Trump: "US Jews need to get their act together, before it's too late"

Very few do
The ones who do are either rich or their loyalty is with Israel and they know Republicans tend to go along with whatever Israel wants to do. Democrats not as much. Like I believe Israel loved us going to war with Iraq. They supported that war. Even Democratic Jews like Joe Lieberman defended that huge mistake. This is why 30% of them vote GOP. Either they are rich or they like how Republicans pander to Israel.

Anyways, the ones who vote GOP because of Israel, can not possibly want Trump back when they know he leaked intel to Russia that Russia then told to Iran. No way they trust him to be POTUS.
The ones who do are either rich or their loyalty is with Israel and they know Republicans tend to go along with whatever Israel wants to do. Democrats not as much. Like I believe Israel loved us going to war with Iraq. They supported that war. Even Democratic Jews like Joe Lieberman defended that huge mistake. This is why 30% of them vote GOP. Either they are rich or they like how Republicans pander to Israel.

Anyways, the ones who vote GOP because of Israel, can not possibly want Trump back when they know he leaked intel to Russia that Russia then told to Iran. No way they trust him to be POTUS.
That’s not true.

The Jews who will vote for Biden again, even though he enabled the terrorist attack, are so blinded by their liberalism that they ignore the antisemitism that has erupted under his watch.
That was reported to the Jews. They know he did it. Bibi knows that idiot talked to the Russians. Question is was he stupid or evil for doing it?

He can and never will be president again my friend. Try better next time with a better candidate. Learn the right lessons of why you lost. Don't say elections are rigged. The people will speak, next year, and you know it. There is SOOOO much dirt on Trump. The Republicans running against him are pussies. Or they can't be honest with Republican voters. Cognitive Dissonance Overload would happen. Like when they found out for sure Fox News is knowingly lying to them yet they continue to tune in.
Hamas always obliges Israel's need for a land grab.
HAMAS demonstrates why Jew-hating Arabs shouldn’t live adjacent to Jews. The Palestinians need to be moved to the other 99.5% of thr Mid-east, which is all Arab.

Find little Israel on this map:

That was reported to the Jews. They know he did it. Bibi knows that idiot talked to the Russians. Question is was he stupid or evil for doing it?

He can and never will be president again my friend. Try better next time with a better candidate. Learn the right lessons of why you lost. Don't say elections are rigged. The people will speak, next year, and you know it. There is SOOOO much dirt on Trump. The Republicans running against him are pussies. Or they can't be honest with Republican voters. Cognitive Dissonance Overload would happen. Like when they found out for sure Fox News is knowingly lying to them yet they continue to tune in.
Hear a lot of 'alleged' things these days.
Your problem is that US Jews are too bright to believe that RW Propaganda
They must be like me. I saw what Republicans felt about my immigrant dad. Like Jews, sometimes we go unnoticed. My father was an immigrant and these kids repeated what their Republican fathers said about immigrants, blacks, queers, mexicans. I know those kids were Republicans because I keep in touch and they are all Republicans to this day. A lot of them uneducated low skill workers. Or small business owners. Or cops. Technically educated but not smart enough to realize he's in a union himself and getting a pension. Somethings his party hates. But it's okay to be a hypocrite. Cognitive Dissonance I'm sure kicks in.

Anyways, just because I'm a white American, I don't feel like these white Americans who don't have a connection to someplace else. It seems if you've lost your connection to where you came from, you become extremely lazy, stupid, entitled, manipulated, brainwashed.
They must be like me. I saw what Republicans felt about my immigrant dad. Like Jews, sometimes we go unnoticed. My father was an immigrant and these kids repeated what their Republican fathers said about immigrants, blacks, queers, mexicans. I know those kids were Republicans because I keep in touch and they are all Republicans to this day. A lot of them uneducated low skill workers. Or small business owners. Or cops. Technically educated but not smart enough to realize he's in a union himself and getting a pension. Somethings his party hates. But it's okay to be a hypocrite. Cognitive Dissonance I'm sure kicks in.

Anyways, just because I'm a white American, I don't feel like these white Americans who don't have a connection to someplace else. It seems if you've lost your connection to where you came from, you become extremely lazy, stupid, entitled, manipulated, brainwashed.
Yet only Republicans harbor these animosities.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Your problem is that US Jews are too bright to believe that RW Propaganda

I want to add to what I said. Sorry I'm rambling but I know you get it.

Red Necks, White Trash, Blue Collar Americans have enjoyed white privilege for so long. I love it how they deny that exists but we see from the 70's to today as economic opportunities disappear for these uneducated white Americans, suddenly when the economic opportunities dry up for the white blue collar Americans, suddenly the shit hits the fan. They need to give blacks more credit for living without economic opportunities for much longer and doing pretty well for themselves despite being treated like second class cry, rambling again.

This is what happens when one demographic is entitled. After the jobs dry up. And the sad thing is most of these uneducated low skilled white workers voted against themselves. I know they THINK voting for Trump is the right thing to do but he's only conning those fools. But they won't see it. It's all witch hunt.

Trump will go down in infamy.
Yet only Republicans harbor these animosities.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Let me think about that. Us liberals, regardless of if we were Republicans or Democrats back then, believed slavery was wrong. It was not liberals who denied blacks the right to vote. It's us liberals who said it's okay for gays to be married too.

Did you watch All In The Family? Are you Archie or Meat Head?
I want to add to what I said. Sorry I'm rambling but I know you get it.

Red Necks, White Trash, Blue Collar Americans have enjoyed white privilege for so long. I love it how they deny that exists but we see from the 70's to today as economic opportunities disappear for these uneducated white Americans, suddenly when the economic opportunities dry up for the white blue collar Americans, suddenly the shit hits the fan. They need to give blacks more credit for living without economic opportunities for much longer and doing pretty well for themselves despite being treated like second class cry, rambling again.

This is what happens when one demographic is entitled. After the jobs dry up. And the sad thing is most of these uneducated low skilled white workers voted against themselves. I know they THINK voting for Trump is the right thing to do but he's only conning those fools. But they won't see it. It's all witch hunt.

Trump will go down in infamy.
Trump has built his Presidency on just that constituency

You don’t see Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants running around in MAGA hats.

Trump feeds the anger, hatred and misinformation that drives MAGA
Your problem is that US Jews are too bright to believe that RW Propaganda
All people have potential psyche issues for many reasons. If Jewish men and women see their past as not treated well at times that can affect them. So secular Jews pushing liberal policies mean they are open minded. The problem today is it has gotten us into extremism and has affected the nuclear families that prevailed at one time.
Let me think about that. Us liberals, regardless of if we were Republicans or Democrats back then, believed slavery was wrong. It was not liberals who denied blacks the right to vote. It's us liberals who said it's okay for gays to be married too.

Did you watch All In The Family? Are you Archie or Meat Head?
Has nothing to do with slavery, only your categorizing all Republicans.

You sound eerily similar the Hamas rhetoric about Jews.
Trump has built his Presidency on just that constituency

You don’t see Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants running around in MAGA hats.

Trump feeds the anger, hatred and misinformation that drives MAGA
I think this is our opportunity to win them back. Point out that when Trump says he will bring back their jobs they will come back at $15 hr. And studies show, in particular, it is uneducated whites who are suffering most from economic despair today. And it's not because of immigrants. It's because of illegal employers. We should let immigrants in legally so they are paying taxes and doing our $15 hr jobs. They go unfilled.

Wages for unskilled, uneducated non union workers is $15. If they want more they need to start supporting unions.

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