Trump Unfit According To Former DHS Chief of Staff

This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

Trump will stand on a stage and spar with a White House Press Corps that overwhelmingly hates his guts...and does so week in and week out! Joe Biden's handlers wouldn't allow that for a nanosecond because they know that Joe can't handle easy questions at this point let alone the hard ones!

He lies and avoids answering questions. You must think I'm not watching.

YOU lie
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

According to Shelzin, Trump is the best option we have.
Taylor is obviously an angry former swamp denizen with a chip on his shoulder. I wonder if he voiced his opinion of his President to comrades in Russia or China while he was serving in Homeland. Does he have an opinion of Biden's competence (or lack of it) or is he going to keep that opinion to himself.
Taylor goes on to claim that when Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staffers attempted to discuss national security issues with Trump, “he wasn’t interested in those things. … To him, they weren’t priorities.”

Taylor asserts Trump sought to “exploit the Department of Homeland Security for his own political purposes and to fuel his own agenda,” claiming Trump attempted to cut off federal wildfire aid to California because Californians did not support him. He also hits Trump on immigration, claiming the president wanted to “go further” than the zero tolerance policy that led to child separations and “have a deliberate policy of ripping children away from their parents to show those parents that they shouldn’t come to the border in the first place.”

This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

Trump will stand on a stage and spar with a White House Press Corps that overwhelmingly hates his guts...and does so week in and week out! Joe Biden's handlers wouldn't allow that for a nanosecond because they know that Joe can't handle easy questions at this point let alone the hard ones!

And as soon as Trump has to answer a policy question or give an answer that doesn't require the use of adjectives designed to misdirect, he's toast. But you supporters will still love him for giving it the ole college try!
Biden will carve him up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. That will be theater worth the popcorn. :)
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

Trump will stand on a stage and spar with a White House Press Corps that overwhelmingly hates his guts...and does so week in and week out! Joe Biden's handlers wouldn't allow that for a nanosecond because they know that Joe can't handle easy questions at this point let alone the hard ones!

Lol, he doesn't "spar", he lies. And when he doesn't like a question he walks off the stage.
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

Mr Trump is more than competent
YOU are incompetent AND have a serious case of TDS

Is that anything like the HDS the tin foil hats have recently developed?
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

Trump will stand on a stage and spar with a White House Press Corps that overwhelmingly hates his guts...and does so week in and week out! Joe Biden's handlers wouldn't allow that for a nanosecond because they know that Joe can't handle easy questions at this point let alone the hard ones!

Lol, he doesn't "spar", he lies. And when he doesn't like a question he walks off the stage.

When is the last time you saw Joe Biden standing on a stage taking questions from the press?
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

Trump will stand on a stage and spar with a White House Press Corps that overwhelmingly hates his guts...and does so week in and week out! Joe Biden's handlers wouldn't allow that for a nanosecond because they know that Joe can't handle easy questions at this point let alone the hard ones!

And as soon as Trump has to answer a policy question or give an answer that doesn't require the use of adjectives designed to misdirect, he's toast. But you supporters will still love him for giving it the ole college try!
Biden will carve him up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. That will be theater worth the popcorn. :)

Our government is cumbersome and has lived the same way for a long time. Most Americans have made comments and complaints about it. Trump was a candidate that brought this up. But he was derided by lifetime politicians and pundits. He can do no right. Trying to keep the peace and he gets tar and feathered. Remember when most of us wanted peace? What part of the problem is, is that we are due for change. And we have a chance to bring some sense back to living. Just enough to quell the insanity. You won't like the end result of revolution.
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

When you have a candidate with ZERO answers for any of the problems that the country faces...I guess the best thing to do is attack the other candidate's personality? When is Joe going to come out of hiding and start answering a few tough questions from the Press, LL? He's still avoiding that like the plague (pun intended)!

He's been answering questions from the press for decades. He's running a good campaign given the state of the nation.

Your moron doesn't know the issues we'll enough to have a policy discussion on any of them with an average HS sophomore. But you don't care.

Trump will stand on a stage and spar with a White House Press Corps that overwhelmingly hates his guts...and does so week in and week out! Joe Biden's handlers wouldn't allow that for a nanosecond because they know that Joe can't handle easy questions at this point let alone the hard ones!

And as soon as Trump has to answer a policy question or give an answer that doesn't require the use of adjectives designed to misdirect, he's toast. But you supporters will still love him for giving it the ole college try!
Biden will carve him up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. That will be theater worth the popcorn. :)

Our government is cumbersome and has lived the same way for a long time. Most Americans have made comments and complaints about it. Trump was a candidate that brought this up. But he was derided by lifetime politicians and pundits. He can do no right. Trying to keep the peace and he gets tar and feathered. Remember when most of us wanted peace? What part of the problem is, is that we are due for change. And we have a chance to bring some sense back to living. Just enough to quell the insanity. You won't like the end result of revolution.

He isn't smart enough, savvy enough, or learned enough to do any of the things you're giving him credit for. Trump is a blunt instrument. Doesn't read, doesn't think, doesn't care. It's just constant gaslighting and grenade throwing. Why? Because that's what he's done his entire life and that's all he knows how to do. He's derided by most everyone because he's a corrupt moron. Corrupt morons don't usually have any self-awareness. He's destroyed norms, trampled on civility, made a mockery of the Constitution, and just about shredded any hope of decent political discourse. But, I have hope that the trash will be taken out in November. Maybe then we can get back to something resembling normal.
This is an entirely expected yet scathing indictment of our incompetent and corrupt president. His former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor tells it like it is.

Trombies really should reevaluate their priorities.

so those who dont like trump say he is unfit and those who dont like biden say he is unfit....all that tells me is once again America has another election with 2 half-assed people running....lucky us....

And even though most voters will acknowledge that both candidates are bad, they'll STILL vote for them.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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