Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

I often forget how tiny your bubble is:

View attachment 711433
[ Who really knows. But make of it what one wishes ]
So that leaves two questions: Was Farrakhan formally invited to the CBC, and what does it say about black politicians and the Jewish community?

The likelihood is that he was invited: He was with a substantial retinue and the logistics of schlepping all those folks around Capitol Hill just to say hello for the informal first minutes of a weekly CBC get-together seems unlikely. It also seems likely, given the timing of the meeting and the presence of Wilson, that Farrakhan was invited to discuss marking the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March. Who invited Farrakhan? Was it the CBC as a group? Was it Rangel, McKinney, Obama or another unidentified member acting on his or her own? We don’t know.

It’s also unclear if the photo proves that Obama’s relationship with Farrakhan was cozier than previously acknowledged. Farrakhan may have gravitated to the emerging political star to say hello, Muhammad was in the right place and time, a snapshot ensues.

“Over his career, @barackobama has denounced the bigotry of Farrakhan.

(full article online]

You can post this all day long, it doesn't change the fact that you elected four Holocaust deniers to Congress, and the party you belong to supports and tolerates them, and hundreds of other anti-Semites.
You keep saying that but somehow avoid providing proof of your claim
I already gave him a list of DOZENS of known anti-Semites he has elected and supported. Doesn't matter, they don't see it.
You are being disingenuous by saying You. Voters from their districts vote for them. Go educate them.

Who is going to educate the Republican voters to not vote for anti abortion or election deniers? I am looking forward to see the results of who voters are going to choose as their representatives on the GOP side.
I already gave him a list of DOZENS of known anti-Semites he has elected and supported. Doesn't matter, they don't see it.
You are being disingenuous by saying You. Voters from their districts vote for them. Go educate them.

Who is going to educate the Republican voters to not vote for anti abortion or election deniers? I am looking forward to see the results of who voters are going to choose as their representatives on the GOP side.
What does not voting for antisemitic candidates have to do with not voting for candidates who advocate for murdering children? Oh and stop talking about things that arent part of the OP. Right?
What does not voting for antisemitic candidates have to do with not voting for candidates who advocate for murdering children? Oh and stop talking about things that arent part of the OP. Right?
It is all off the rails. Just enjoy. :)
What does not voting for antisemitic candidates have to do with not voting for candidates who advocate for murdering children? Oh and stop talking about things that arent part of the OP. Right?
Who is advocating murdering children? besides the 2nd Amendment thoughts & prayers crowd, that is.
Ok. Can you answer the question then?
Democrats do not advocate for murdering children. That is how the Republicans have chosen to dress this mannequin. Watch how many Republican women, and men, will be voting for Democrats this Midterm because Roe vs Wade was dismantled because of religious fanatics. :)
What does deathcon 3 mean? Seriously, there's nothing on the internet explaining exactly what deathcon 3 means. If Kanye meant defcon 3, (likely I dont think Kanye is exceptional educated on these sorts of things) what does that mean? The US is currently at DEFCON 3 btw.
Kanye is a brilliant artist, creator etc. He's not a philosopher nor does he strike me as an exceptionally deep thinker. Im not sure why either side puts so much stock into what he says.
Who is advocating murdering children? besides the 2nd Amendment thoughts & prayers crowd, that is.
Abortion kills human life. The pro life side is of the belief that every abortion kills a child. Part of the issue with the discussion of abortion is that neither side ever takes into account what the other believes. It's just chimps throwing shit at each other from opposing cages.
What does not voting for antisemitic candidates have to do with not voting for candidates who advocate for murdering children? Oh and stop talking about things that arent part of the OP. Right?
Excellent point. OP is making it as though we have to choose between antisemites and pro-lifers, and he, being a liberal Jew, sees the former as not as awful as the latter - and thus votes for the abortion-enablers while trying to overlook (or downplay) the antisemitism growing in his Party.

This is the choice that Democrat Jews are making: their liberalism is taking priority over support for Israel, and concern for antisemitism. The OP admitted it when he gave the litany of policies and preferences he likes among Democrats and dislikes among Republicans.

The dissonance comes when you consider OP is a strong supporter of Israel and yet votes for the anti-Israel Party.
Democrats do not advocate for murdering children. That is how the Republicans have chosen to dress this mannequin. Watch how many Republican women, and men, will be voting for Democrats this Midterm because Roe vs Wade was dismantled because of religious fanatics. :)
We will see. Somehow I dont think people are going to ignore this shit economy because Roe V Wade was overturned. People by nature tend to focus on the closest alligator to the boat.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

Hey read the last sentence. It is merely an exhortation for American Jews to support Israel. Wtf is wrong with that?
Democrats do not advocate for murdering children. That is how the Republicans have chosen to dress this mannequin. Watch how many Republican women, and men, will be voting for Democrats this Midterm because Roe vs Wade was dismantled because of religious fanatics. :)
BTW when does the "thing" inside a woman become a human?
Democrats do not advocate for murdering children. That is how the Republicans have chosen to dress this mannequin. Watch how many Republican women, and men, will be voting for Democrats this Midterm because Roe vs Wade was dismantled because of religious fanatics. :)
It wasn’t dismantled. It was merely sent back to the states, where it always belonged.

And stop kidding yourself. Abortion is a distant third or fourth compared to concerns about the economy, inflation, and illegal immigration - all of which favor the GOP.
What does deathcon 3 mean? Seriously, there's nothing on the internet explaining exactly what deathcon 3 means. If Kanye meant defcon 3, (likely I dont think Kanye is exceptional educated on these sorts of things) what does that mean? The US is currently at DEFCON 3 btw.
Kanye is a brilliant artist, creator etc. He's not a philosopher nor does he strike me as an exceptionally deep thinker. Im not sure why either side puts so much stock into what he says.
I found out what it means. You should too.
With Russia's threats of nuclear attacks, that is why the US, and probably other countries are on the same level. Just in case. I don't think Putin will ever use the Nuclear option. He is having too much fun with drones, killing civilians, and kidnapping them.

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