Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

Doug you're wasting your time. Mac need to be deprogrammed before common sense can be explained to him
Well, I'm sort of using Mac -- who seems like a decent fellow -- as a foil. I'm really talking to people like you. Or rather, with people like you -- I don't have all the answers by a long chalk -- so we need to discuss tactics.

There are tens of thousands of us, hundreds of thousands, even millions ... who realize that more and more red lights on the political control panel have started to flash ... to switch metaphors, our country is listing to port more and more, the dishes are starting to slide off the tables ...many of us have gone out and acquired their 2A hardware, a necessary first step.

But now, we've got to organize. The boldest among us have to start an organization, where there is none. The others must join. If you go to you'll see where some patriots have begun.

We must take part in elections, but not become fixated on them to the exclusion of everything else.
Well, I'm sort of using Mac -- who seems like a decent fellow -- as a foil. I'm really talking to people like you. Or rather, with people like you -- I don't have all the answers by a long chalk -- so we need to discuss tactics.

There are tens of thousands of us, hundreds of thousands, even millions ... who realize that more and more red lights on the political control panel have started to flash ... to switch metaphors, our country is listing to port more and more, the dishes are starting to slide off the tables ...many of us have gone out and acquired their 2A hardware, a necessary first step.

But now, we've got to organize. The boldest among us have to start an organization, where there is none. The others must join. If you go to United States County Preparedness Teams you'll see where some patriots have begun.

We must take part in elections, but not become fixated on them to the exclusion of everything else.
Leftists can only be changed with total defeat.
They're now bold enough to openly honor people who spied for the Soviet Union. (Not a single Leftist on this board has condemned this. Silence is their strategy.)
I read two books on the Rosenberg case and threw away the books, I was so disgusted that people would do what they did. They arranged to pass plans for the new nuclear missiles to the Soviet Union. They had a relative at Los Alamos, IIRC.

The tactic of silence, however, is another name for loyalty. Probably most leftists here think it's a great idea to spy for the Russians, but if any didn't, there's the rule "No enemies on the Left." That was a French rule during all the communists in the National Assembly there before WWII, meaning never condemn anyone on the Left, no matter what cockamamie idea they come out with. The result of this is to drift further and further left into extreme radicalism because no one gets any pushback. "Property is Theft" and all that. Here we drift into the trannie problem, men taking over women's sports, arresting and imprisoning political opponents like Trump, open borders, violent underclass rioting, and all the other outrages the Left doesn't object to, and so attention seekers and trouble makers can promote anything at all.

But it's no different on the Right. I think it's important to be loyal to one's allies and so I don't complain (much, I hope) when rightists do outrageous speech here. This drift to the political extremes is characteristic of highly factionalized societies; many of us can remember when America was fundamentally centrist. Now it's skewed way over to the extreme right and left and the sides hate each other and are trying to destroy each other. When we were a Centrist country, we were quite tolerant of diversity. Now we are deeply intolerant.
It's business as usual when left wingers burn cities to the ground but it's an "insurrection" when republicans protest. How freaking insane can lefties get and still pretend to function in society?
The usual "WHATABOUTISM" from teabaggers.
Trying to equate one violent incident with another.
Like either one, negates the other.
BUT teabaggers try.
Facts are not whataboutism facts are a reminder of your failures
Who ever said the 2020 riots never took place?
Most Trumptards, deny what took place at the capitol building on January 6th.
No one else, but most Trumptards, are trying to equate, the 2020 riots and what took place at the capitol building on January 6th.
Leftists can only be changed with total defeat.
Well, yes, the total defeat of the enemy should always be the goal. But we have to use effective tactics against this enemy. Strike at his weak spots, exacerbate his contradictions, open up divisions within his ranks.

Yes, try to win eletions. But ... they can also be defeated by winning over some of their base, and pulling others out of their orbit into a neutral stance.

And ... we can win some of the more thoughtful ones completely over.

Half the founding editorial board of National Review (the flagship conservative magazine in the US for fifty years) were ex-Marxists: James Burnham, Whittaker Chambers, Freank Meyers...

Here's some bio's of ex-Leftist (Marxists and liberals) who finally saw the Light, taken from Wikipedia. This is one way to totally defeat the Left. Win over their generals.
Second Thoughts on James Burnham - Wikipedia

James Burnham (November 22, 1905 – July 28, 1987) was an American philosopher and political theorist. He chaired the New York University Department of Philosophy; his first book was An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis (1931). Burnham became a prominent Trotskyist activist in the 1930s. He later rejected Marxism and became an even more influential theorist of the political right as a leader of the American conservative movement. His book The Managerial Revolution, published in 1941, speculated on the future of capitalism. Burnham was an editor and a regular contributor to William F. Buckley's conservative magazine National Review on a variety of topics.

Whittaker Chambers (born Jay Vivian Chambers; April 1, 1901 – July 9, 1961) was an American writer-editor, who, after early years as a Communist Party member (1925) and Soviet spy (1932–1938), defected from the Soviet underground (1938), worked for Time magazine (1939–1948), and then testified about the Ware Group in what became the Hiss case for perjury (1949–1950), often referred to as the trial of the century, all described in his 1952 memoir Witness. Afterwards, he worked as a senior editor at National Review (1957–1959). US President Ronald Reagan awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously in 1984.

Like a number of the founding senior editors of National Review magazine, Meyer was first a Communist Party USA apparatchik before he converted to political conservatism. His experiences as a communist are reported in his book The Moulding of Communists: The Training of the Communist Cadre in 1961.
He began an "agonizing reappraisal of his communist beliefs" after he had read F. A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom while he served in the US Army during World War II, and he made a complete break in 1945, after 14 years in active leadership service to the Communist Party and its cause.

Schlamm was born into an upper middle class Jewish family in Przemysl, Galicia, in the Austrian Empire. He became a Communist early in life, and when he was 16 years old was invited to the Kremlin to meet Vladimir Lenin. After completing secondary school, he became a writer with the Vienna Communist newspaper, Die Rote Fahne. He left the Communist Party in 1929 and joined the left-wing magazine Die Weltbühne in 1932.

Later, Schlamm moved to the United States, where he worked for Henry Luce, the publisher of Life, Time and Fortune magazines. He became a U.S. citizen in 1944 alongside code breaker Jeremy Spiro.

Schlamm encouraged William F. Buckley, Jr. to found the conservative magazine, National Review, with Buckley as the sole owner. ...Schlamm is remembered for having coined the saying, "The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists."

A liberal while studying at Oxford, Kendall strongly supported the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War and opposed Joseph Stalin. In 1935, Kendall left Oxford to become a reporter for the United Press in Madrid. Witnessing the Spanish Civil War caused a shift in his political views towards anti-communism.

There are honest people on the Left who don't like its descent into stormtrooper tactics against us. They don't like stifling thought which is not Politically Correct, or shutting down conservative meetings, or the drift into postmodernism which says that there is no objective truth.

You can find some of them here: Quillette

Defeat the Left, yes. But we've got to fight smart to do that.
I read two books on the Rosenberg case and threw away the books, I was so disgusted that people would do what they did. They arranged to pass plans for the new nuclear missiles to the Soviet Union. They had a relative at Los Alamos, IIRC.

The tactic of silence, however, is another name for loyalty. Probably most leftists here think it's a great idea to spy for the Russians, but if any didn't, there's the rule "No enemies on the Left." That was a French rule during all the communists in the National Assembly there before WWII, meaning never condemn anyone on the Left, no matter what cockamamie idea they come out with. The result of this is to drift further and further left into extreme radicalism because no one gets any pushback. "Property is Theft" and all that. Here we drift into the trannie problem, men taking over women's sports, arresting and imprisoning political opponents like Trump, open borders, violent underclass rioting, and all the other outrages the Left doesn't object to, and so attention seekers and trouble makers can promote anything at all.

But it's no different on the Right. I think it's important to be loyal to one's allies and so I don't complain (much, I hope) when rightists do outrageous speech here. This drift to the political extremes is characteristic of highly factionalized societies; many of us can remember when America was fundamentally centrist. Now it's skewed way over to the extreme right and left and the sides hate each other and are trying to destroy each other. When we were a Centrist country, we were quite tolerant of diversity. Now we are deeply intolerant.
Yes, you're right.

But, we mustn't ape the Left and say 'Pas d'ennemis à droite'. There are enemies 'on the Right', as that term is conventionally used: racists, fascists, bigots of all kinds.

Then there are sincere patriots who get frustrated and say foolish things.

We've got to educate our people, and get them fighting effectively, not puffing a lot hot air.

We've got to organize. There are tens of millions of us, and the enemy is not perfect: already, he's making big mistakes in trying to sexualize children. Events change people's minds, and there are going to be big mind-changing events coming down the line. If we are organized, we can take advantage of them.l
I resemble that remark ---------- Sometimes I think I'm the only conservative into postmodernism.
Resent it?

There is a certain truth in postmodernism -- it's a philosophical question about how well we can apprehend reality, since we always do it subjectively -- but that's not really what the Leftist post-modernists are getting at.
But, we mustn't ape the Left and say 'Pas d'ennemis à droite'. There are enemies 'on the Right', as that term is conventionally used: racists, fascists, bigots of all kinds.
There are quite a few RINOs, they are commonly viewed as enemies on the right, but enemies of the right. I don't think the Left has even as much tolerance as RINOs get; very little. It's an interesting issue, but I've decided loyalty is the best policy, loyalty to one's allies. Not everyone thinks that; Trump doesn't, for example.
Resent it?

There is a certain truth in postmodernism -- it's a philosophical question about how well we can apprehend reality, since we always do it subjectively -- but that's not really what the Leftist post-modernists are getting at.
"I resemble that remark" is an old Internet joke --- maybe too old. :)

Yes, I like your definition. I thought it was epistomology at first, how do we know what we know, but I keep going back to ontology, what is real, and how do we know that? I don't know what Leftists are doing with this, but that's my postmodernism. That "fact" is just opinion someone is very, very invested in persuading other people about.
Who ever said the 2020 riots never took place?
Most Trumptards, deny what took place at the capitol building on January 6th.
No one else, but most Trumptards, are trying to equate, the 2020 riots and what took place at the capitol building on January 6th.
You hate facts so you call them whataboutism
Well, I'm sort of using Mac -- who seems like a decent fellow -- as a foil. I'm really talking to people like you. Or rather, with people like you -- I don't have all the answers by a long chalk -- so we need to discuss tactics.

There are tens of thousands of us, hundreds of thousands, even millions ... who realize that more and more red lights on the political control panel have started to flash ... to switch metaphors, our country is listing to port more and more, the dishes are starting to slide off the tables ...many of us have gone out and acquired their 2A hardware, a necessary first step.

But now, we've got to organize. The boldest among us have to start an organization, where there is none. The others must join. If you go to United States County Preparedness Teams you'll see where some patriots have begun.

We must take part in elections, but not become fixated on them to the exclusion of everything else.
While I strongly suspect my input and suggestions are not particularly welcome, I'm going to belch them out anyway. What the hell. It's a message board.

Back when Trump won in 2016, I posted my concern here: That he and Trumpism would go too far (as both parties just LOVE to do), and the resulting pushback would send us too far back in the other direction. It may turn out that I was right. Back and forth. Back and forth. Plenty of damage. Plenty of wasted time.

The fact is, as an independent, I agree (to an extent) with the Right on several issues. Truth be told, I have disagreements with both parties on pretty much EVERY issue. Those on the Right who say I'm lying about that also don't have the balls to challenge me on those issues, so I suspect they know this.

Put as succinctly as possible, the GOP is going too far. They're not paying attention to the perspectives of half the country. They're electing out-and-out clowns, charlatans and con men. They're believing ridiculous voices who are lying to them, and they even KNOW it. They're blowing it, and that's what has me concerned.
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