Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason' ... CAUGHT IN TAPE?

In 2012, Obama was caught on microphone when he thought his mike was good, telling Putin Puppep Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he -Obama - would be more 'flexible' after he - Obama - win re-election.

2 years after winning re-election:

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were 'buying' politicians and Obama govt agency members.

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the US Power Grid.

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the servers and e-mail of prominent senior level politicians.

Obama learned in 2014 Putin was running a military-style Counter Intelligence operation in the United States using US Social Media, successfully conning liberal snowflakes into organizing and marching for them.

Obama learned in 2014 Russia was successfully paying willing treasonous liberal groups - to include Antifa, BLM, & The Black Fist - to spread racial division and violence across the US...

Barry did NOTHING ... his is own administration members have admitted this.


Barry reneged in a US promise to the Ukraine of helping it to defend its sovereign borders. Obama lifted no finger to help, allowed no weapons to flow to the Ukraine to defend itself, and made no 'Red Line' warnings to Glad. Barry just sat back and watched Putin militarily annex Crimea...sending a message to NATO and our other allies that if you are sending on the US you can't count in us under Obama.

In 2014 Obama and his treasonous Cabinet and Agency Directors - that included both Mueller & Hillary - handed 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Putin despite knowing about crimes they were committing.

'Collusion' - 'Treason'

'Nuff Said.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason' ... CAUGHT IN TAPE?

In 2012, Obama was caught on microphone when he thought his mike was good, telling Putin Puppep Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he -Obama - would be more 'flexible' after he - Obama - win re-election.

2 years after winning re-election:

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were 'buying' politicians and Obama govt agency members.

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the US Power Grid.

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the servers and e-mail of prominent senior level politicians.

Obama learned in 2014 Putin was running a military-style Counter Intelligence operation in the United States using US Social Media, successfully conning liberal snowflakes into organizing and marching for them.

Obama learned in 2014 Russia was successfully paying willing treasonous liberal groups - to include Antifa, BLM, & The Black Fist - to spread racial division and violence across the US...

Barry did NOTHING ... his is own administration members have admitted this.


Barry reneged in a US promise to the Ukraine of helping it to defend its sovereign borders. Obama lifted no finger to help, allowed no weapons to flow to the Ukraine to defend itself, and made no 'Red Line' warnings to Glad. Barry just sat back and watched Putin militarily annex Crimea...sending a message to NATO and our other allies that if you are sending on the US you can't count in us under Obama.

In 2014 Obama and his treasonous Cabinet and Agency Directors - that included both Mueller & Hillary - handed 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Putin despite knowing about crimes they were committing.

'Collusion' - 'Treason'

'Nuff Said.
^^ Crybaby whataboutism...not actual defense of dear leader....
First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY

You're allowed to get Russian dirt, as long as it passes thru the hands of a Brit first...…..DERP!
According to Republicans, it seems if you get dirt from Russians it's fine and dandy.

Seems accurate

Trump himself tweeted 17 July 2017 that most politicians would have taken that meeting. So there were no major revaluations about anything this weekend
Of course, that ia not the same as admitting he lied about both the intent and about knowing the intent. And yes, the reports from people close to him that he had foreknowledge are also new development.s

Go ahead , throw your little hissy. But when you are done, I suggest you send your assurances to the trump aides in the white house. They sure could use the soothing words!

Name the people that said Trump had this foreknowledge. Where's your links?

Cohen, Bannon, Nunberg.

Look it up tourself. You should feel embarrassed for the way you have been prancing and dancing and preening through this thread, despite nor being in possession of the most basic facts regarding the topic.
Plus, donny made a phone call to a blocked number right after the emails from his Russian friend, and also another phone call to a blocked number after the meeting. When he testified before Congress, he said that

"He could not recall" who he called at that blocked number...

Candidate Trump had a blocked number....

And you can bet your bottom dollar that Mueller and the special prosecutors were able to get the name of who sat on the other side of that phone that 'blocked number'....

Democrats in congress on the investigative committee asked the Republican chair if they would subpoena the phone company to get the blocked number and who it belonged to and the slimy Republican Chair, refused.... The Republicans did NOT want to know.... likely because these corrupt Republicans with their phony investigation thought it was the President..... imo.
You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason'?!

1979 - Mayor Diane Feinstein creates / enters a 'Sister City' program with Shanghai's mayor. Trade, business, a relationship is forged. Both Mayors rose is politics. Trade grew. Personal Wealth grew.

Diane met her husband, a man who had already been doing business in China. Once she got in Congress she was put in positions to vote for and award monies to Chinese projects / businesses her husband's company was involved in or his company directly. She said SHE WAS AWARE OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT INSISTED THAT IF THERE WAS INE SHE WOULD STEP DOWN.

GEE, where did we hear THAT from? Oh yeah, Rosenstein, who is up to his neck in Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Witch Hunt.

Again, though, Diane Feinstein admitted their was a perception of a conflict of interest involving China / her husband's company - she said she saw it. 'PERCEPTION', as they say, ' IS REALITY'...and in Feinstein's case it literally was.

She and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars with their dealings with the Chinese Govt. Her old pal, the mayor of Shanghai, became PRESIDENT / LEADER of China. Feinstein and her husband were invited to govt balls and ceremonies, and the doors within the govt / country opened even more to Feinstein.

In the early to mid 1990s Chinese millions flooded into US politics, & no one benefited more than the Clintons & the Feinsteins.

(It was in the 1990s that Bill Clinton changed the balance of power and opened the door to a worldwide threat by signing away missile technology to China. Almost overnight the Chinese went from their missiles exploding immediately after takeoff to launching 'satellite killers' into space. We see part of Bill Clinton's Legacy' in North Korea, because the missile technology the little 'Rocket Man' has acquired was given to them by China ... Who got theirs thanks to Clinton.)

And now - surprise, surprise - we find out that Feinstein has had a CHINESE SPY driving her around and working for her for the last 20 YEARS....

...and we are supposed to believe she never knew....and we are supposed to believe that China kept a spy in-place with Feinstein for 20 years despite never getting anything valuable from her during that 'wasted' tine?!

THERE is you 'collusion' and self-benefiting treason....

How's that 'PERCEPTION' of a Conflict of Interest NOW, Diane?

You want to talk about 'collusion' and 'treason' ... CAUGHT IN TAPE?

In 2012, Obama was caught on microphone when he thought his mike was good, telling Putin Puppep Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he -Obama - would be more 'flexible' after he - Obama - win re-election.

2 years after winning re-election:

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were 'buying' politicians and Obama govt agency members.

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the US Power Grid.

Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the servers and e-mail of prominent senior level politicians.

Obama learned in 2014 Putin was running a military-style Counter Intelligence operation in the United States using US Social Media, successfully conning liberal snowflakes into organizing and marching for them.

Obama learned in 2014 Russia was successfully paying willing treasonous liberal groups - to include Antifa, BLM, & The Black Fist - to spread racial division and violence across the US...

Barry did NOTHING ... his is own administration members have admitted this.


Barry reneged in a US promise to the Ukraine of helping it to defend its sovereign borders. Obama lifted no finger to help, allowed no weapons to flow to the Ukraine to defend itself, and made no 'Red Line' warnings to Glad. Barry just sat back and watched Putin militarily annex Crimea...sending a message to NATO and our other allies that if you are sending on the US you can't count in us under Obama.

In 2014 Obama and his treasonous Cabinet and Agency Directors - that included both Mueller & Hillary - handed 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Putin despite knowing about crimes they were committing.

'Collusion' - 'Treason'

'Nuff Said.
^^ Crybaby whataboutism...not actual defense of dear leader....
TRUMP NEEDS NO DEFENSE - No crime, No evidence....

Did I say that? I
No, which is why I phrased it as a question. If you had said it, or if you had stated the negation of it, I wouldn't have had to ask.

You stated: "I don't have to deny something that isn't there"

In response to: "there’s not even an attempt to deny that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians."

Which implies that you think the collusion does not exist. And you seemed pretty confident in your comment. so I was allowing you to clarify. And you did: you don't know. You must have misspoken.
No, I didn't misspeak
Ahhh collusion with foreign entities is ok if nat thinks they are friends.
Or, if we want to be honest, if it involves a D or R next to their name.

Yep, if nat approves....collusion's all good. Especially, when there was no collusion.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that there was no collusion?

Because without it. You have no way of knowing for certain if there was or was nor collusion.

There is no link because there is no collusion. Show us the evidence. You don't have to answer. You or the rest of the radical libs cant either. Its no wonder you're laughed at.
There is no link because there is no collusion. Show us the evidence. You don't have to answer. You or the rest of the radical libs cant either. Its no wonder you're laughed at.

LOL.....Are you the second or third from the left?

There is no link because there is no collusion. Show us the evidence. You don't have to answer. You or the rest of the radical libs cant either. Its no wonder you're laughed at.

LOL.....Are you the second or third from the left?

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You can deflect or obfuscate but you still haven't proved nor has mueller of collusion. Trotting out cartoon pictures doesn't advance your case.
Did I say that? I
No, which is why I phrased it as a question. If you had said it, or if you had stated the negation of it, I wouldn't have had to ask.

You stated: "I don't have to deny something that isn't there"

In response to: "there’s not even an attempt to deny that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians."

Which implies that you think the collusion does not exist. And you seemed pretty confident in your comment. so I was allowing you to clarify. And you did: you don't know. You must have misspoken.
No, I didn't misspeak
So you deny collusion, because it does not exist (that is what "it isn't there" means), but you also don't know if it exists or not.

How bizarre!
Did I say that? I
No, which is why I phrased it as a question. If you had said it, or if you had stated the negation of it, I wouldn't have had to ask.

You stated: "I don't have to deny something that isn't there"

In response to: "there’s not even an attempt to deny that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians."

Which implies that you think the collusion does not exist. And you seemed pretty confident in your comment. so I was allowing you to clarify. And you did: you don't know. You must have misspoken.
No, I didn't misspeak
So you deny collusion, because it does not exist (that is what "it isn't there" means), but you also don't know if it exists or not.

How bizarre!

If there were collusion, mueller would have been screaming like a wild banshee. All he has are some process perjury crimes, lol.
You can deflect or obfuscate but you still haven't proved nor has mueller of collusion. Trotting out cartoon pictures doesn't advance your case.

Stay tuned.....or, have some more
They have ZERO on collusion with Russia.

That "ZERO" is about to kick your sorry ass (after Trump's fat ass, of course..) LOL

Really? You still think Mueller's going to get Trump on "collusion"...which isn't even illegal? You need to take a deep breath and calm down, Sparky! You've been drinking the CNN Kool Aid for so long you think there's something that's going to derail the Trump Presidency. I'm sorry but collusion is a joke. It always continues to be...
If there were collusion, mueller would have been screaming like a wild banshee.
False. Mueller is a professional and runs a tight ship. You have him confused with the Trump, who is such a poor and incompetent and embarrassing leader that his team leaks for the good of america.
So the best you've got after nearly two YEARS of investigation is "raised suspicions"? You're kidding...right Fort?

One more damn time for the Trump ass kissers......

Mueller was appointed in May 2017.....just a little over 14 months, nitwit.
So, what has that investigation given us about WHO the orange clown surrounds himself with?????......
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You liberals keep trotting out that statistic about how many people have been indicted by the Mueller investigation, Nat and it's a laughable stat because NONE of the indictments involve a Trump campaign person and collusion! NONE!

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