Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

So the best you've got after nearly two YEARS of investigation is "raised suspicions"? You're kidding...right Fort?

One more damn time for the Trump ass kissers......

Mueller was appointed in May 2017.....just a little over 14 months, nitwit.
So, what has that investigation given us about WHO the orange clown surrounds himself with?????......
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You liberals keep trotting out that statistic about how many people have been indicted by the Mueller investigation, Nat and it's a laughable stat because NONE of the indictments involve a Trump campaign person and collusion! NONE!
Why is that laughable? In whatever alternative reality you live in... do investigators go after the central figures, and the low end guys?

Or is it the other way around?
Fascinating! Have you passed this memo to Trump's legal team of very expensive lawyers?
They, like every one else, already know.

Dude, you sound like Mueller - you trying to put 'money' on trial since you don't have evidence of anything else?!

Really? You still think Mueller's going to get Trump on "collusion"...which isn't even illegal?

MORON.....Mueller's job is NOT to "get" Trump........That's up to the spineless congress AFTER the evidence is revealed....

BTW, nitwit.......collusion is a synonym of CONSPIRACY.
NONE of the indictments involve a Trump campaign person and collusion! NONE!

Tell that to Flynn, Manafort, Papadapolus while they serve time in some federal pen.......It'll bring some "comfort" to them.....LOL
NONE of the indictments involve a Trump campaign person and collusion! NONE!

Tell that to Flynn, Manafort, Papadapolus while they serve time in some federal pen.......It'll bring some "comfort" to them.....LOL

They, like every one else, already know.
They do? Wow... have they not let trump in on this? I guess they like cashing his checks...

yep, makes perfect sense... if you lobotomize yourself...
Your entire diatribe sounds like it is from a 9th little girl, incoherent, saying nothing. :p
That's nice. You done whining yet?
WHINING? Butt-hurt bit@h, please. You are a joke, a gnat biting at ankles.

True.....true....All is well in the oval office....You can go to bed.......LOL
They, like every one else, already know.
They do? Wow... have they not let trump in on this? I guess they like cashing his checks...

yep, makes perfect sense... if you lobotomize yourself...
Your entire diatribe sounds like it is from a 9th little girl, incoherent, saying nothing. :p
That's nice. You done whining yet?
WHINING? Butt-hurt bit@h, please. You are a joke, a gnat biting at ankles.
Yes, whining. Look at your embarrassing behavior.

You are whining like a little b****, because your cult leader is in jeopardy. And it gets worse by the day.
Steele himself said he used active Kremlin agents to create the dossier. Then Clinton and the FBI tried to take out Trump with the dossier.

Blondie INSISTS on the title of MAIN IDIOT on this thread........

If, moron, the dossier was meant to "take out Trump".....why the fuck was it published in full by BuzzFeed on January 10th, 2017.....TWO MONTHS AFTER THE DAMN ELECTION????

If, moron, the dossier was meant to "take out Trump"...

The Clinton campaign wasted money to collect a dossier to "not take out Trump"?

Does your moron village know their King is missing?
The Clinton partnership with the FBI and intelligence services is what I was alluding to. They worked hand-in-hand together. She paid for it and Clapper sold it as legit to anyone that would listen.

You must have gnat on ignore.
I was responding to his response to your post.
Meeting to seek out opposition research is NOT illegal.

No Crime.

No Evidence of A Crime.

No case.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign chairman and a Russian operative was to collect information against Hillary Clinton is most definitely evidence.

Trump dictating lies on that meeting to be told to the public is most definitely evidence.

Trump’s personal attorney admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting is definitely evidence.

The Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. And then lied to try and cover it up.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign chairman and a Russian operative was to collect information against Hillary Clinton is most definitely evidence.

Collecting proof of Hillary's corruption is not a crime.
Neither is meeting and not collecting proof of Hillary's corruption.
The candidate/campaign, has to be aware that those supplying the information are foreign nationals or a foreign government....

Did Hillary's campaign know that the British guy, Steele, was getting info from Russians?
Did they know those were foreign nationals?

Unlikely.... The GPS owner was questioned 10 hours before Congress and from what little that was leaked on the under oath testimony, Steele didn't even know that Hillary and the DNC were the clients....

BTW, how do you know who Steele got his information from...?

Was that even reported to us anywhere?

(If they were Russians, they were obviously "Double Agents")

Steele didn't even know that Hillary and the DNC were the clients....

Why would that matter a bit?
If getting info from foreigners is a crime, Hillary's campaign is guilty.

BTW, how do you know who Steele got his information from...?

From his Russian "sources". It's been in the news.
It was used for months to spy on the Trump campaign. Are you fucking retarded?

Steele FINISHED his dossier in mid-October 2016......
When was the election date, again, nitwit?

Blondie is a Nunes equal ass kisser.

Steele FINISHED his dossier in mid-October 2016......
When was the election date, again, nitwit?

When was it used to get FISA warrants, moron?
Collecting proof of Hillary's corruption is not a crime.
Neither is meeting and not collecting proof of Hillary's corruption.

Now THAT is a fucking "brilliant" defense..........Quick, call Rudy........LOL
First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY

You're allowed to get Russian dirt, as long as it passes thru the hands of a Brit first...…..DERP!
According to Republicans, it seems if you get dirt from Russians it's fine and dandy.

According to Republicans, it seems if you get dirt from Russians it's fine and dandy.

I never said the Steele dossier was fine and dandy.....

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