Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

It was used for months to spy on the Trump campaign. Are you fucking retarded?

Steele FINISHED his dossier in mid-October 2016......
When was the election date, again, nitwit?

Blondie is a Nunes equal ass kisser.
Did I say that? I
No, which is why I phrased it as a question. If you had said it, or if you had stated the negation of it, I wouldn't have had to ask.

You stated: "I don't have to deny something that isn't there"

In response to: "there’s not even an attempt to deny that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians."

Which implies that you think the collusion does not exist. And you seemed pretty confident in your comment. so I was allowing you to clarify. And you did: you don't know. You must have misspoken.
Either Steele made up ALL of his shit...which I find to be the most believable scenario...or he was fed that information by RUSSIANS in an attempt to sway our election! Pick your poison, son!

Hey, MORON........Want to go after Hillary....Go for it.......Lock her up , etc.

BUT, don't bitch and moan when an investigation is currently going on with your orange buffoon..Otherwise you'd be a bit of a fucking hypocrite, don't you think???


I never claimed that what the Clinton campaign did was illegal. It isn't. It's sleazy as all get out...but it's a Clinton so what else did you expect! As for someone being a "hypocrite"? You're the one who's trying to impeach a duly elected President for doing far less than Hillary Clinton did which wasn't illegal! Nothing Trump did even comes CLOSE to being illegal...something that's become obvious from the indictments that HAVE come from the Mueller investigation! They have ZERO on collusion with Russia. Now they're going after Trump associates for tax fraud dating back years before the campaign even started.
Nothing Trump did even comes CLOSE to being illegal..
Actually, shady, obfuscate business deals normally reserved for hiding illegal activity come close and raise suspicion. His constant lying about his own campaign officials' activities also raises suspicion.

How could you possibly know everything Trump has ever done? That is an amazing superpower
Nothing Trump did even comes CLOSE to being illegal..
Actually, shady, obfuscate business deals normally reserved for hiding illegal activity come close and raise suspicion. His constant lying about his own campaign officials' activities also raises suspicion.

How could you possibly know everything Trump has ever done? That is an amazing superpower

So the best you've got after nearly two YEARS of investigation is "raised suspicions"? You're kidding...right Fort?
So the best you've got after nearly two YEARS of investigation is "raised suspicions"?
What a bizarre if I would possess the information that the investigators possess... Take a step back amd think about how ridiculous you sound. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
Didn't you say it's NEW information?
I did, and it is. And we know it is new because Trump's statement came out today, while Cohen's and Nunberg's statement were made over the last two weeks.

I should prove to you that 2 weeks is shorter than one year? You're talking gibberish. Get yourself together, man.


No. These are basic facts sprayed all over the news. I am not spoon-feeding you this information, nor will I lose a wink of sleep if you embarrass yourself by denying it.
Steele’s dossier claimed that Putin had compromising information on Trump

It now seems obvious he is right
So the best you've got after nearly two YEARS of investigation is "raised suspicions"? You're kidding...right Fort?

One more damn time for the Trump ass kissers......

Mueller was appointed in May 2017.....just a little over 14 months, nitwit.
So, what has that investigation given us about WHO the orange clown surrounds himself with?????......
Steele’s dossier claimed that Putin had compromising information on Trump

It now seems obvious he is right
Indeed it does. These suspicions became mainstream because of Trump's own, bizarre behavior. So maybe the Trumpkins should direct their ire at the person who deserves it...

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