Trump Vaccine Approved!

Trump said it would be out before the end of the year, and of course it is.


There's a vaccine to cure members of the Trump Cult of their TDS? Who knew? When are you getting your vaccine Meat? You need it more than most.

I have a date for my Covid19 vaccine. And Canada has bought more than enough vaccine to vaccinate everyone. Too bad Trump didn't buy enough vaccine for the US to get vaccinated until late next year. Just another fuckup of Trumpian proportions.

The TDS is thick with you huh?

Quit watching CNN. They don't exactly tell the truth.

THE TRUTH is when Trump ordered the vaccine we had NO VACCINE AT ALL, not a single working vaccine. So why would he put all of his eggs in one basket and purchase a ton of vaccine from a company that didn't even have a viable one? You know you'd have been the first to bitch had trump ordered 200 million doses of a vaccine that turned out to be a dud.

We know you hate Trump, we also know you need to get over it.
Trump said it would be out before the end of the year, and of course it is.


Crap, I opened this thread thinking someone had came up with a shot that cured stupid.
Trump said it would be out before the end of the year, and of course it is.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: He called the virus a hoax.
The COVID Vaccine Is a Trump Miracle, Experts Said So.


“We’re looking to get [a vaccine] by the end of the year if we can, maybe before,” Trump said on May 15, during in a Rose Garden press conference. “We would love to see if we can do it prior to the end of the year. We think we are going to have some very good results coming out very quickly.”

“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” he told the Fake News media later that day.

The Fake News media quickly went to the experts to throw cold water on Trump’s ambition prediction. NBC Fake News “fact-checked” Trump, noting that “experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.”

One "expert", Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told NBC News that he didn’t think a vaccine was going be ready until the middle or end of 2021. “I think it’s possible you could see a vaccine in people’s arms next year — by the middle or end of next year. But this is unprecedented, so it’s hard to predict,” he said.

Dr. Walter Orenstein, a professor at Emory University and the associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center, said that while it was technically possible “there’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” and that a vaccine within a year would be a “miracle.”

Well, thanks to President Trump and Operation Warp Speed, we got that miracle. A vaccine has been approved by the FDA and has already begun being administered.

Thank You President Trump!
The COVID Vaccine Is a Trump Miracle, Experts Said So.

“We’re looking to get [a vaccine] by the end of the year if we can, maybe before,” Trump said on May 15, during in a Rose Garden press conference. “We would love to see if we can do it prior to the end of the year. We think we are going to have some very good results coming out very quickly.”

“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” he told the Fake News media later that day.

The Fake News media quickly went to the experts to throw cold water on Trump’s ambition prediction. NBC Fake News “fact-checked” Trump, noting that “experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.”

One "expert", Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told NBC News that he didn’t think a vaccine was going be ready until the middle or end of 2021. “I think it’s possible you could see a vaccine in people’s arms next year — by the middle or end of next year. But this is unprecedented, so it’s hard to predict,” he said.

Dr. Walter Orenstein, a professor at Emory University and the associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center, said that while it was technically possible “there’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” and that a vaccine within a year would be a “miracle.”

Well, thanks to President Trump and Operation Warp Speed, we got that miracle. A vaccine has been approved by the FDA and has already begun being administered.

Thank You President Trump!
Trump called it a hoax and lied to the American people about it. History will never give him credit, when he gave up on the pandemic.
I have a date for my Covid19 vaccine. And Canada has bought more than enough vaccine to vaccinate everyone. Too bad Trump didn't buy enough vaccine for the US to get vaccinated until late next year. Just another fuckup of Trumpian proportions.
Oh my fatdragon, seems like you gay PM didn't order nearly enough Trump vaccine:

But Canadian officials are the first to admit that the vaccine rollout will not be as widespread as in the United States or the United Kingdom because of what they describe as a "fiercely competitive" global scramble for early doses.
"We are dealing with an incredibly competitive global environment," said Anita Anand, Canada's minister of procurement at a news conference Monday, adding, "We've been able to negotiate hard, with fortitude, to bring early doses into this country."
While Trudeau told Canadians last week that the country would receive 249,000 doses before year's end, Anand made it clear the number could actually be less than half that.
I think we definitely should call this the Trump Vaccine. Give it that name, officially.

If we don't, his obedient Trumpsters may think that it's a secret serum developed by Bill Gates and George Soros to control us and turn us into commies.

They won't take it, and they'll continue to walk around as clueless super-spreaders, as they have been.

The Trump Vaccine it is. Make it red, white and blue, for Amurrica.
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I think we definitely should call this the Trump Vaccine. Give it that name, officially.

If we don't, his obedient Trumpsters may think that it's a secret serum developed by Bill Gates and George Soros to control us and turn us into commies.

They won't take it, and they'll continue to walk around as clueless super-spreaders, as they have been.

The Trump Vaccine it is. Make it red, white and blue, for Amurrica.
It doesn't matter what you want to call it. It is in fact the Trump vaccine and delivered before the end of the year just like he said.
Just a simple thank you for the Trump vaccine would have done, but you obviously lack the class.

God Bless Donald John Trump.

They said Trump could cure testicular cancer and the left would say he hated women for not curing breast cancer.

I guess that's not that far from the truth is it?

Well, thanks to President Trump and Operation Warp Speed, we got that miracle. A vaccine has been approved by the FDA and has already begun being administered.

Thank You President Trump!

I think we definitely should call this the Trump Vaccine. Give it that name, officially.

If we don't, his obedient Trumpsters may think that it's a secret serum developed by Bill Gates and George Soros to control us and turn us into commies.

They won't take it, and they'll continue to walk around as clueless super-spreaders, as they have been.

The Trump Vaccine it is. Make it red, white and blue, for Amurrica.
Spot on ^^^^ Mac1958
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