Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and got ME nations to recognize Israel; democrats are working to help Iran develop nukes and WON'T DO A FUCKING THING TO STAND UP FOR IRANIAN WOMEN.
Democrats stand up for American women, American Children, American voters, American minorities, Social Security, Medicare, keeping the Republicans from turning the Post Office into a private company, in order to do with it what they will, the way De Joy has been doing since Trump appointed him.

The US will do whatever it can for Iranian women. It will sanction Iran as much as it can. It cannot get involved in Iran, any more than it can fight Ukraine's battles against Russia.

Republicans are for Suppression of votes, Jailing women if they get abortions, privatizing Social Security Medicare and the Post Office in order to control and/or do away with them. The Post office especially during election times, as it happened in 2020.

I really, really want to vote for Republicans, but their platform (there really is none to see since 2020 ) won't allow me.

Attempting to attract all American Jews to vote for Republicans by demeaning them is beyond low, and it only attracts more attacks on Jews for being Jews, the same way Asian Pacific people continue to be attacked by those who believe Trump's words about the "China virus".

Not conceding an election and contributing to all the Republicans who are also denying the election results is also a big NO towards voting for Republicans.

Run fair elections, win fairly. Trump likes to win fairly or unfairly. All too many Republicans are now trying to win the same way. Just say that they won.

I will never vote for Trump or anyone who continues to follow his attempts to delegitimize the 2020 election, especially as all Republicans who won seats and offices would also have to be desqualified.

NO !!!!!

I will not vote for Trump or any Republican who lies and cheats and attempts to take power by cheating or by force. Most of the Republicans running are totally incompetent for the job they are applying for.

Gaslight me now.
Dont make excuses. Racism is racism. Trump said some mean things about some black people. Hardly uncommon for people his age. Not an excuse but it just isn’t all that uncommon. Do you really believe Biden has never said some racist shit when around people he thinks wouldn’t say anything? He says borderline shit now into microphones as the President. I don’t think Biden is an actual racist though. He’s just from a generation that says things we all cringe at now.
I don’t want to speak for anyone else but Id much rather someone say something mean about me without me every knowing than being rounded up and thrown into a concentration camp.

BTW the claim was Trump was the least Christian President.
Excusing the fat former guy's racism, eh?
I guess nothing if they don’t consider themselves Americans. I would think all Americans would care about starting a war with Russia.
You are gaslighting Jews just as Trump does by saying that they may not consider themselves Americans if they do not vote Republicans.
You are gaslighting Jews just as Trump does by saying that they may not consider themselves Americans if they do not vote Republicans.

If you were confident in your positions, you would not feel the need to put words in his mouth.

Just saying.
The contention was that Trump was the most unchristian president in history dumb ass. I’m sorry but I view what FDR, Jackson ans Wilson did as far less Christian than anything Trump may or may ot have done. Either read and keep up with the thread or fuck off. I dint much care either way.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

Trump is criticizing US Jews for being shortsighted and non supportive of Israel

Thats common sense that goes over the head of liberal Jews

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