Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

Trump is right about this. I don't see a problem with what he said.
Nice gaslighting of Jews.

NEXT. !!!!!!
Jews were instrumental in funding Civil Rights Protests and
also were Abolitionists.To their credit.One reason they vote in
the same percentile as the Black Community.
So Kanye West is correct.Today's Left-leaning jews in a sense
feel they Own the Black vote.Certainly in the way they write
and excuse bad black behavior.If BLM is any foundational
example.BLM was a Hoax.A meme/narrative that was used to help counter the popularity of Trumps base.
........especially considering that nothing could be further from the truth.

Did Trump delegitimize the very existence of Israel like so many leftists? Did he characterize Jews as manipulative, sneaky, disloyal or unduly powerful like so many leftists? Did he justify Arab terrorists killing Jews like so many leftists? No, of course not. He merely said that it was time for more of them to wake up and stop voting against their best interests.
"like so many leftists"? Name those leftists doing that.
Jews were instrumental in funding Civil Rights Protests and
also were Abolitionists.To their credit.One reason they vote in
the same percentile as the Black Community.
So Kanye West is correct.Today's Left-leaning jews in a sense
feel they Own the Black vote.Certainly in the way they write
and excuse bad black behavior.If BLM is any foundational
example.BLM was a Hoax.A meme/narrative that was used to help counter the popularity of Trumps base.
More BS you read from idiots who want to turn all American Jews into idiots.

You are tying to gaslight me just as Trump has done twice.

I know exactly where a ton of antisemitism is coming from. From the Republicans. Within those who vote for the Republicans, like:

Neo nazis, the KKK, Skinheads, Proud Boys, and any and all militias approved by Trump who are extremely antisemitic.

Gaslight me???? Not a chance.
O.k. -- stupid it is.

I am gaslighting nobody, even if you did just learn the term and are at that juvenile stage when you like to toss it around.

Perhaps it is simply because I am an independent that allows me to see the obvious, but you remind me of the Jewish people who lived in Germany in the late 1920s or early 30s who DIDN'T get the hell out of Germany because they simply refused to see reality.
There it is......blaming the Jews...."simply refused to see reality".
More gaslighting. I am supposed to be ignorant of history.

What high ideas you have of yourself.

Democrats, Independents and Republicans who do not vote for Trump and many other Republicans are stupid. If Trump says so, it is so.

Let's remember that before the U.S. entered WWII, the GOP in Congress openly admired the European fascists.
Trump is upset that Jews don’t support him.
He doesn’t care if they support Israel
Yeah right because we all know how many Democrat
Jew politicians are supportive of Israel.
Kinda explains why when Benjamin Netanyahu visited
the Barack Obama White House he was snubber Big Time
by Barack.Forced to sit in a vacant WH room.
- The real reason Obama snubbed Netanyahu -
Edward Klein { May 7,2015 }
The more religious ones vote Republican. It’s one of the main reasons I joined an Orthodox synagogue. The Reform one, and even the Conservative one, closer to my house made me feel unwelcome. And I’m not the only one - there are a lot of Republican Jews in my Orthodox shul who were practically chased out of their former synagogues.

And think about it - Orthodox Jews are having six and eight kids each, and those kids are having six and kids each. In a couple of generations, Jews will be primarily Republican.'s not religion, it's being a con-servative. Thought so.

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