Trump Treats young Marine with class...

Obama would have ignored the Marine and stepped on the hat to signal his dislike of the military. .... :cool:
Why would you say that? you know he wouldn't have. I dislike Obama, but making shit up doesn't help.

if there were no cameras, i personally am 100 percent sure Obama would not have helped out the marine.

Obama doesn't love America. he HATES america. he's a globalist.
Obama would have ignored the Marine and stepped on the hat to signal his dislike of the military. .... :cool:
Why would you say that? you know he wouldn't have. I dislike Obama, but making shit up doesn't help.

if there were no cameras, i personally am 100 percent sure Obama would not have helped out the marine.

Obama doesn't love America. he HATES america. he's a globalist.
I don't think he would have helped the Marine if there were cameras. However, I don't think he'd stomp on the man's hat.
another PRESIDENTIAL, HEROIC, AMERICA FIRST move: Trump refused to wear G-20 flag pin, wore american flag pin instead!!!


Trump is a man of the people. He's been that way since early in life when he sat and talked to his construction workers in Queens and asked them for ideas and opinions. Money hasn't changed him. You can be sure Obama would not have even noticed that hat let alone gotten it, returned it, put it on and patted the guy. Probably embarrassed the crap out of the Marine and he probably heard about it too! Bet that is the last hat that flies off his head!
These were obviously not former POWs. Trump doesn't think POWS are worthy.
You lose credibility when you "spin" the facts. Don't reveal yourself a partisan liar.

Your orange buddy said this about John McCain & pows: "“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


You lost all credibility when you refuse the facts.
another PRESIDENTIAL, HEROIC, AMERICA FIRST move: Trump refused to wear G-20 flag pin, wore american flag pin instead!!!


Good for him. This Globalist movement is a very dangerous situation. We want no part of it. What we see happening in Europe now with these goddam migrants is one example of what we can expect from G-20. Based on what I've seen in the past two decades I've become a strict isolationist.

I also think Trump is doing the right thing by trying to establish friendly relations with Russia. That is a strong nation and would be a much better friend than an enemy. An alliance with Russia would enable the Tenth Crusade and a quick end to problems with Muslims.
These were obviously not former POWs. Trump doesn't think POWS are worthy.
You lose credibility when you "spin" the facts. Don't reveal yourself a partisan liar.

Your orange buddy said this about John McCain & pows: "“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


You lost all credibility when you refuse the facts.
Did Trump lie, or did he simply express his opinion on what a hero is and is not. It's okay to honor McCain for his service and to express sympathy for the ordeal he experienced, but to toss the word "hero" around so gratuitously does a dis-service to those men whose gallantry under fire is exceptional.

There is nothing wrong with saying there is nothing heroic about being shot down and captured, which is regrettable -- not heroic. So Trump was simply being bluntly honest.
Wow.... the idiotic shit that libtardz choose to concern their feeble brains with and the contrasting MEGA shit they "choose" to remain willfully ignorant of.

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