Trump Treats young Marine with class...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for losing his cover...
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NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

These were obviously not former POWs. Trump doesn't think POWS are worthy.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

How do you "loose" a cover? :D

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 9, 2017, as National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 07, 2017
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 9, 2017, as National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day

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On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, America honors our service men and women imprisoned during war. These patriots have moved and inspired our Nation through their unyielding sacrifices and devout allegiance. We honor the strength through adversity of all of these heroes from our Nation's wars and conflicts, from the American Revolution to the World Wars, from Korea to Vietnam, from Desert Storm to the War on Terror.

American service members serve and fight selflessly each day to secure the freedoms we often take for granted. They bear the full weight of their oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," in which there is no safety clause. None know this so well as our former prisoners of war (POWs). According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, more than half a million Americans have been captured and interned as POWs since the American Revolution.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Bataan Death March. After the surrender of the Bataan peninsula in the Philippines on April 9, 1942, Filipino and American soldiers were rounded up and forced to march 60 miles from Mariveles to San Fernando. An estimated 500 Americans died during the march, as they were starved, beaten, and tortured to death. Those who reached San Fernando were taken in cramped boxcars to POW camps, where thousands more Americans died of disease and starvation.

These stories remind us of the great sacrifice and bravery of our men and women in the Armed Forces. Throughout our history, they have risked everything to defend our country. They have been stripped of liberty, and regained it. They have faced the darkness of captivity, and emerged to the warm light of freedom. These victories have no match. These triumphs ignite the flame of liberty deep within their hearts, and in ours, and make America the great Nation it is today.

But in celebrating those POWs who returned from captivity, we also solemnly remember and honor those who died in captivity. They paid the ultimate price for their love of country.

As President, I am committed to providing our veterans, and especially our former POWs, with the support, care, and resources they deserve. Our country owes a debt to our heroes that we can never adequately repay, but which we will always honor each day.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 9, 2017, as National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day. I call upon Americans to observe this day by honoring the service and sacrifice of all our former prisoners of war and to express our Nation's eternal gratitude for their sacrifice. I also call upon Federal, State, and local government officials and organizations to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.

NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

These were obviously not former POWs. Trump doesn't think POWS are worthy.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

How do you "loose" a cover? :D

Wind. Those saucers take off like frisbies in the slightest breeze. I never liked them. (Any hat is a "cover" in Marine Corps terminology.)
I have always resented the posting of a Marine in dress blues at the foot of Presidential aircraft ladders and at White House doorways, standing at rigid attention, like mannequins, having no apparent function except to salute and open doors like a goddam doorman. I have noticed that until recently those "doormen" were never armed. Now they are, which lends a certain amount of dignified purpose to their presence. Before they just looked like well-trained stooges.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

How do you "loose" a cover? :D

Wind. Those saucers take off like frisbies in the slightest breeze. I never liked them. (Any hat is a "cover" in Marine Corps terminology.)

He was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..
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I have always resented the posting of a Marine in dress blues at the foot of Presidential aircraft ladders and at White House doorways, standing at rigid attention, like mannequins, having no apparent function except to salute and open doors like a goddam doorman. I have noticed that until recently those "doormen" were never armed. Now they are, which lends a certain amount of dignified purpose to their presence. Before they just looked like well-trained stooges.
Marines were armed prior to the Clinton era who took them away.. It was a bad decision in my opinion.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for losing his cover...

The only way to keep those damn covers on in wind is to be absolutely bald-sided, wear one that's two sizes too small and forced onto your head like a small-size condom.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for losing his cover...

The only way to keep those damn covers on in wind is to be absolutely bald-sided, wear one that's two sizes too small and forced onto your head like a small-size condom.

Bald. Double-sided tape.
I have always resented the posting of a Marine in dress blues at the foot of Presidential aircraft ladders and at White House doorways, standing at rigid attention, like mannequins, having no apparent function except to salute and open doors like a goddam doorman. I have noticed that until recently those "doormen" were never armed. Now they are, which lends a certain amount of dignified purpose to their presence. Before they just looked like well-trained stooges.
Marines were armed prior to the Clinton era who took them away.. It was a bad decision in my opinion.
I wasn't aware Clinton had done that, but I'm not surprised. It fits his character (degenerate bastard). I was in the Corps in the mid-1950s. I don't remember if those guys were armed back then, but whether they were or not I never liked seeing Marines on posts like that -- including the ones on Sea Duty.

I didn't buy dress blues and I wouldn't have worn them if they gave them to me for free (which I understand they do today). They look very uncomfortable and much too flashy. My favorite uniform was undress green, no tie, and "piss-cutter." Comfortable and sharp.
Hes was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..

There was no rotor wash at that time. Until the pilot pulls on the collective giving the rotor blades pitch, there is little to no wind under a helicopter even wh en its running. There is also very little that close to the rotor hub. The pilot would not pull on the collective until he was ready to lift off.
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Hes was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..

There was no rotor wash at that time. Until the pilot pulls on the collective giving the rotor blades pitch, there is little to no wind under a helicopter even when its running. There is also very little that close to the rotor hub.

If you saw it when it happened, the pilot was doing preflight checks of his controls. Even Trumps coat and tie caught a blast of down draft..:biggrin:
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Hes was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..

There was no rotor wash at that time. Until the pilot pulls on the collective giving the rotor blades pitch, there is little to no wind under a helicopter even when its running. There is also very little that close to the rotor hub.

If you saw it when it happened, the pilot was doing preflight checks of his controls. Even Trumps coat and tie caught got a blast of down draft..:biggrin:

No professional pilot will pull on the collective of his helicopter with people under the rotors, certainly not with the PRESIDENT of the USA walking up to it. No, that heli had its preflight done long before Trump got there.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

How do you "loose" a cover? :D

Wind. Those saucers take off like frisbies in the slightest breeze. I never liked them. (Any hat is a "cover" in Marine Corps terminology.)

He was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..

Ooooh! The "rotor wash"! You use such cool words. You must be cool.

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