Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Start to make a modicum of sense or you're going on ignore.
Poster asked why republicans want to ban Abortion if they get more power in this thread so I asked my question of what I thought Democommies were going to ban if they get the chance .
Obama did not care for his endorsement.

Back to the subject of the OP
Yeah Righto ... Ringo.Until After he secured his 2012
election.Then he shed crocodile tears in appreciation
to his mostly youngish volunteers who used the Internet
to lie about his first term.
Keep in mind how easily it was for Mitt Romney to
run circles around Massa Obama in their first Presidential
debate.Then chubby CNN Candy Crowley came to Obama's
aid in one debate actually helping him answer a sticky
question which required a specific fact.
Or how about a Presidential Re-election TV ad { aired on
the Internet } using cuss words and body parts by seniors
in an old folks home who appeared pissed-off.
Thanks to the snarky female shrew Stephanie Cutter,
a Smith College Leftist.
"sounds like"......actually it sounds like a threat......just like Hitler and the NAZIs started out with threats against Jews in Germany.

No, it doesn't. The only way to read it that way, is if you are blinded by preconcieved bias.

It is clearly a warning that supporting dems will lead to bad results, because dems suck.
In other words....the First Amendment is "leftard". Well, now we know you are against the First Amendment.

Don't do, "in other words". you suck at it.

And it is not the Right that has been attacking people to silence them, but leftards like yourself.
"Look at me! I've got guns!!!!" :heehee: Sorry, the over-compensating is just too obvious to miss.
I don't want to be looked at for that. Already I have youngsters at work who want to talk about them and see photos. I don't oblige because guns are not toys to be paraded around and showed off on a whim. People who want to do that are on the wrong state of mind. I own guns for protection and foodgetting. And the truth is, I just like well engineered machines. And in this case we're talking about well-engineered machines that equalize people.'s a matter how much you deny it.

This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since the mid 60s.

The debate sicne then has always been on HOW best to get there.

When people lie and claim that hte other side is OPPOSING, the equality, that is the use of divisive tactics for political gain.

That turns people against each other and causes strife and violence, based on a BIG LIE.
This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since the mid 60s.

The debate sicne then has always been on HOW best to get there.

When people lie and claim that hte other side is OPPOSING, the equality, that is the use of divisive tactics for political gain.

That turns people against each other and causes strife and violence, based on a BIG LIE.
Almost half the country (nearly the entire South) voted against equality. Bipartisanship must be put in context. Whites who venerate the shit culture of the white supremacist south have always opposed equality and its a shame we didn't eradicate their shit culture because it's since spread beyond the South.
Almost half the country (nearly the entire South) voted against equality.

Only if you ignore the Midwest and teh West. And they lost. And the issue was settled and politics moved on. The consensus was accepted there like everywhere else.

Bipartisanship must be put in context. Whites who venerate the shit culture of the white supremacist south have always opposed equality and its a shame we didn't eradicate their shit culture because it's since spread beyond the South.

Like Jimmy Carter?


Jimmy Carter was well known for supporting Civil Rights, flew a version of the CONFEDERATE FLAG in his office while governor and then ran for the Presidency and won nearly all of the South.

Your claim is simply false.
Only if you ignore the Midwest and teh West. And they lost. And the issue was settled and politics moved on. The consensus was accepted there like everywhere else.
Kinda seems like when I said the South, that I was talking about the South and not the Midwest or West.
Like Jimmy Carter?

View attachment 711799

Jimmy Carter was well known for supporting Civil Rights, flew a version of the CONFEDERATE FLAG in his office while governor and then ran for the Presidency and won nearly all of the South.

Your claim is simply false.
Nothing I said was false. Nearly all the elected representatives in the South (the states that made up the former Confederacy), save two, voted against ending segregation. That's a fact. Your facts have nothing to do with the culture of racism in the South. Carter who was from the South beat Ford who took over from Nixon after he was forced to resign. The issue on the ballot that election was not civil rights, it was corruption. As for that flag Jimmy now says it should be done away with and put out of existence. Now Jimmy Carter isn't my arbiter of righteousness but if you want to pretend as if he's yours I guess you agree with him.
I guess I'll just leave this right here.

The similarities just keep coming. And no one in his party will say a thing.

Good God you are so pathetic.

Everybody knows you hate Trump because you are just like him.

You have no real policy disputes with Trump. It's purely a personality thing.

You really hate yourself.
Only because it's the "in" thing to do.

This is all a bunch of trendy bullshit.
It's not. It's the beginning of our societies repudiation of your culture. That has never really happened yet. America reluctantly recognized black equal rights but even in voting on it we have to acknowledge that this society of whites thought allowing racists to have a say in whether black people get equal rights is an admission that the opinion of white racists was worth more than that of the people who's rights were being wagered. Their worthiness was never questioned. Their depravity never addressed. It's going to be. White American culture is going to have address that at some point, whether it wants to or not.
Kinda seems like when I said the South, that I was talking about the South and not the Midwest or West.

And you called the South "half the country". Which it is not.

Christ dude. Don't you get tired of having to play retard to dodge my points?

Nothing I said was false. Nearly all the elected representatives in the South (the states that made up the former Confederacy), save two, voted against ending segregation. That's a fact. Your facts have nothing to do with the culture of racism in the South.

But it was false. Jimmy Carter had no problem celebrating the South's culture and histroy at the same time he strongly supported Civil Rights. He was elected governor and then President, with the full support of the South.

Demonstrating the NATIONAL nature of the CONSENSUS on EQUALITY FOR BLACKS, of my point.

Proving YOU wrong. That is my point with this. Would you like to address it, or would you instead prefer to act too retarded to understand that?

Carter who was from the South beat Ford who took over from Nixon after he was forced to resign. The issue on the ballot that election was not civil rights, it was corruption. As for that flag Jimmy now says it should be done away with and put out of existence.

As I said, after the mid 60s, the issue of EQUALITY FOR BLACKS, was moot, becausue both sides were on the same side, of that issue.

So, it makes sense that the election focues then on OTHER issues, NOT race.

Now Jimmy Carter isn't my arbiter of righteousness but if you want to pretend as if he's yours I guess you agree with him.

You made a point claiming that people that celebrate Southern History oppose civil rights.

I clearly presented Jimmy Carter as a strong example of an individual who celebrated confederate history and SUPPORTED civil rights.

And he won elections IN THE SOUTH, doing so.

That proves your claim wrong.

That was my point. Would you like to address it now, or do you want to pretend to be too retarded to understand it some more?

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