Donald Trump, The Former President Of The U.S., Can Only Get 51% Of The Vote From His Own Party In Iowa

He wasn't a former President in 2016. Trump is basically an incumbent running for re-election in 2024. There is no way he should be getting only 51%...unless a lot of Republicans don't plan on supporting him in November.
You cannot keep from proving how stupid you are? Everyone that voted for DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy will likely vote for Trump in the general. Do you think they would vote for Biden?
Yeah, it actually does matter, gomer.

Which is why you'll be disappointed yet again in November when millions of Republican voters vote for Biden in order to save democracy.
You mean Biden's so called Democracy where his administration is spying on everyone that shops at Cabella's and other stores?
You cannot keep from proving how stupid you are? Everyone that voted for DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy will likely vote for Trump in the general. Do you think they would vote for Biden?
No, imbecile. Most of those voters will not vote for Biden.

However, A LOT of them will not vote for Trump, either. And that will help Biden.
No, imbecile. Most of those voters will not vote for Biden.

However, A LOT of them will not vote for Trump, either. And that will help Biden.
Biden will likely get less than 50% of the Dems that voted for him in 2020. They'd rather sit out the election than vote for him.
Well, what are the other options in your fantasy world?
Trump will be convicted for most, if not all, of those 91 felony indictments.

But keep believing your MAGA goober fantasies. Your tears will be even more delicious when you finally realize that I'm correct.
You cannot keep from proving how stupid you are? Everyone that voted for DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy will likely vote for Trump in the general. Do you think they would vote for Biden?

Many will vote for Trump. Some will vote 3rd party. Some won't vote at all. Still not a good start for Trump.

A few months before the 2016 General Election what passes for the Marin County Republican Party attempted to hold rally here in Marin City.

They put posters inviting all the resident to attend their whoop-tee-do. Day of the rally, the Republicans showed up and low and behold a grand total of 10 - 20 people showed up. Later after rally, they broke into teams and did a canvass.

When two of them got to my house, they introduced themselves and began with campaign patter. I walked out the door and point to Biden Harris. "Wrong guy, wrong house". The old Female looked at and asked me a very simple question "Are there any Trump supporters living here?" I told not that I know of and suggested she and her friend might try Ross or Novato.

"Fucking Dems, you're everywhere"...."And your NOT" I replied. She stormed off...I just smiled as I closed the door.
Trump will be convicted for most, if not all, of those 91 felony indictments.

But keep believing your MAGA goober fantasies. Your tears will be even more delicious when you finally realize that I'm correct.
How can you be convicted of a charge that is not against the law in the first place? The DA in Atlanta is probably going to be in jail soon because she was banging her special prosecutor who was not qualified for the job!
Totally doable and most likely was done.

It's "doable" that aliens from another planet hacked our election and flipped votes from Trump to Biden. There's just as much evidence of that as there is anything else. What matters is actual fraud which can be shown.


Thanks for the links. At least you tried.

But all you have are 22 illegal voters spanning NINE federal elections. An average of 2½ illegal votes per election on average.

Thanks for showing it's not really a concern.
It's "doable" that aliens from another planet hacked our election and flipped votes from Trump to Biden. There's just as much evidence of that as there is anything else. What matters is actual fraud which can be shown.

The aliens used Jewish Space Lasers.

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