Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Do you have a problem with Obama not meeting Netanyahu or Abbas, or any other politician close to the Israeli elections?

Would not that say that Obama supports Netanyahu and people should vote for him?

That is exactly what it would have meant.

Regardless of that, Netanyahu was expected to do well .

Despite the damage to his relations with President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coming congressional address is expected to strengthen his status within his Israeli right-wing electoral base.

Read more: Obama snubs, Netanyahu scores

Now, back to why Trump basically threatened American Jews who would not vote for him or Republicans.

No just Netanyahu the PM of Israel.
Obama had no trouble WHATSOEVER backing the
Muslim Brotherhood and Muhamed Morsi of Egypt.
The Muslim Brotherhood were invited in secret to the
Obama white house and also funded.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

you’d think theg would appreciate israel more
Democrats were the Party Of Slavery and Jim Crow.
Even when forced to vote on Civil Rights { During J.F.K. }
they were outvoted on every Civil Rights amendment by
In the first Civil Rights bill in 1957 under President Eisenhower
L.B.J. was the Majority leader of the Senate.He slowed down
any progress and J.F.K. { then a Senator } voted Present at least
Were. And then it flipped in the mid-60s.
No just Netanyahu the PM of Israel.
Obama had no trouble WHATSOEVER backing the
Muslim Brotherhood and Muhamed Morsi of Egypt.
The Muslim Brotherhood were invited in secret to the
Obama white house and also funded.
Lets get back to the topic, no matter how much you want to bash Democrats
How many Jewish shops got looted and burned down by people wearing Maga hats 2 summers ago ?
They don't have to be MAGA. They attack Jewish shops, schools, synagogues, Jews walking on the streets all the time. And yes, they do vote Republican.
Trump thinks American Jews are stupid
He thinks a few platitudes about Israel will convert them toRepublican

Jews hear the tired, old conspiracy theories coming from alt right. The secret Jewish cabal plotting against white people and plotting their replacement

They have seen it before and it scares them
There's a lovely anthology of GOP speeches in Congress admiring the Fascists Mussolini and Hitler called "The Illustrious Dunderheads." I recommend you look it over.

Amazon product ASIN B00261L9KQ
I tell ya what Bubba.Name just one GOP politician
and a quote to back it up.
It's like saying some Republicans were in favor of
Slavery.Or held slaves.
It was the *Democrats who refused to sign onto anti-lynching
bills.That is why Frauds like Sirius Radios Joe Madison
made a huge deal about some anti-lynching bill months ago.
To make it seem like his vaunted Fraud Democrats really cared about Anti-lynching.

* In 1918 with the Dyers bill it got nowhere because \
White Southern democrats saw to ,it.It took till 1922
with a Republican controlled chamber for it's passing.
With a vote of 231-119.Guess who the 231 were.
Plus 4 voted " present " and 74 did not vote.
Trump thinks American Jews are stupid
He thinks a few platitudes about Israel will convert them toRepublican

Jews hear the tired, old conspiracy theories coming from alt right. The secret Jewish cabal plotting against white people and plotting their replacement

They have seen it before and it scares them
"Jews will not replace us"....chanted by fat former guy supporters.....those good people.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.


He's right.

Your party has four Holocaust deniers currently representing you in Congress.

That's what you voted for, Mac...a party that tolerates Holocaust denial in Congress.
I tell ya what Bubba.Name just one GOP politician
and a quote to back it up.
It's like saying some Republicans were in favor of
Slavery.Or held slaves.
It was the *Democrats who refused to sign onto anti-lynching
bills.That is why Frauds like Sirius Radios Joe Madison
made a huge deal about some anti-lynching bill months ago.
To make it seem like his vaunted Fraud Democrats really cared about Anti-lynching.

* In 1918 with the Dyers bill it got nowhere because \
White Southern democrats saw to ,it.It took till 1922
with a Republican controlled chamber for it's passing.
With a vote of 231-119.Guess who the 231 were.
Plus 4 voted " present " and 74 did not vote.
So you can't read. So sorry to hear that. :itsok:

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