Trump unravels: Trump snarls at ‘Democrat Savages’ while lashing out at Obama in early morning tweet

Hate to tell you Trump was like this before becoming President, so he is not losing any marbles that he never had before becoming President.

Also Trump will see as much jail time as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney or your glorious Queen Hillary Clinton, so please keep up the lock him up...

Finally the House will Impeach but as written before you will be very upset and might go into a full Trump like melt down when the Senate refuses to Convict and Remove.

So as you glee with joy the reality is you will be disappointed as usual...

Irrespective of the impeachment outcome, it will be amusing to see Donald Trump squirm and blubber as his crimes are exposed by the impeachment process.

You do know if Warren win in 2020 and the House turn red in 2022 she will be impeached for just being a Democrat, so as you cheer now you will cry later...

Also it is not a slam dunk on the impeachment and many of you are counting those chickens before they hatch...

The impeachment will be a slam dunk if they call for it. The Senate will never convict him though.
Actually you are on to something. The Democrats are using this as a fishing expedition for their political opponent. This is certainly NOT the original intent of impeachment. Luckily for Trump, they won't likely catch anything. Mueller went out of his way to try to find something and came up empty handed.

He did? Frankly, what I saw of Mueller was his going out of his way to not look very hard. OJ was looking harder for the real killers.

Looking hard would have been subpoenaing Trumps tax records and seeing how deep in debt to the Russians he actually was.

Right, Mueller and his team of liberal lawyers didn't dig deep enough. PLEASE. You lefties wanted an investigation of his entire life and his kids lives, in hopes of pulling up any upaid parking tickets. 2 years of a liberal witch hunt with Hillary supporters as the lead lawyers didn't find anything signficant. Good luck with the band of morons in the house finding anything.
Hate to tell you Trump was like this before becoming President, so he is not losing any marbles that he never had before becoming President.

Also Trump will see as much jail time as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney or your glorious Queen Hillary Clinton, so please keep up the lock him up...

Finally the House will Impeach but as written before you will be very upset and might go into a full Trump like melt down when the Senate refuses to Convict and Remove.

So as you glee with joy the reality is you will be disappointed as usual...

Irrespective of the impeachment outcome, it will be amusing to see Donald Trump squirm and blubber as his crimes are exposed by the impeachment process.

You do know if Warren win in 2020 and the House turn red in 2022 she will be impeached for just being a Democrat, so as you cheer now you will cry later...

Also it is not a slam dunk on the impeachment and many of you are counting those chickens before they hatch...

The impeachment will be a slam dunk if they call for it. The Senate will never convict him though.

Of course, because it is all politics. The Democrats will not beat Donald Trump in the next election so they are pulling out all the stops. Socialism or bust.
Right, Mueller and his team of liberal lawyers didn't dig deep enough. PLEASE. You lefties wanted an investigation of his entire life and his kids lives, in hopes of pulling up any upaid parking tickets. 2 years of a liberal witch hunt with Hillary supporters as the lead lawyers didn't find anything signficant. Good luck with the band of morons in the house finding anything.

Um, you side spent 70 million to prove Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

You are hardly in a position to whine that Trump is getting the same level of scrutiny.
Of course, because it is all politics. The Democrats will not beat Donald Trump in the next election so they are pulling out all the stops. Socialism or bust.

They'll easily beat Trump. Biden is beating him by double digits. Why do you think he's rooting around the Ukraine looking for dirt...

The question is, do we let him continue to damage the institutions for the next two years?
Right, Mueller and his team of liberal lawyers didn't dig deep enough. PLEASE. You lefties wanted an investigation of his entire life and his kids lives, in hopes of pulling up any upaid parking tickets. 2 years of a liberal witch hunt with Hillary supporters as the lead lawyers didn't find anything signficant. Good luck with the band of morons in the house finding anything.

Um, you side spent 70 million to prove Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

You are hardly in a position to whine that Trump is getting the same level of scrutiny.

Pretty sure the issue was lying under oath, but I don't expect you to understand. That requires more than a 1 step thinking process.
Of course, because it is all politics. The Democrats will not beat Donald Trump in the next election so they are pulling out all the stops. Socialism or bust.

They'll easily beat Trump. Biden is beating him by double digits. Why do you think he's rooting around the Ukraine looking for dirt...

The question is, do we let him continue to damage the institutions for the next two years?

Only Commies(or the very ignorant) would want any of the left-wingers to get elected. Which one are you?
Only Commies(or the very ignorant) would want any of the left-wingers to get elected. Which one are you?

Again, guy, We did fine under Obama. I worked every day Obama was president.

We did fine under Clinton. My salary doubled when Clinton was President.

The guys who fuck this up. Republicans. Nine of the last ten recessions happened when they were in charge.

And this is nothing new. My parents used to say, "Republicans bring us Recessions, Democrats bring us Wars" back in the 1970's.

Now Republicans bring us Recessions AND Wars.

Why do you think this is a good thing?
Pretty sure the issue was lying under oath, but I don't expect you to understand. That requires more than a 1 step thinking process.

Lying under oath about a personal topic the judge had ruled irrelevant in a case that was dismissed.

So let's get Trump under oath, and see how much he lies about.

IN weird Republican World- lying about a blowjob is a constitutional crisis, but lying about misappropriating hundreds of millions of dollars to dig up dirt on a rival is no big deal.
I'm not sure you remember the 2018 election.

elections have choices, i'd call it more an ultimatum

Did you throw in that little tidbit of truth, "He has run up the national debt" to try and lend some legitimacy to this list of pure fiction?

Buying prosperity is Reaganista ....

The question is, do we let him continue to damage the institutions for the next two years?

At this point in history, i can't see how it matters

At this point in history, i can't see how it matters

I think it kind of does. Look, Trump is a mistake of a bad system. Everyone knew he was unfit for office, but no one wanted to push the various methods to keep him from taking office. Now we are kind down to the "In Case of Emergency, Break Glass" contingency of impeachment.
Perhaps an impeachment won't be necessary because of the rate at which Donald Trump is unraveling he may be incapacitated mentally before impeachment.

It's a toss-up whether 9/11 valor thief Rudi Giuliani will be mentally incapacitated before Donald Trump. These two morons deserve each other.

Another symptom of Trump's mental deterioration is his lashing out at Barack Obama for Trump's own predicament which was self-inflicted.

The Guliani clown act is running out of laughs as a distraction and Trump is fearful and frantic with no plan to rescue him from the impeachment and his mental deterioration.

Lock him up! ... Lock him up! ... Lock him up!

Trump snarls at ‘Democrat Savages’ while lashing out at Obama in early morning tweet

Trump snarls at ‘Democrat Savages’ while lashing out at Obama in early morning tweet

Published September 28, 2019
By Tom Boggioni
Donald Trump kicked off Saturday morning on Twitter by calling the Democrats “Savages” and saying Republicans should have treated former President Barack Obama as badly as he has been treated.

According to the president, “Can you imagine if these Do Nothing Democrat Savages, people like Nadler, Schiff, AOC Plus 3, and many more, had a Republican Party who would have done to Obama what the Do Nothings are doing to me. Oh well, maybe next time!”

You can see the tweet below:

Donald J. Trump


Can you imagine if these Do Nothing Democrat Savages, people like Nadler, Schiff, AOC Plus 3, and many more, had a Republican Party who would have done to Obama what the Do Nothings are doing to me. Oh well, maybe next time!

7:16 PM - Sep 28, 2019
/—-/ You couldn’t take what Trump has endured for one minute much less than 3 years. BTT Trump fights back.
Trump is a mistake of a bad system

agreed, but i'd say it's more a who watches the watchers issue Joe


Well, ultimately we should be.

Here's the thing. The people said "No" in 2016.

The EC and Congress made Trump president anyway.

In 2018, the people said "No" a little louder, knowing full well the House could impeach Trump if they got control. Pelosi tried her level best to avoid impeachment, but this is too big to ignore.

Now, the question becomes, we have a process, this deserves a correction.
A bit of advice my poor friend. Never pay attention to what a politician says. Pay attention to what he does.


Let's look at what trump has done.

He's opened concentration camps on the Southern Border.
He's turned the political discourse in this country to a pretty nasty turn.
He's gone to our enemies to help advance himself politically...
He's tried to take health care from millions of people.
He's run up the national debt giving tax breaks to billionaires...

Here's a hint. Pay attention to what he does....

Also- Fuck off you, Libertardian Twit.

I’m glad to see you are aware of some of the things he has done, as it seems most leftists are fixated on what he says. Did you have to google that list? Because I don’t think you would get that from MSNBC.

I’m certain you are entirely unaware of his terminating the decades old nuclear arms treaty with Russia. Or that he has increased sanctions on Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. Or that he made a huge arms deal with Saudi Arabia without congressional approval. He has done nothing to stop the mass murdering of Yemenis, by Saudi Arabia. He just approved an arms deal with Poland.

My point is I wish the Left would criticize his actions rather than his words.
Hate to tell you Trump was like this before becoming President, so he is not losing any marbles that he never had before becoming President.

And why do you think this was a good thing.

Let's review, shall we?

A crazy person with more money than God hijacks the GOP nomination... the people loudly say no, but because the Russians gamed our anachronistic system, we got the job. For the last three years he's done one unhinged thing after another, and you guys all pretend it's okay.

The transcript debunks the false narrative / accusation ...

Except it wasn't a "Transcript", it was a summary. And even the Summary looks really bad.

We still have free speech in this country right? Even for Trump? I would have used gossipers instead of savages, but he wanted it to be commented on. Seems to have worked in your case.

Trump is free to say whatever crazy stuff he wants when he's a private citizen... but when he's president, calling Jewish and Women of Color "savages" is just plain old beneath the dignity of the office.
Has the intelligence committee asked for the real verbatim transcript, yet?
A bit of advice my poor friend. Never pay attention to what a politician says. Pay attention to what he does.


Let's look at what trump has done.

He's opened concentration camps on the Southern Border.
He's turned the political discourse in this country to a pretty nasty turn.
He's gone to our enemies to help advance himself politically...
He's tried to take health care from millions of people.
He's run up the national debt giving tax breaks to billionaires...

Here's a hint. Pay attention to what he does....

Also- Fuck off you, Libertardian Twit.

Donald Trump has also:

  1. Dipped into Uncle Sam's cash register to the benefit of his businesses in Ireland and Scotland; and

  2. Conspired with murderer Mohammed Bin Salman to divert focus from MBS for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

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