Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Why didn’t Jews support Trump?

Because even if he supports Israel, he also supports anti-semites and bigots who have infiltrated his party
Why didn’t Jews support Trump?

Because even if he supports Israel, he also supports anti-semites and bigots who have infiltrated his party
His daughter is married to a Jew so your opinion is complete bullshit.
Let's remember that before the U.S. entered WWII, the GOP in Congress openly admired the European fascists.
The only true Fascist at the time was Benito *Mussolini.
Name the GOP'er who admired a Fascist.
With the possible exception of big names like
Old Man Joe Kennedy,Henry Ford and Prescott Bush.
Who I doubt voted Republican.

* " The struggle between the two worlds { Fascism
and Democracy } can permit of no compromises.
It's either Us o6 Them! "
Address,from Palazzo Venezia balcony Oct.3rd,1930
As close to what Biden said a few weeks ago.Almost word
for word.
Yeah right because we all know how many Democrat
Jew politicians are supportive of Israel.
Kinda explains why when Benjamin Netanyahu visited
the Barack Obama White House he was snubber Big Time
by Barack.Forced to sit in a vacant WH room.
- The real reason Obama snubbed Netanyahu -
Edward Klein { May 7,2015 }
Do you have a problem with Obama not meeting Netanyahu or Abbas, or any other politician close to the Israeli elections?

Would not that say that Obama supports Netanyahu and people should vote for him?

That is exactly what it would have meant.

Regardless of that, Netanyahu was expected to do well .

Despite the damage to his relations with President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coming congressional address is expected to strengthen his status within his Israeli right-wing electoral base.

Read more: Obama snubs, Netanyahu scores

Now, back to why Trump basically threatened American Jews who would not vote for him or Republicans.

The only true Fascist at the time was Benito *Mussolini.
Name the GOP'er who admired a Fascist.
With the possible exception of big names like
Old Man Joe Kennedy,Henry Ford and Prescott Bush.
Who I doubt voted Republican.

* " The struggle between the two worlds { Fascism
and Democracy } can permit of no compromises.
It's either Us o6 Them! "
Address,from Palazzo Venezia balcony Oct.3rd,1930
As close to what Biden said a few weeks ago.Almost word
for word.
There's a lovely anthology of GOP speeches in Congress admiring the Fascists Mussolini and Hitler called "The Illustrious Dunderheads." I recommend you look it over.

Amazon product ASIN B00261L9KQ
The only true Fascist at the time was Benito *Mussolini.
Name the GOP'er who admired a Fascist.
With the possible exception of big names like
Old Man Joe Kennedy,Henry Ford and Prescott Bush.
Who I doubt voted Republican.

* " The struggle between the two worlds { Fascism
and Democracy } can permit of no compromises.
It's either Us o6 Them! "
Address,from Palazzo Venezia balcony Oct.3rd,1930
As close to what Biden said a few weeks ago.Almost word
for word.
Nothing to do with the OP.
The Republican base has embraced replacement theory.
A call to arms for white, male, Christians against those they see as taking their jobs.

American Jews have taken note
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