Trump vindicated - Mueller admits no Americans involved in Russia witch hunt

No one seems to be laughing.

The only ones dividing Americans are the panty-wetting, butthurt TDS collusionistas.... It's hilarious how tlhey continue to believe in a fantasy created by hillary's DNC and fake 'dossier.'
Let's just wait for Mueller to wrap things up before we jump to conclusions.

Ha Ha....There will be no end, hope springs eternal with these collusionistas.
Oh there will be an end...keep hope alive:
View attachment 178152
.I see you took Hillary's head off her body, and replaced it with Trumps... Still pumping the photo-shopped fake news eh ?? LOL.
Thats not fake is a projection of how I hope the future will unfold.
The only ones dividing Americans are the panty-wetting, butthurt TDS collusionistas.... It's hilarious how tlhey continue to believe in a fantasy created by hillary's DNC and fake 'dossier.'
Let's just wait for Mueller to wrap things up before we jump to conclusions.

Ha Ha....There will be no end, hope springs eternal with these collusionistas.
Oh there will be an end...keep hope alive:
View attachment 178152
.I see you took Hillary's head off her body, and replaced it with Trumps... Still pumping the photo-shopped fake news eh ?? LOL.
Thats not fake is a projection of how I hope the future will unfold.
Well place Hillary's head back on her body, and you will get the picture that the future holds.
Let's just wait for Mueller to wrap things up before we jump to conclusions.

Ha Ha....There will be no end, hope springs eternal with these collusionistas.
Oh there will be an end...keep hope alive:
View attachment 178152
.I see you took Hillary's head off her body, and replaced it with Trumps... Still pumping the photo-shopped fake news eh ?? LOL.
Thats not fake is a projection of how I hope the future will unfold.
Well place Hillary's head back on her body, and you will get the picture that the future holds.
The picture stays as is. Its my vision of the future not yours. You create your own images and I'll create mine.
Not that this means anything to regressive liberals...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

...“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel probe, said at a Friday press conference...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections
Whatever it takes so you can deal, in your ALT-Facts Free imagination, that can comfort you.


Special counsel Robert Mueller files new charges against Paul Manafort, Rick Gates
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They tracked the lies during the 2016 election
Trump told ten times the lies Hillary did

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter
I know. Facts are hilarious, aren't they? Things Republicans laugh at. Oh those stupid facts. They always seem to have a liberal bias.
PolitiFact is anything but factual. They may occasionally verify a factual happening, but not often will they find fault in what libs do or say.

It is a shill for liberal liars.
That's because truth generally has a liberal bias.

Look at Trump. How much truth is there?. Even his followers don't believe he's honest. They know he lies. They just don't care.

Look at you. You know he's a liar and you don't care.
Trump's 'lies' are generally innocuous like embellishments of crowd size, unlike Hillary's that cover her corruption and dereliction of when she allowed the murder of an Ambassador and his staff, or when she destroyed subpoenaed evidence.

Now YOU name a Trump lie that compares with these:
Fact-Checking Hillary: Her 9 Biggest Lies
You found nine questionable Hillary lies

but insist Trump TWO THOUSAND don't mean a thing.

Trump has his own Bengahzi in Africa. Men sent out to die for no apparent reason while Trump played golf.

You complain that Hillary mishandled some classified material someone sent to her.

But Trump gives away classified material to our enemies. FOR FREE!
32 new charges against Manafort. He's 68. If found guilty, he's in prison for 140 years.

Think Trump will pardon him?
32 new charges against Manafort. He's 68. If found guilty, he's in prison for 140 years.

Think Trump will pardon him?

Did the Great Douche ever say he was a 'law and order' Douche TYPE of IT?

I say the Douche will pardon many. First will be the London/Russian Putin MOB connected Lawyer.
Papadoupolos pleads guilty. Flynn pleads guilty. Gates pleads guilty. Manafort faces new charges. 13 Russians face new charges. Good thing it’s all a hoax and a witch hunt.
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I know. Facts are hilarious, aren't they? Things Republicans laugh at. Oh those stupid facts. They always seem to have a liberal bias.
PolitiFact is anything but factual. They may occasionally verify a factual happening, but not often will they find fault in what libs do or say.

It is a shill for liberal liars.
That's because truth generally has a liberal bias.

Look at Trump. How much truth is there?. Even his followers don't believe he's honest. They know he lies. They just don't care.

Look at you. You know he's a liar and you don't care.
Trump's 'lies' are generally innocuous like embellishments of crowd size, unlike Hillary's that cover her corruption and dereliction of when she allowed the murder of an Ambassador and his staff, or when she destroyed subpoenaed evidence.

Now YOU name a Trump lie that compares with these:
Fact-Checking Hillary: Her 9 Biggest Lies
You found nine questionable Hillary lies

but insist Trump TWO THOUSAND don't mean a thing.

Trump has his own Bengahzi in Africa. Men sent out to die for no apparent reason while Trump played golf.

You complain that Hillary mishandled some classified material someone sent to her.

But Trump gives away classified material to our enemies. FOR FREE!
You are incorrigibly full of shit.
Mueller is getting close

The Trump minions are getting antsy
Trumps refusal to criticize Putin or invoke sanctions in any way make it clear he does have ties to Russia

The extent of which Mueller is slowly uncovering

Crooked Donnie is going to jail

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