Trump trashed the Constitution yet again

Unlike you or any other Trump supporter I'm not bending over kissing his ass and worshiping him like he's god.

Selling of weapons is legal.

Defense industry workers maintain job security.

Selling of weapons is legal.

Not according to 2-3 of the previous threads on this subject.

Threads are wrong.

Orange Man Bad! Yet each sale of hi tech aircraft helps to retain and create good paying jobs jobs in the United States.

Japan is ordering mucho F-35 fighters. (A 105 new Lightening II's)
Looks like a successful trip to Japan to me. Hell, Trump deserves to play as much golf as he wants!

I wonder why.

Either Godzilla was after them again.....or they're making a statement about the closing of the South China Sea.
Selling of weapons is legal.

Defense industry workers maintain job security.

Selling of weapons is legal.

Not according to 2-3 of the previous threads on this subject.

Threads are wrong.

Orange Man Bad! Yet each sale of hi tech aircraft helps to retain and create good paying jobs jobs in the United States.

Japan is ordering mucho F-35 fighters. (A 105 new Lightening II's)
Looks like a successful trip to Japan to me. Hell, Trump deserves to play as much golf as he wants!

I wonder why.

Either Godzilla was after them again.....or they're making a statement about the closing of the South China Sea.

South China Sea and N. Korea.
Selling of weapons is legal.

Defense industry workers maintain job security.

Selling of weapons is legal.

Not according to 2-3 of the previous threads on this subject.

Threads are wrong.

Orange Man Bad! Yet each sale of hi tech aircraft helps to retain and create good paying jobs jobs in the United States.

Japan is ordering mucho F-35 fighters. (A 105 new Lightening II's)
Looks like a successful trip to Japan to me. Hell, Trump deserves to play as much golf as he wants!

I wonder why.

Either Godzilla was after them again.....or they're making a statement about the closing of the South China Sea.

No. Pearl Harbor.
There is an emergency at the border. Even left leaning 60 Minutes devoted a segment to it. FakeDave strikes again with Fake News.
An emergency? Trump has been trying to get money for at least two years for his "wall" He has vetoed funding for border security.. If it were a true emergency then Trump is inept for not acting sooner.

So did 60 minutes lie? He tried to act sooner but the bleeding hearts stopped him. Remember the whole family separation issue?

Migrant families and nowhere to put them: How the acting DHS chief plans to handle the southern border

Trump's new policy of family separations... Stealing children as a deterrent.

Trump's policy changes to hold more people.......ran out of room.......shocking. No one could have thought of that, nooooooooooo.
Not according to 2-3 of the previous threads on this subject.

Threads are wrong.

Orange Man Bad! Yet each sale of hi tech aircraft helps to retain and create good paying jobs jobs in the United States.

Japan is ordering mucho F-35 fighters. (A 105 new Lightening II's)
Looks like a successful trip to Japan to me. Hell, Trump deserves to play as much golf as he wants!

I wonder why.

Either Godzilla was after them again.....or they're making a statement about the closing of the South China Sea.

No. Pearl Harbor.

I'm thinkin' they'll be on our side this time.
Trump makes sure that we get the lucrative contracts from countries whose checks don't bounce.
While Russia gets the leftover peanuts from countries like Syria and Iran.
Orange Man smart!
Selling of weapons is legal.

Defense industry workers maintain job security.

Selling of weapons is legal.

Not according to 2-3 of the previous threads on this subject.

Threads are wrong.

Orange Man Bad! Yet each sale of hi tech aircraft helps to retain and create good paying jobs jobs in the United States.
America is better than selling weapons as a business model.
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies

At least he gropes women and not little girls like creepy biden,.
There is an emergency at the border. Even left leaning 60 Minutes devoted a segment to it. FakeDave strikes again with Fake News.
An emergency? Trump has been trying to get money for at least two years for his "wall" He has vetoed funding for border security.. If it were a true emergency then Trump is inept for not acting sooner.

So did 60 minutes lie? He tried to act sooner but the bleeding hearts stopped him. Remember the whole family separation issue?

Migrant families and nowhere to put them: How the acting DHS chief plans to handle the southern border

Trump's new policy of family separations... Stealing children as a deterrent.

Trump's policy changes to hold more people.......ran out of room.......shocking. No one could have thought of that, nooooooooooo.

Is there a crisis at the border with Mexico? Yes or no!?

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