at critical times.

Members of the Trump Campaign had significant business/political ties to Russia, including Donald Trump himself, and during the course of the campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian government officials or oligarchs.

If nothing nefarious was happening, why had Trump spent the last two years lying about meetings between members of his campaign and Russians? Why does the narrative around these contacts constantly change.

The President started by saying he didnā€™t know any Russians and there was no collusion. Now heā€™s saying that yes there was collusion but itā€™s not illegal.

You elected a liar and a conman. Itā€™s that simple. Your continued support for this buffoon requires you to sheepishly accept the version of events he puts out today, even if it directly contradicts what he said yesterday or for the past two days.

And like that scene in 1984 where the speaker directly contradicted his previous sentence and the crowd roars its approval, you parrot the latest set of lies from Trump.
If you arenā€™t prepared to do your own research so that youā€™re not posting proveable lies, you should stop posting.
Pardon me for saying this, but "OH STFU!"

Snowflakes on this board employ the EXACT SAME TACTIC 100 times a day - repeatedly DEMANDING others post the SAME EXACT LINKS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, declaring if they do not then the ALREADY PROVEN / POSTED FACTS are not true and those who have already posted that info many times before is a 'liar'.

When the roles are reversed we are forced to endure the same response from snowflakes you just gave, over and over and over....
Meeting with a Russian and getting no evidence of Hillary's corruption does not impair US elections.
That's nice. But meeting with them amd getting information as part of a transactional realtionshio, then lying about it both defrauds our elections and is a crime.
Meeting with a Russian and getting no evidence of Hillary's corruption does not impair US elections.
That's nice. But meeting with them amd getting information as part of a transactional realtionshio, then lying about it both defrauds our elections and is a crime.

What information?
What transaction?
What impairment?

Are you talking out of your ass again?
Meeting with a Russian and getting no evidence of Hillary's corruption does not impair US elections.
That's nice. But meeting with them amd getting information as part of a transactional realtionshio, then lying about it both defrauds our elections and is a crime.

You're unreal. And you still dont care about the russian dossier. Youre just butt hurt. You dont care about the russians
You're unreal.
Settle down, I am not claiming that is what happened.

And no, I have no problem with the dossier. Neither does anyone else, really. You have been fooled by people into getting worked up over it.
Inevitably, Trump "defenders" will attempt to address the criticism of the [possibly criminal] meeting by Junior, Kushner and Manafort and Russian operatives, with a typical, "what about Clinton paying Steele for a dossier on Trump"???

Objectively, there is some lop-sided "logic" to this divertive defense........BUT, two factors must also be considered:

First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY, versus the attempt to gather opposition research by a country that is a long time ADVERSARY to the U.S.

Second, as we have long learned from the Watergate scandal, the initial wrong-doing PALES in comparison to the attempt to cover up the mistake......Trump has flip-flopped several times in his attempt to covering up the fiasco....directly implicating himself and his family.

Like most ANTI Trump threads on this forum, I expect this one to soon, give it a shot in addressing it before the inevitable.

You could have made this really short and sweet and just said, "It's different because I like Hillary and hate Trump."
There is no link because there is no collusion. Show us the evidence. You don't have to answer. You or the rest of the radical libs cant either. Its no wonder you're laughed at.

LOL.....Are you the second or third from the left?

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You can deflect or obfuscate but you still haven't proved nor has mueller of collusion. Trotting out cartoon pictures doesn't advance your case.
Did the Russian government offer trump camp dirt on Hillary, and did Don Jr happily and joyfully accept?

A crime was committed.

I havent seen one nor has mueller produced any evidence.

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