Trump Treats young Marine with class...

I have always resented the posting of a Marine in dress blues at the foot of Presidential aircraft ladders and at White House doorways, standing at rigid attention, like mannequins, having no apparent function except to salute and open doors like a goddam doorman. I have noticed that until recently those "doormen" were never armed. Now they are, which lends a certain amount of dignified purpose to their presence. Before they just looked like well-trained stooges.
Marines were armed prior to the Clinton era who took them away.. It was a bad decision in my opinion.
I wasn't aware Clinton had done that, but I'm not surprised. It fits his character (degenerate bastard). I was in the Corps in the mid-1950s. I don't remember if those guys were armed back then, but whether they were or not I never liked seeing Marines on posts like that -- including the ones on Sea Duty.

I didn't buy dress blues and I wouldn't have worn them if they gave them to me for free (which I understand they do today). They look very uncomfortable and much too flashy. My favorite uniform was undress green, no tie, and "piss-cutter." Comfortable and sharp.

Whoa! A "piss cutter"! So cool.
Interesting that such a minor, natural reaction has to be touted as praiseworthy. Quite a comment on the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

How do you "loose" a cover? :D

Wind. Those saucers take off like frisbies in the slightest breeze. I never liked them. (Any hat is a "cover" in Marine Corps terminology.)

You can lose a cover, but you cannot "loose" it.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for loosing his cover...

How do you "loose" a cover? :D

Wind. Those saucers take off like frisbies in the slightest breeze. I never liked them. (Any hat is a "cover" in Marine Corps terminology.)

He was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..

It was windy. The helicopter was not turning.
Hes was right under rotor wash... He didn't stand a chance..

There was no rotor wash at that time. Until the pilot pulls on the collective giving the rotor blades pitch, there is little to no wind under a helicopter even when its running. There is also very little that close to the rotor hub.

If you saw it when it happened, the pilot was doing preflight checks of his controls. Even Trumps coat and tie caught a blast of down draft..:biggrin:

It was windy. The aircraft would not be turning until everyone was aboard.
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for losing his cover...

Imagine his Platoon Sgt............
NO way to say this but DAMN! When have you seen a president who treats others like he would like to be treated... ORAH!

This Marine is gonna take a lot of flack for losing his cover...

Imagine his Platoon Sgt............

What about him?

My son was a member of the US Army at every performance, there are two extra non-performers whose sole mission it is to recover their covers when they blow off, and they wear chin straps!

At one performance, a bayonet became dislodged from a rifle and my son recovered it and gave his weapon to the other performer to continue the exhibition. All this is done while the show goes on!

I doubt the platoon sergeant would say anything as this is probably a common occurrence and not that Marines fault.
Ah gheez..The Marine is at the position of attention, two things can happen, Trump can release the guy to get his topper or Trump could get it..As far as presidential, not really...just courteous..
Ah gheez..The Marine is at the position of attention, two things can happen, Trump can release the guy to get his topper or Trump could get it..As far as presidential, not really...just courteous..

Trump is a hero...and you're just jealous.
Obama would have ignored the Marine and stepped on the hat to signal his dislike of the military. .... :cool:
Why would you say that? you know he wouldn't have. I dislike Obama, but making shit up doesn't help.
Ah gheez..The Marine is at the position of attention, two things can happen, Trump can release the guy to get his topper or Trump could get it..As far as presidential, not really...just courteous..

Trump is a hero...and you're just jealous.
So getting a wind blown item is now a consideration for hero worship? Don't cheapen it more so than it already is..

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