Trump uses the DOJ as Auto Makers don't lower their mpg standards

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I can't agree more.

I fill my tank for around 27 dollars. It's a 10 gallon tank. I usually put around 8 gallons in it when I fill it.

That's after I've driven over 400 miles on that around 8 gallons.

I have to laugh at such people who are proud of the fact that they waste fuel and money with their penis extender vehicles.

I just wish they would get out of the far left lane on the freeway and stop holding up traffic. They have they engine to move. Instead they passively aggressively sit in that lane going slow forcing everyone else in that lane to go slow.
What vehicle do you own?

I own a Prius.

I put Chevron gas in it so I get a higher mileage than those who put cheap gas in their cars. The cheap gas clogs my fuel injectors. I stopped buying cheap gas in the early 90s when the fuel injectors of my Subaru were clogged. The mechanic who fixed it recommended Chevron gas to never have that problem again. I've not had that problem since.

In the summer I get between 56 and 60 mpg. In the winter I get between 50 and 55 mpg.

I made the decision in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And I haven't. This Prius is the 3rd one. I've had a Honda Civic hybrid too but wasn't impressed. I like the Prius much better.
Cool story....:hyper:

People can drive whatever they want, most of us don’t give two shits. But no one should ever tell anyone else what to drive. I found Prius drivers are assholes like that woman I just posted....

Well that's one of the many ways conservatives and liberals differ. If I think Big Mac's are bad for you, I just won't eat them. If a liberal thinks Big Mac's are bad for you, they want to stop everybody from eating them.

Liberals think THEY know best and should dictate our decisions.

And if they ever get full control over our energy and healthcare, that's exactly how they will be able to do it.
I remember many years ago when my closest friend hit the lottery. He bought a vet. He was so thrilled over it that he demanded I get behind the wheel. I thought he was going to have to call an ambulance to wedge me out of the thing.

I know the feeling! In my misspent youth, my Ol' Man (mechanic) came across a 54 XK-120 Jaguar I bought for $600.00. I'm 6'3". I could best drive it with the top down. Power nothing, a huge steering wheel to turn the car. I could wrap myself around the steering wheel (adjustable) and comfortably drive. I did think I was SO COOL!

I drove from college classes on the north side of Miami to the Cutler Ridge Bowling alley. About a 45 minute drive. Three girls were standing out front talking, I was 19. I swung into a parking place right in front of them, my JAG rumbling. I opened my door, went to step out and fell flat on the pavement. My left leg was nearly asleep!

Loved that car but...driving it hard it got about 8-10 mpg.

What happened to the girls ? Get Lucky?


They laughed! Actually I did too as I laid on the pavement.

You blew that opportunity. You should have acted like you were in extreme pain, then they would have flocked around you to help.
You are correct, the extra cost of a Prius or Tesla will never be recouped in fuel savings, and no Tesla is old enough to have needed new batteries as of yet...……………..But prius owners are saving the Earth in their little minds

Manufacturing the batteries for these so called green cars is TOXIC as hell. From mining the materials to disposal at end of life. These retard liberals are going to wreck the planet.
What vehicle do you own?

I own a Prius.

I put Chevron gas in it so I get a higher mileage than those who put cheap gas in their cars. The cheap gas clogs my fuel injectors. I stopped buying cheap gas in the early 90s when the fuel injectors of my Subaru were clogged. The mechanic who fixed it recommended Chevron gas to never have that problem again. I've not had that problem since.

In the summer I get between 56 and 60 mpg. In the winter I get between 50 and 55 mpg.

I made the decision in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And I haven't. This Prius is the 3rd one. I've had a Honda Civic hybrid too but wasn't impressed. I like the Prius much better.
Cool story....:hyper:

People can drive whatever they want, most of us don’t give two shits. But no one should ever tell anyone else what to drive. I found Prius drivers are assholes like that woman I just posted....

Well that's one of the many ways conservatives and liberals differ. If I think Big Mac's are bad for you, I just won't eat them. If a liberal thinks Big Mac's are bad for you, they want to stop everybody from eating them.

Liberals think THEY know best and should dictate our decisions.

And if they ever get full control over our energy and healthcare, that's exactly how they will be able to do it.

I can only imagine the horror of that scenario. Probably end in a civil war that could wipe out the left for a century.
A few years back I was south west of rapid city on Highway 44, it was snowing but most of was melting down in Rapid City but on the way out of town up in the hills it was sticking. There was probably about 2-3 inches of wet slushy snow on the ground. There was a lady in a Prius stuck broadside in the road it is probably a 10% grade on Highway 44 out of rapid. The car was absolutely helpless, I pulled her the rest the way up the hill with my grand Cherokee. I’m pretty sure she ditched the car shortly after and got something that was actually functional. lol

I know cool story… But it is a true story

At least up north, we don't have many that drive those cars for that reason. It was worse when vehicles were rear wheel drive.

By the time people get out of work, there could be anywhere from six inches upwards of snow on the roads. A 500 lbs vehicle just won't cut it up here.

I have experienced no trouble with winter in RWD vehicles.

Imagine if people knew how to drive...

But front wheel is far superior when it comes to winter driving. The weight of the vehicle is on the front of the vehicle because that's where the engine is. Also tires play a huge part. Good tires are the best investment anybody up north can make.

No, it's not. Tires are critical...but RWD is just fine in winter.
I own a Prius.

I put Chevron gas in it so I get a higher mileage than those who put cheap gas in their cars. The cheap gas clogs my fuel injectors. I stopped buying cheap gas in the early 90s when the fuel injectors of my Subaru were clogged. The mechanic who fixed it recommended Chevron gas to never have that problem again. I've not had that problem since.

In the summer I get between 56 and 60 mpg. In the winter I get between 50 and 55 mpg.

I made the decision in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And I haven't. This Prius is the 3rd one. I've had a Honda Civic hybrid too but wasn't impressed. I like the Prius much better.
Cool story....:hyper:

People can drive whatever they want, most of us don’t give two shits. But no one should ever tell anyone else what to drive. I found Prius drivers are assholes like that woman I just posted....

Well that's one of the many ways conservatives and liberals differ. If I think Big Mac's are bad for you, I just won't eat them. If a liberal thinks Big Mac's are bad for you, they want to stop everybody from eating them.

Liberals think THEY know best and should dictate our decisions.

And if they ever get full control over our energy and healthcare, that's exactly how they will be able to do it.

I can only imagine the horror of that scenario. Probably end in a civil war that could wipe out the left for a century.

Not if they do it in increments. That's how they got everything else they wanted.

If you could invent a time machine, and go back to 1963 to a local bar, and tell everybody who you were and how things would be in 2019, yes, there would have been a civil war.

Tell them that in 2019, boys would wear dresses and be allowed in the school dressing room and showers with their daughters. Tell them that in 2019, you can spend more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife. Tell them that gays are not only allowed to be married, but the Supreme Court forced those marriages on states that didn't want them. Tell them that those same people were allowed to adopt children.

Tell them that bullying was a national issue. Tell them that the Democrat party will be the anti-white party by 2019, and even adopt socialism. Tell them that smoking cigarettes will be forbidden in most public places, but several states it's legal to smoke pot. Tell them that it's legal in 2019 to kill a baby right up to birth in some states, and even sell their body parts.

You see, liberalism metastasized by increments, not all at once. Because if they ever did something all at once, they know there would be a civil war.
A few years back I was south west of rapid city on Highway 44, it was snowing but most of was melting down in Rapid City but on the way out of town up in the hills it was sticking. There was probably about 2-3 inches of wet slushy snow on the ground. There was a lady in a Prius stuck broadside in the road it is probably a 10% grade on Highway 44 out of rapid. The car was absolutely helpless, I pulled her the rest the way up the hill with my grand Cherokee. I’m pretty sure she ditched the car shortly after and got something that was actually functional. lol

I know cool story… But it is a true story

At least up north, we don't have many that drive those cars for that reason. It was worse when vehicles were rear wheel drive.

By the time people get out of work, there could be anywhere from six inches upwards of snow on the roads. A 500 lbs vehicle just won't cut it up here.

I have experienced no trouble with winter in RWD vehicles.

Imagine if people knew how to drive...

But front wheel is far superior when it comes to winter driving. The weight of the vehicle is on the front of the vehicle because that's where the engine is. Also tires play a huge part. Good tires are the best investment anybody up north can make.

No, it's not. Tires are critical...but RWD is just fine in winter.

In the olden days (50 years ago) in the high country, there were NO front wheel cars used. You had to be able to snowplow with your front bumper. You saw cars like full sized Caddies, New Yorkers, Fury IIIs, Dodges, Full Sized Chevies, Huge Fords and Mercuries and such. All rear wheel drive. And of course, the 4 wheeled drive pickups. In the winter, you had to go down a snow covered 2 mile lane that even your 4 wheel drive couldn't make. You hitched your big sedan behind the D-6 cat, drove that 2 miles, made a parking pad and waiting. When the county maintainer came by, you followed him with either your car of pickup all the way off the mountain until it cleared up enough for you to drive. Going back, unless it snowed, you went back to where you left the Cat, hooked on and drove the cat back to the barn. Until it snowed (that's going to happen that evening) you can use your Pickup or your Car Tank to make it to the General Store in the Canyon if you need to go. But a front wheel drive could not snowplow because the snow would be trying to pick up the front tires off the surface.
Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?
Several auto companies conspired together in order to significantly raise the price of cars.

That's not legal. Time for some trust busting.

Before I award you with your prize, you need to prove that to the rest of us.
It is funny how trump has made all these "conservatives" love big government.

You fools on the left were upset about cuts in military spending yesterday, that's how unhinged the left is these days.
I'm an independent. Are you talking about more trump spending?

Right you are an independent and I have a Bernie bumper sticker. :21:
I’m a free market capitalist, that fits neither party,
Even automakers aren't as stupid as Trump.

Automakers aren’t stupid. Why would you call them stupid? Pretty innovative IMO.

Automakers built me a giant 4x4 truck with giant a 6.7L DIESEL engine and a whopping 48 gallon fuel tank. Good job automakers!
Another trumpette who hates their own children just to be an ignorant smartass.

I love it when I pull up the gas pump & see you at the diesel pump. I get a 400 mile range for $25.00 while you fork out $80 for the same. I laugh at you assfucks every day. Look, I understand you need to make p for your tiny limp dicks but really.
I think you’re just butt hurt because your wife’s panties get a little damp watching a real man fuel up a real vehicle. As soon as you get back in your Prius she dries right up.
It is funny how trump has made all these "conservatives" love big government.

You fools on the left were upset about cuts in military spending yesterday, that's how unhinged the left is these days.
I'm an independent. Are you talking about more trump spending?

Right you are an independent and I have a Bernie bumper sticker. :21:
I’m a free market capitalist, that fits neither party,
That doesn't make you a bad guy
President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.
So you want future cars to cost you more money in gas? Is that your final answer?
President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.
So you want future cars to cost you more money in gas? Is that your final answer?

In a free country, shouldn't that be the choice of the individual instead of the government?
And you don't believe it's the govt's job to try and keep our air that you breathe as clean as possible?
President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.
So you want future cars to cost you more money in gas? Is that your final answer?

In a free country, shouldn't that be the choice of the individual instead of the government?
So now you think you live in a free country? :lol:

Without gov regs sometimes, business wouldn't move. And I happen to like cars that keep going farther on the same amount of energy. it's good for my wallet AND the environment. Win-win.
President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.
So you want future cars to cost you more money in gas? Is that your final answer?

In a free country, shouldn't that be the choice of the individual instead of the government?
So now you think you live in a free country? :lol:

Without gov regs sometimes, business wouldn't move. And I happen to like cars that keep going farther on the same amount of energy. it's good for my wallet AND the environment. Win-win.

And I think that's great. But it's a choice for you. You want nobody else to have that choice. You want them to drive what you want to drive.
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