Trump verses Mexican drug lord


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Presidential candidate Trump received threat from Mexican drug lord aide - Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An aide to Donald Trump said on Monday the FBI is investigating threatening tweets to the U.S. Republican presidential candidate purported to have originated from Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, a notorious Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison on Saturday.

Reuters could not confirm the authenticity of the Twitter accounts from which the threats were allegedly made.

Trump, a real estate billionaire who has generated controversy by saying many illegal immigrants from Mexico are criminals and rapists, said in a statement on Sunday that "corrupt Mexican officials" had let Guzman escape.

A Twitter account made out in the kingpin's name, Joaquin Guzman Loera, that on Sunday had celebrated his escape sent a message threatening Trump if he continued to speak out.

"Keep screwing (with us) and I'm going to make you eat your fucking words you lousy white faggot," said the Twitter account with the user name @ElChap0Guzman.

Four Mexican government officials said they could not say whether the account, as well as several others in the name of some of Guzman's children that were linked to it, were genuine.

"I am told they are apocryphal," said Mexican Deputy Interior Minister Roberto Campa.

A Trump aide said in a statement: "The FBI is fully aware of the situation and is actively investigating this threat against Mr. Trump."

It quoted Trump as saying: "I'm fighting for much more than myself. I'm fighting for the future of our country which is being overrun by criminals. You can't be intimidated. This is too important."

An FBI spokesman said the agency had no statement on the issue. "Standard practice is to neither confirm nor deny FBI investigations," he said.

Guzman, who escaped from a maximum-security prison through a tunnel, ran the powerful Sinaloa cartel after an earlier prison breakout in 2001 until he was arrested last year.

The cartel has smuggled billions of dollars worth of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines into the United States.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Guzman posed a threat to public safety in the United States, and that Washington has "made quite clear to the Mexicans our interest in ensuring that he faces justice here in the United States."

In his statement on Sunday, Trump said: "Corrupt Mexican officials obviously let him go a second time. The last time he was free for 13 years. He has been selling drugs in the U.S. big time – a major kingpin."

(Reporting by Dave Graham in Mexico City, Mohammad Zargham in Washington and Steve Holland in Waukesha, Wisconsin; Editing by Ken Wills
Trump does have a valid point.

Those fleeing Mexico are probably not their best. They are either criminals or dirt poor and desperate. In fact, in the early days of US immigration the US was very picky as to who could come in and be citizens. They would reject the sickly and those with criminal records.
Drug lords against Trump maybe they can send money to the pro open borders people
Trump does have a valid point.

Those fleeing Mexico are probably not their best. They are either criminals or dirt poor and desperate. In fact, in the early days of US immigration the US was very picky as to who could come in and be citizens. They would reject the sickly and those with criminal records.
Lol what? What early days are you talking about?
Just give him a sweater.

Trump does have a valid point.

Those fleeing Mexico are probably not their best. They are either criminals or dirt poor and desperate. In fact, in the early days of US immigration the US was very picky as to who could come in and be citizens. They would reject the sickly and those with criminal records.
Lol what? What early days are you talking about?

This is just a taste

To create additional space at Ellis Island, two new islands are created using landfill. Island Two houses the hospital administration and contagious diseases ward, while Island Three holds the psychiatric ward. By 1906, Ellis Island has grown to more than 27 acres, from an original size of only three acres.

Anarchists are denied admittance into the U.S. as of 1903. On April 17, 1907, an all-time daily high of 11,747 immigrants received is reached; that year, Ellis Island experiences its highest number of immigrants received in a single year, with 1,004,756 arrivals. A federal law is passed excluding persons with physical and mental disabilities, as well as children arriving without adults.
Trump does have a valid point.

Those fleeing Mexico are probably not their best. They are either criminals or dirt poor and desperate. In fact, in the early days of US immigration the US was very picky as to who could come in and be citizens. They would reject the sickly and those with criminal records.
Lol what? What early days are you talking about?
Trump does have a valid point.

Those fleeing Mexico are probably not their best. They are either criminals or dirt poor and desperate. In fact, in the early days of US immigration the US was very picky as to who could come in and be citizens. They would reject the sickly and those with criminal records.
Lol what? What early days are you talking about?

  • Immigrants had to pass the medical inspection before being admitted to the country. It started with a trip up three flights of stairs. This would reveal whether the immigrant suffered from any physical disability, lameness, shortness of breath or obvious heart condition. It was followed by what became known as the "six-second physical." Not only did the doctor-inspections want to prevent people who had infectious diseases from entering the country, they also looked for evidence of chronic illness, mental illness and trachoma.
  • Considerations
    Immigrants at Ellis Island also had to pass a legal inspection, which was done by means of a series of 29 questions. Because many of the immigrants did not speak English, the questions were translated into 39 languages. The immigrants were required to answer questions about their name, gender, marital status, occupation, literacy, race and health. They were asked if they had ever been to prison, were polygamists or had ever participated in anarchist activity.

  • effects
    Immigrants who entered the United States at Ellis Island were not permitted to remain in the country if they had a contagious disease such as smallpox, yellow fever or the measles. If they were deemed likely to end up needing to receive welfare or otherwise seemed unable to provide for themselves, they would be refused admission. Finally, if they were assessed as likely to become an illegal contract laborer, they would be refused entry. People who seemed to be "alien radicals" were interned. The records of many of the immigrants who entered the country at Ellis Island have become part of its archive. The island is a significant tourist destination, and its website contains links to where the descendants of these immigrants can go when doing genealogical research about their family

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