Trump Unable To Win Majority Of His Own Party In Kentucky! "Four More Precincts" For Democrats!

Getting sold down the river already, and not even noticing--more Trump Reality TV support from SassyIrishLass poster!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soap Operas used to be like that(?): Reality TV gone mad!)

You're trying to deflect from your own failed time pay attention to your own link and leave me out of your nonsense

Every one knows the GOP had their vote in March, long before Cruz was eliminated.
Getting sold down the river already, and not even noticing--more Trump Reality TV support from SassyIrishLass poster!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soap Operas used to be like that(?): Reality TV gone mad!)

You're trying to deflect from your own failed time pay attention to your own link and leave me out of your nonsense

Every one knows the GOP had their vote in March, long before Cruz was eliminated.

Considering some of the comments, some dont'
Getting sold down the river already, and not even noticing--more Trump Reality TV support from SassyIrishLass poster!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soap Operas used to be like that(?): Reality TV gone mad!)

You're trying to deflect from your own failed time pay attention to your own link and leave me out of your nonsense

Every one knows the GOP had their vote in March, long before Cruz was eliminated.

Yeah....that explains some of the comments
hey Mascale, how did that Hillary do. ? maybe you could post on that eh?
The libs are losing their fucking minds, November is a loooong way off. Y'all need to pace yourselves, you'll be staring at the walls before long.
The Day After Kentucky Democratic Primary, Trump is on Wall Street selling out for funding. No self-funding anymore. Below is re-posted from above. In a capsule, Clinton will be altering the make-up of the Federal Reserve, which can then be more pro-active in free market economics than the current subjugation, usury fixed percentage interest rates kind of folks, the bankers. Again Trump is busy selling out to them, famously noted today.
Some people are hard to please, especially if they are working in the coal industry, during a clean energy revolution. The Democrats have to make the alternatives more apparent and immediate. Senator Byrd managed to transfer a lot of District employment from D. C. to West Virginia, for example. Hubert Humphrey and JFK had noted the problem. A response did happen. Spreading around more viable technology-related employment would be an option.

In line with that, getting Federal Reserve out of the hands of the bankers could be a less fixed-percentage usury based "solution" to problems. A simple "Inverse Usury" kind of transition could re-start. The Clinton's did that with the Equal Amount Per Child Income Tax Credit. The gain is greater, for any with a tax burden at the lower incomes. The problem with the credit went unnoticed by the Republicans. 50% of U. S. taxpayers had no further liability, yet "Tax Cuts" were proposed as a solution to an economic downturn.

Even Gay Lord Keynes had proposed. . ."That the people bend over and await the Public Works," an inverse usury kind of spending on projects, like back To Senator Byrd.
The Republicans wanted the rich to pay even less--and nothing--too. Gay Lord Keynes did actually not so-state it like quoted, however(?).

Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid created the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," so that anyone got the equal amount money, regardless if they had worked all the year or not, and regardless if they had no federal income tax liability. The Republicans took that away, too.

So more people with money to spend actually gives high-tech a chance--To Be Spread Around!

"Grow the Economy" was a Bill Clinton concept. Spreading the crap around was kind of what that was about."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Yellow Hair not attacking Sioux Nation at the River--going instead to different river, not-self-funding, making the usual sales!)

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