Trump uses the DOJ as Auto Makers don't lower their mpg standards

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Huge waste of money.

I agree, CAFE standards waste money and make our cars more dangerous. End them completely.

I have news, when you get more mpg, you save money.

The government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?

Do you hear how stupid that sounds?
The government wants to make car companies make cars with worse mpg. How dumb does that sound? The feds should stay out of it.

Probably because it will lower the price of cars, that's why.

Green is garbage. If it were reasonable, it wouldn't need government subsides and regulations to sell the product. The market would take care of that on it's own.

Go green until you turn blue in the face, but don't force me to pay for it.
Probably? The car companies are choosing to do it. The government is going to force them to make cars with worse mpg? You love big government...
Even automakers aren't as stupid as Trump.

Automakers aren’t stupid. Why would you call them stupid? Pretty innovative IMO.

Automakers built me a giant 4x4 truck with giant a 6.7L DIESEL engine and a whopping 48 gallon fuel tank. Good job automakers!
Another trumpette who hates their own children just to be an ignorant smartass.

I love it when I pull up the gas pump & see you at the diesel pump. I get a 400 mile range for $25.00 while you fork out $80 for the same. I laugh at you assfucks every day. Look, I understand you need to make p for your tiny limp dicks but really.
What is it with the left's fascination with penises?
It is funny how trump has made all these "conservatives" love big government.
I agree, CAFE standards waste money and make our cars more dangerous. End them completely.

I have news, when you get more mpg, you save money.

The government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?

Do you hear how stupid that sounds?

Raising CAFE standards does not eliminate the sales of a huge, jacked up 4x4 pick up with your rebel flag across the back window as you cruise the circuit trying to play Roy Moore.

Raising CAFE standards does not eliminate the sales of a huge, jacked up 4x4 pick up

Where did I say it would?
When you said this:
"the government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?"

the word "FORCE. Are you such a brain dead Trumpette you don't know the definition of force?
You mean like Obamacare forced people to buy insurance, and forced them to pay money if they couldn't afford insurance?
The government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?

Do you hear how stupid that sounds?
The government wants to make car companies make cars with worse mpg. How dumb does that sound? The feds should stay out of it.

The government wants to make car companies make cars with worse mpg.


The government wants to stop forcing car companies to increase MPG.

The feds should stay out of it.

States too.
"Roll Back". Do you assfucks know what that means?

Yes, it means Obozo's monumentally stupid 54.5 MPG mandate won't come into effect. Stupid twat.

As the world heats up, you assfucks want it to happen sooner & with more power.

I guess you have no manhood if your truck doesn't spew that black smoke when you rev the engine?

What an easy way to reduce emissions when our vehicles takes us where we need to go but emit less. Are you such assfiucks that you have to emit more? Really, wast is it that makes you so fucking stupid about this.
Your toy car is fine...for you.

It is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some people require larger vehicles to do what they have to do. A Prius isn't going to haul a trailer with 8,000 pounds of farm chemicals so you can have your soy latte.

Nor do you get to dictate what other people want. You're obviously disconnected from reality; you can't make rational decisions for others.
I agree, CAFE standards waste money and make our cars more dangerous. End them completely.

I have news, when you get more mpg, you save money.

The government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?

Do you hear how stupid that sounds?
The government wants to make car companies make cars with worse mpg. How dumb does that sound? The feds should stay out of it.

Probably because it will lower the price of cars, that's why.

Green is garbage. If it were reasonable, it wouldn't need government subsides and regulations to sell the product. The market would take care of that on it's own.

Go green until you turn blue in the face, but don't force me to pay for it.
Probably? The car companies are choosing to do it. The government is going to force them to make cars with worse mpg? You love big government...

Read the OP. They are doing it now because they were forced by the Obama government to do it, and now they have a lot of money tied up in it.
I agree, CAFE standards waste money and make our cars more dangerous. End them completely.

I have news, when you get more mpg, you save money.

The government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?

Do you hear how stupid that sounds?
The government wants to make car companies make cars with worse mpg. How dumb does that sound? The feds should stay out of it.

Probably because it will lower the price of cars, that's why.

Green is garbage. If it were reasonable, it wouldn't need government subsides and regulations to sell the product. The market would take care of that on it's own.

Go green until you turn blue in the face, but don't force me to pay for it.
Probably? The car companies are choosing to do it. The government is going to force them to make cars with worse mpg? You love big government...

Probably? The car companies are choosing to do it.

Excellent. We can eliminate CAFE standards in that case.
Even automakers aren't as stupid as Trump.
They almost went out of business. That is pretty stupid.

Yes and Trump filed bankruptcy how many times?

Not only did he file bankruptcy 6 times but sucked his companies dry. Took ever red cent they made and spent it on himself.
The number of bankruptcies you witless turds accuse him of keeps changing.

What did Trump spend on himself? Add all his toys and homes together, and how much does it come to? Almost all his money is tied up in his properties.
Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?

For a party that screams they and only they want small government, they sure do spend a lot of their time demanding big government that controls everyone's lives including businesses.

I've known for decades that their one and only definition for big government is having to pay taxes.

It's nuts.
Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?

For a party that screams they and only they want small government, they sure do spend a lot of their time demanding big government that controls everyone's lives including businesses.

I've known for decades that their one and only definition for big government is having to pay taxes.

It's nuts.
So repealing a regulation that mandates high gas mileage is an example of big government? Removing regulations is "controlling everyone's life?"

It takes a special kind of stupid not to see the flaw in that "logic."
Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?

For a party that screams they and only they want small government, they sure do spend a lot of their time demanding big government that controls everyone's lives including businesses.

I've known for decades that their one and only definition for big government is having to pay taxes.

It's nuts.
So repealing a regulation that mandates high gas mileage is an example of big government? Removing regulations is "controlling everyone's life?"

It takes a special kind of stupid not to see the flaw in that "logic."

Nothing the left says lately makes any sense, Trump has discombobulated them.
President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.

What a shock you would favor the government forcing companies to comply to their demands.

Once a big government statist, always a big government statist.
Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?
Will you ever be President?


Cry on
so let me get this right
you are actually complaining about Trump trying to enforce regulations for auto manufacturers to abide by standards to help reduce global warming?

do you want help to reduce global warming or not you fucking idiot or is it more important to you to be able to bash Trump

Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?
Will you ever be President?


Cry on
so let me get this right
you are actually complaining about Trump trying to enforce regulations for auto manufacturers to abide by standards to help reduce global warming?

do you want help to reduce global warming or not you fucking idiot or is it more important to you to be able to bash Trump
First of all the Earth has been warming for 20000 years straight, and it is NOT warming faster now then when the glaciers that extended South into NJ melted 900 miles from 20000bc to 10000bc. Next fact for the imbecilic fool, the USA produces a total of 15 percent of the Worlds emissions and only a fraction of that comes from automobiles, and only another fraction of the total would be in the removal of stricter emissions that Trump is eliminating.

So if you do the math it's a non issue certainly since humans are not warming the earth even one little bit and there is no evidence that they are.

So tell me if sea levels are going to rise 10 feet in the next 10 years, why isn't Florida being evacuated?

Huh, and why are banks issuing new 30 year mortgages...…………

You play with yourself some more and believe the fake news
Even automakers aren't as stupid as Trump.

Automakers aren’t stupid. Why would you call them stupid? Pretty innovative IMO.

Automakers built me a giant 4x4 truck with giant a 6.7L DIESEL engine and a whopping 48 gallon fuel tank. Good job automakers!
Another trumpette who hates their own children just to be an ignorant smartass.

I love it when I pull up the gas pump & see you at the diesel pump. I get a 400 mile range for $25.00 while you fork out $80 for the same. I laugh at you assfucks every day. Look, I understand you need to make p for your tiny limp dicks but really.

I can't agree more.

I fill my tank for around 27 dollars. It's a 10 gallon tank. I usually put around 8 gallons in it when I fill it.

That's after I've driven over 400 miles on that around 8 gallons.

I have to laugh at such people who are proud of the fact that they waste fuel and money with their penis extender vehicles.

I just wish they would get out of the far left lane on the freeway and stop holding up traffic. They have the engine to move. Instead they passively aggressively sit in that lane going slow forcing everyone else in that lane to go slow.
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I agree, CAFE standards waste money and make our cars more dangerous. End them completely.

I have news, when you get more mpg, you save money.

The government should force me to buy a more expensive car so I can save money on gas?

Do you hear how stupid that sounds?

Raising CAFE standards does not eliminate the sales of a huge, jacked up 4x4 pick up with your rebel flag across the back window as you cruise the circuit trying to play Roy Moore.

No, but it increases the cost of the product greatly for all others.
my Prius was not expensive.

Neither was mine.

It sure was a lot less than any truck or suv.
Even automakers aren't as stupid as Trump.

Automakers aren’t stupid. Why would you call them stupid? Pretty innovative IMO.

Automakers built me a giant 4x4 truck with giant a 6.7L DIESEL engine and a whopping 48 gallon fuel tank. Good job automakers!
Another trumpette who hates their own children just to be an ignorant smartass.

I love it when I pull up the gas pump & see you at the diesel pump. I get a 400 mile range for $25.00 while you fork out $80 for the same. I laugh at you assfucks every day. Look, I understand you need to make p for your tiny limp dicks but really.

I can't agree more.

I fill my tank for around 27 dollars. It's a 10 gallon tank. I usually put around 8 gallons in it when I fill it.

That's after I've driven over 400 miles on that around 8 gallons.

I have to laugh at such people who are proud of the fact that they waste fuel and money with their penis extender vehicles.

I just wish they would get out of the far left lane on the freeway and stop holding up traffic. They have they engine to move. Instead they passively aggressively sit in that lane going slow forcing everyone else in that lane to go slow.
What vehicle do you own?
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