Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

Here’s the law Trump broke.

Prohibition, It shall be unlawful for—foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

The cool thing is, that an exchange of information didn’t have to happen. Whether they got dirt or not is irrelevant. Just the intent or “implied promise” to provide such information is enough to convict and Trumpies.... is there any doubt Mueller has exactly that in Don Jr.s emails about getting dirt on Hillary.

He’s screwed.


So what does that law say about volunteer services by foreign nationals to campaigns?


If their services can be determined to have value, that is also illegal.

You might want to do some reading on the topic before opening your mouth.

Foreign nationals -

What cover up dipstick? All the emails related to the meeting were released long ago. All involved have testified about it. If there was a cover up it had to be the worse one in history. LMAO

So, Tigger.....ALL IS WELL.....what the fuck are you worried about then..... LOL
Did the $145 million Hillary got for approving the uranium deal "of value?"

These Trump ass kissers are getting DESPERATE in their moronic deflections....

ONE MORE fucking time

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, PRIOR to its sale to Rosatom.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...
Either Steele made up ALL of his shit...which I find to be the most believable scenario...or he was fed that information by RUSSIANS in an attempt to sway our election! Pick your poison, son!

Hey, MORON........Want to go after Hillary....Go for it.......Lock her up , etc.

BUT, don't bitch and moan when an investigation is currently going on with your orange buffoon..Otherwise you'd be a bit of a fucking hypocrite, don't you think???

What cover up
Well first, Donnie lied about the meeting. Then Trump and said he knew nothing about it. Then we learned Trump dictated a lie as an explanation. Then Trump lied about the purpose of the meeting. And now we know Trump is probably lying about not having foreknowledge of the meeting..

Ffs, is there anything they didn't do to cover it up?

Like I said, all that was released over a year ago, there's nothing new.

Like I said, all that was released over a year ago, there's nothing new.
Of course there is. Trump now admits he lied about the intent of the meeting. We also now have reports from varied sources that Trump had foreknowledge of the meeting.

But I am sure his white house aides, in full panic mode, would love to hear your consoling words
What cover up dipstick? All the emails related to the meeting were released long ago. All involved have testified about it. If there was a cover up it had to be the worse one in history. LMAO

So, Tigger.....ALL IS WELL.....what the fuck are you worried about then..... LOL

I'm not worried about a damn thing, just countering your commiecrat propaganda.

ONE MORE TIME for the really dense Trump acolytes.....THIS IS VERY DAMAGING since the orange buffoon has ADMITTED that the Towers meeting WAS about that naughty Donny-baby wanting dirt on Clinton......LOL

Those emails, below, were released by D. Trump Jr. from June, 2016 correspondence…..

Good Morning.

Emin just asked me to contact you with something very interesting. The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning, and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and could be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and it’s government’s support for Mr. Trump — helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this information to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so I wanted to send to you first.

Best, Rob Goldstone.

Donald Trump Jr. replies 15 minutes later …

Thanks Rob, I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say, I love it especially later in the summer. Can we do a call first thing next week when I am back?
Here’s the law Trump broke.

Prohibition, It shall be unlawful for—foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

The cool thing is, that an exchange of information didn’t have to happen. Whether they got dirt or not is irrelevant. Just the intent or “implied promise” to provide such information is enough to convict and Trumpies.... is there any doubt Mueller has exactly that in Don Jr.s emails about getting dirt on Hillary.

He’s screwed.


So what does that law say about volunteer services by foreign nationals to campaigns?


If their services can be determined to have value, that is also illegal.

You might want to do some reading on the topic before opening your mouth.

Foreign nationals -


There are very strict rules for volunteer services performed by foreign nationals. I read your link, and guess what? They don't qualify for the volunteer exemptions, because the foreign nationals were helping in the decision process.
Inevitably, Trump "defenders" will attempt to address the criticism of the [possibly criminal] meeting by Junior, Kushner and Manafort and Russian operatives, with a typical, "what about Clinton paying Steele for a dossier on Trump"???

Objectively, there is some lop-sided "logic" to this divertive defense........BUT, two factors must also be considered:

First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY, versus the attempt to gather opposition research by a country that is a long time ADVERSARY to the U.S.

Second, as we have long learned from the Watergate scandal, the initial wrong-doing PALES in comparison to the attempt to cover up the mistake......Trump has flip-flopped several times in his attempt to covering up the fiasco....directly implicating himself and his family.

Like most ANTI Trump threads on this forum, I expect this one to soon, give it a shot in addressing it before the inevitable.
The question of whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians is answered. Of course they did.

Which had been the longest “no shit” moment in political history.
Trump has lied repeatedly about the meeting, had dictated lies to try and cover it up, and has changed his story again and again. And despite bragging publicly about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary only two days before the meeting, the meeting being attended by Trump’s son, son in law and campaign manager in a building where Trump worked and lived, he expects us to believe that he didn’t know about it.

Um, no. Trump is a proven liar on this very topic and his lies make no sense.

Cohen’s account that Trump was fully apprised of the meeting in his on building is, like Trump’s collusion with the Russians....another vast “no shit” moment.
Like I said, all that was released over a year ago, there's nothing new.
Of course there is. Trump now admits he lied about the intent of the meeting. We also now have reports from varied sources that Trump had foreknowledge of the meeting.

But I am sure his white house aides, in full panic mode, would love to hear your consoling words

Well dummy, the email chain on the meeting was released on 11 July 2017, Trump himself tweeted 17 July 2017 that most politicians would have taken that meeting. So there were no major revelations about anything this weekend.

Oh and reports have been saying Kelly has one foot out the door for months, yet he just agreed to serve another 2.5 years. That's what your anonymous sources gets you, mostly fantasies.

Trump himself tweeted 17 July 2017 that most politicians would have taken that meeting. So there were no major revaluations about anything this weekend
Of course, that ia not the same as admitting he lied about both the intent and about knowing the intent. And yes, the reports from people close to him that he had foreknowledge are also new development.s

Go ahead , throw your little hissy. But when you are done, I suggest you send your assurances to the trump aides in the white house. They sure could use the soothing words!
Here’s the law Trump broke.

Prohibition, It shall be unlawful for—foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

The cool thing is, that an exchange of information didn’t have to happen. Whether they got dirt or not is irrelevant. Just the intent or “implied promise” to provide such information is enough to convict and Trumpies.... is there any doubt Mueller has exactly that in Don Jr.s emails about getting dirt on Hillary.

He’s screwed.


So what does that law say about volunteer services by foreign nationals to campaigns?


If their services can be determined to have value, that is also illegal.

You might want to do some reading on the topic before opening your mouth.

Foreign nationals -


There are very strict rules for volunteer services performed by foreign nationals. I read your link, and guess what? They don't qualify for the volunteer exemptions, because the foreign nationals were helping in the decision process.

Really, how were they helping in the decision process? Is simply volunteering information involved in a decision, I don't see it.

Trump himself tweeted 17 July 2017 that most politicians would have taken that meeting. So there were no major revaluations about anything this weekend
Of course, that ia not the same as admitting he lied about both the intent and about knowing the intent. And yes, the reports from people close to him that he had foreknowledge are also new development.s

Go ahead , throw your little hissy. But when you are done, I suggest you send your assurances to the trump aides in the white house. They sure could use the soothing words!

Trump has lied so many times about this very issue, why would anyone believe him? He’s even dictated lies for other people to use on this exact topic.

Especially when his story is ludicrously stupid. Of course Trump knew about the meeting. Of course he approved it. Of course his son and campaign chaieman kept him appraised of it. It happen in Trumps own building. For crying out loud, Trump was bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal dirt on Hillary Clinton 48 hours before the meeting.

Trump’s personal attorney confirming that (no shit) Trump knew about the meeting is merely gravy.

The question on the Trump campaign’s collusion with the Russians is answered.

Of course they did.
Trump himself tweeted 17 July 2017 that most politicians would have taken that meeting. So there were no major revaluations about anything this weekend
Of course, that ia not the same as admitting he lied about both the intent and about knowing the intent. And yes, the reports from people close to him that he had foreknowledge are also new development.s

Go ahead , throw your little hissy. But when you are done, I suggest you send your assurances to the trump aides in the white house. They sure could use the soothing words!

Name the people that said Trump had this foreknowledge. Where's your links?

Trump himself tweeted 17 July 2017 that most politicians would have taken that meeting. So there were no major revaluations about anything this weekend
Of course, that ia not the same as admitting he lied about both the intent and about knowing the intent. And yes, the reports from people close to him that he had foreknowledge are also new development.s

Go ahead , throw your little hissy. But when you are done, I suggest you send your assurances to the trump aides in the white house. They sure could use the soothing words!

Name the people that said Trump had this foreknowledge. Where's your links?

Cohen, Bannon, Nunberg.

Look it up tourself. You should feel embarrassed for the way you have been prancing and dancing and preening through this thread, despite nor being in possession of the most basic facts regarding the topic.
The question on the Trump campaign’s collusion with the Russians is answered.

Of course they did.

.....and for those Trump acolytes who will respond with "well, "collusion" is not against the law"'s a reminder of synomyms

Fmr FBI Official Chuck Rosenberg: "Collusion" And "Conspiracy" Are ...
upload_2018-8-6_17-12-8.jpeg▶ 1:38
6 days ago - Uploaded by MSNBC
We call it 'conspiracy." ... Fmr FBI Official Chuck Rosenberg: "Collusion" And "Conspiracy" Are Synonyms ...

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