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Trump trolls Lebron James...this should get good.

Why did the athlete troll the president?

Cause anyone can....and does (preceding the Trump era).

Since when does the president troll the citizen? Should he?
Why shouldn't he?
Dignity, respect for the office of President of the United States. There is no nobility in punching down. A president should not waste his time in goofy issues like this. Integrity.

That's why he shouldn't.
Shouldn't respect for the office of the presidency come into play? Or, is it just a one way thing?
Nobody on the left and media from the moment he became president gave him any respect, that's undeniable.
He was respected by black and whites before he threw his hat into the ring, THEN he became a racist in the eyes of the media and the left.
For the love of God, he was a Ellis Island Award recipient.
Respect is a reciprocal thing. Before Trump dabbled in politics, he championed the Birther Movement. Racist, paranoid and stupid, Birtherism appealed to the lowest rung on the intellectual ladder.

When Reump announced he was running as a Republican, he made a point of dividing people one from another. He referred to Mexicans as drug dealers, murderers, rapists and, he assumed, said me were good people.

As his campaign unfurled, Trump insulted POWs, women, the disabled, Mexicans again, Gold Star families and anyone who disagreed with him.

He didn't show a little respect, he showed no respect.

And therefore got no respect in return, except from those who were already disrespecting others, were bullies, thugs, knuckledragging,moithbreathing idiots, you know, the Trump variety of personality. Birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

Respect is reciprocal. When it I said earned by showing respect, it is an asset more precious than gold. When it is not show unto others, the lack of respect erodes reputations and divides people irreparably
This is a one sided story....sounds like MSM. Get both sides of the story then come back and formulate an honest opinion, until then it's just
your drivel.
Shouldn't respect for the office of the presidency come into play? Or, is it just a one way thing?

The fact that you believe the Orange Virus deserves respect tells me you're a true believer. Good for you! Fair enough. MAGA!

Nobody on the left and media from the moment he became president gave him any respect, that's undeniable.

Now you sound like a liberal. Stop whining about the populism of your president. He's pretty experienced in delivering his filth to the masses. He'll be fine without you. Doesn't really need your advise there...

He was respected by black and whites before he threw his hat into the ring, THEN he became a racist in the eyes of the media and the left.
For the love of God, he was a Ellis Island Award recipient.

He has a history of racism. There's really no denying it. Want examples? Just ask.
He works for all Americans. We pay him.

Yes we do, and he never cashed one check since taking the job. The latest he donated to repairing graves of fallen solders. But of course, never a word from the MSM about it. If Hillary was in charge and doing what Trump is doing, it would be plastered wall to wall nationwide.

He's cashed all kinds of checks that have read: Pay to the Order of West Minster Golf Club and Pay to the Order of Mar-a-Lago Golf Club.
Shouldn't respect for the office of the presidency come into play? Or, is it just a one way thing?
Nobody on the left and media from the moment he became president gave him any respect, that's undeniable.
He was respected by black and whites before he through his hat into the ring, THEN he became a racist in the eyes of the media and the left.
For the love of God, he was a Ellis Island Award recipient.
Every president has had to deal with it. Look at how the right treated Obama. Obama’s American citizenship was even called into play. Obama was labeled racist by the right. Or look at how the left treated Bush. That is respect? People are going to be that way. But power, in this country means you rise above it, you don’t punch down and you don’t need to. You don’t need to use your bully pulpit of the presidency to bash every critic. Respect for the office should always be there, But what happens when the holder of that office disrespects it? That seems to be happening on a daily basis and people don’t know how to deal with it. I don’t...so I turn down the volume.
Obama had the media doing his bidding for him, Coyote. He didn't have to say a word.
The media with Trump creates lies and deception. And it's been non stop.
The rightwing media relentlessly attacked Obama, pushed conspiracy theories...and now do Trump’s bidding...and openly encourage and support Trump’s lack of self control and his bullying. Those are not good traits. Neither Obama nor Bush ever descended to those levels.

You really need to forget all that you thought you knew about how a President should conduct himself. After all, you hate normalcy and conformity...right Lefty?
This dude is a badass...he does shit his way, he only works for good Americans....he won’t govern for filth....he don’t give two fucks about what any LefTard thinks of his behavior.

He is a rude, lewd bully, who thinks it is ok to grope women because he has power, who lies constantly, and has never in his life had to be accountable for his behavior. I respect the office he holds far too much to ever condone that. He works for all Americans. We pay him. We put him into office and we, the people, can vote him out.

“He works for all Americans.”
Haha...is that really what you believe...REALLY?
He’s made it crystal clear...he can’t fucking stand the Left. Just like all good Americans he’s fed up with the filthy fucks. You Loons have burnt the bipartisanship bridge with your regressive lunacy. You and your people should strongly consider relocating to Mexico and ‘saving’ your people down there. Please consider that.
Pretty sad Lebron didn't even go to college and is smarter than a man who graduated from (Ha!) Wharton Business School.
Let’s see what one of fat boy’s professors thought of him.
Criticism, or just plain piling on, which is it?

Trump could cure cancer you libbies would say he's putting Americans out of work. Get serious and stop with the holier than thou attitude.
I don’t want him to cure cancer. I want him to stop being a traitor to the United States and stop being Putin’s bitch.

YOur delusions make you look like a crazy person.
Look at this idiot pretending our weak weak president isn’t Putin’s bitch.
I guess you slept thru the Helsinki disaster and the last 2 years.

What would have been weak, would have been him giving into pressure and giving your vile warmongers the war you want.

INstead, he made the policy he wanted, the one that will serve American interests, not yours.
This has nothing to do with war, Sean.
You have no idea about any “ policy” liar because even his cabinet doesn’t know what was discussed between the two dictators.
It’s unprecedented that no one knows.
Putin went home and told his country all the concessions trump made and he was thrilled.
45 came out of that meeting like he was sent to the principal’s office. Have you no eyes, or be able to read body language.

YOur denial of your warmongering is noted and dismissed.

Did you support HIllary's policy of firing on Russian war planes?
What a sad state we’re in when a group of people cheer the President of the United States trolling private citizens (or anyone for that matter) on Twitter.


I believe we’ve reached Idiocracy phase 2

He works for all Americans. We pay him.

Yes we do, and he never cashed one check since taking the job. The latest he donated to repairing graves of fallen solders. But of course, never a word from the MSM about it. If Hillary was in charge and doing what Trump is doing, it would be plastered wall to wall nationwide.

He's cashed all kinds of checks that have read: Pay to the Order of West Minster Golf Club and Pay to the Order of Mar-a-Lago Golf Club.

Really? Have a copy of any of those checks?
Cause anyone can....and does (preceding the Trump era).

Since when does the president troll the citizen? Should he?
Why shouldn't he?
Dignity, respect for the office of President of the United States. There is no nobility in punching down. A president should not waste his time in goofy issues like this. Integrity.

That's why he shouldn't.
Shouldn't respect for the office of the presidency come into play? Or, is it just a one way thing?
Nobody on the left and media from the moment he became president gave him any respect, that's undeniable.
He was respected by black and whites before he threw his hat into the ring, THEN he became a racist in the eyes of the media and the left.
For the love of God, he was a Ellis Island Award recipient.
Respect is a reciprocal thing. Before Trump dabbled in politics, he championed the Birther Movement. Racist, paranoid and stupid, Birtherism appealed to the lowest rung on the intellectual ladder.

When Reump announced he was running as a Republican, he made a point of dividing people one from another. He referred to Mexicans as drug dealers, murderers, rapists and, he assumed, said me were good people.

As his campaign unfurled, Trump insulted POWs, women, the disabled, Mexicans again, Gold Star families and anyone who disagreed with him.

He didn't show a little respect, he showed no respect.

And therefore got no respect in return, except from those who were already disrespecting others, were bullies, thugs, knuckledragging,moithbreathing idiots, you know, the Trump variety of personality. Birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

Respect is reciprocal. When it I said earned by showing respect, it is an asset more precious than gold. When it is not show unto others, the lack of respect erodes reputations and divides people irreparably
This is a one sided story....sounds like MSM. Get both sides of the story then come back and formulate an honest opinion, until then it's just
your drivel.
I see that your way of saying you cannot refute my post? It's all true, but perhaps a bit too true for you to rationalize.
What a sad state we’re in when a group of people cheer the President of the United States trolling private citizens (or anyone for that matter) on Twitter.


The only thing that really bothers you is we finally have somebody on our side that will fight back which is all he's doing here. Liberals hate when people fight back against them.
Again taking criticism without saying a word is the biggest job of any boss.
Criticism, or just plain piling on, which is it?

Trump could cure cancer you libbies would say he's putting Americans out of work. Get serious and stop with the holier than thou attitude.
I don’t want him to cure cancer. I want him to stop being a traitor to the United States and stop being Putin’s bitch.

Hold on a minute... aren’t you and all your LefTard buddies Mexico’s BITCH?
Your TRAITOR couldn’t stand up for America when standing next to his favorite dictator.
He took Putin’s word over his own intelligence agencies.
Yes that’s the definition of a traitor.

Why don't you look up words you have no idea of? That is not a traitor by any definition.
Is the word coward better for you?
When he had the chance to stand up to the man who attacked our democracy he wilted, he choked. He didn’t have the guts to do it.
It’s OBVIOUS to the entire world that Putin has something huge hanging over 45’s head..
You defending the indefensible is completely out of hand.
Why shouldn't he?
Dignity, respect for the office of President of the United States. There is no nobility in punching down. A president should not waste his time in goofy issues like this. Integrity.

That's why he shouldn't.
Shouldn't respect for the office of the presidency come into play? Or, is it just a one way thing?
Nobody on the left and media from the moment he became president gave him any respect, that's undeniable.
He was respected by black and whites before he threw his hat into the ring, THEN he became a racist in the eyes of the media and the left.
For the love of God, he was a Ellis Island Award recipient.
Respect is a reciprocal thing. Before Trump dabbled in politics, he championed the Birther Movement. Racist, paranoid and stupid, Birtherism appealed to the lowest rung on the intellectual ladder.

When Reump announced he was running as a Republican, he made a point of dividing people one from another. He referred to Mexicans as drug dealers, murderers, rapists and, he assumed, said me were good people.

As his campaign unfurled, Trump insulted POWs, women, the disabled, Mexicans again, Gold Star families and anyone who disagreed with him.

He didn't show a little respect, he showed no respect.

And therefore got no respect in return, except from those who were already disrespecting others, were bullies, thugs, knuckledragging,moithbreathing idiots, you know, the Trump variety of personality. Birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

Respect is reciprocal. When it I said earned by showing respect, it is an asset more precious than gold. When it is not show unto others, the lack of respect erodes reputations and divides people irreparably
This is a one sided story....sounds like MSM. Get both sides of the story then come back and formulate an honest opinion, until then it's just
your drivel.
I see that your way of saying you cannot refute my post? It's all true, but perhaps a bit too true for you to rationalize.

No, most of us ignore posts like yours. It's a typical liberal trick to make a list of items that would take an hour to dissect and respond to; that's why you people do it.

Bring up one item at a time, and prepare to lose the battle.
Again taking criticism without saying a word is the biggest job of any boss.

Where and the fuck does that happen....LibTardia?
I’m a “boss”...if someone criticizes me I return fire...people with any nuts at all do that....you really didn’t know?
No. They don’t.
Yeah.....they really do, Coyote. Even if it's in passive aggressive way.
Meister, do you think it is appropriate for the president to be attacking ordinary citizens in this way?
LeBron is not an ordinary citizen. If I said what LeBron said it would go no where with the media.
The media was all over what LeBron stated, Coyote.
This is where I feel the rubber meets the road.
Let’s look at how a President should act

If he disagrees with something LeBron has said, he should refute what was said and offer what he perceives as the correct story

Calling an opponent stupid or low IQ only demeans the office. It demonstrates the level of discourse the president is capable of
Why shouldn't he?
Dignity, respect for the office of President of the United States. There is no nobility in punching down. A president should not waste his time in goofy issues like this. Integrity.

That's why he shouldn't.
Shouldn't respect for the office of the presidency come into play? Or, is it just a one way thing?
Nobody on the left and media from the moment he became president gave him any respect, that's undeniable.
He was respected by black and whites before he threw his hat into the ring, THEN he became a racist in the eyes of the media and the left.
For the love of God, he was a Ellis Island Award recipient.
Respect is a reciprocal thing. Before Trump dabbled in politics, he championed the Birther Movement. Racist, paranoid and stupid, Birtherism appealed to the lowest rung on the intellectual ladder.

When Reump announced he was running as a Republican, he made a point of dividing people one from another. He referred to Mexicans as drug dealers, murderers, rapists and, he assumed, said me were good people.

As his campaign unfurled, Trump insulted POWs, women, the disabled, Mexicans again, Gold Star families and anyone who disagreed with him.

He didn't show a little respect, he showed no respect.

And therefore got no respect in return, except from those who were already disrespecting others, were bullies, thugs, knuckledragging,moithbreathing idiots, you know, the Trump variety of personality. Birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

Respect is reciprocal. When it I said earned by showing respect, it is an asset more precious than gold. When it is not show unto others, the lack of respect erodes reputations and divides people irreparably
This is a one sided story....sounds like MSM. Get both sides of the story then come back and formulate an honest opinion, until then it's just
your drivel.
I see that your way of saying you cannot refute my post? It's all true, but perhaps a bit too true for you to rationalize.
Refute it? Why? It's drivel
Criticism, or just plain piling on, which is it?

Trump could cure cancer you libbies would say he's putting Americans out of work. Get serious and stop with the holier than thou attitude.
I don’t want him to cure cancer. I want him to stop being a traitor to the United States and stop being Putin’s bitch.

Hold on a minute... aren’t you and all your LefTard buddies Mexico’s BITCH?
Your TRAITOR couldn’t stand up for America when standing next to his favorite dictator.
He took Putin’s word over his own intelligence agencies.
Yes that’s the definition of a traitor.

Why don't you look up words you have no idea of? That is not a traitor by any definition.
Is the word coward better for you?
When he had the chance to stand up to the man who attacked our democracy he wilted, he choked. He didn’t have the guts to do it.
It’s OBVIOUS to the entire world that Putin has something huge hanging over 45’s head..
You defending the indefensible is completely out of hand.
It does appear Putin has something on Trump
He works for all Americans. We pay him.

Yes we do, and he never cashed one check since taking the job. The latest he donated to repairing graves of fallen solders. But of course, never a word from the MSM about it. If Hillary was in charge and doing what Trump is doing, it would be plastered wall to wall nationwide.

He's cashed all kinds of checks that have read: Pay to the Order of West Minster Golf Club and Pay to the Order of Mar-a-Lago Golf Club.

Really? Have a copy of any of those checks?

It's open records to the public. It's been very well documented. :)
What a sad state we’re in when a group of people cheer the President of the United States trolling private citizens (or anyone for that matter) on Twitter.


The only thing that really bothers you is we finally have somebody on our side that will fight back which is all he's doing here. Liberals hate when people fight back against them.
Fight back?
You have no common sense thinking this is acceptable behavior for a president.
The way he talked about Lemon and Lebron was an embarrassment.
But we know you cult members will excuse ANYTHING he does.
Where and the fuck does that happen....LibTardia?
I’m a “boss”...if someone criticizes me I return fire...people with any nuts at all do that....you really didn’t know?
No. They don’t.
Yeah.....they really do, Coyote. Even if it's in passive aggressive way.
Meister, do you think it is appropriate for the president to be attacking ordinary citizens in this way?
LeBron is not an ordinary citizen. If I said what LeBron said it would go no where with the media.
The media was all over what LeBron stated, Coyote.
This is where I feel the rubber meets the road.
Let’s look at how a President should act

If he disagrees with something LeBron has said, he should refute what was said and offer what he perceives as the correct story

Calling an opponent stupid or low IQ only demeans the office. It demonstrates the level of discourse the president is capable of
I really thought Obama did it first. He brought down the dignity of the office when you put in his 2 cents on everything that didn't pertain to the White House.
Then when the facts came out he would look as stupid as he was.
Criticism, or just plain piling on, which is it?

Trump could cure cancer you libbies would say he's putting Americans out of work. Get serious and stop with the holier than thou attitude.
I don’t want him to cure cancer. I want him to stop being a traitor to the United States and stop being Putin’s bitch.

Hold on a minute... aren’t you and all your LefTard buddies Mexico’s BITCH?
Your TRAITOR couldn’t stand up for America when standing next to his favorite dictator.
He took Putin’s word over his own intelligence agencies.
Yes that’s the definition of a traitor.

Why don't you look up words you have no idea of? That is not a traitor by any definition.
Is the word coward better for you?
When he had the chance to stand up to the man who attacked our democracy he wilted, he choked. He didn’t have the guts to do it.
It’s OBVIOUS to the entire world that Putin has something huge hanging over 45’s head..
You defending the indefensible is completely out of hand.

Yup, we use to have this.

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