Trump violates the Espionage Act of 1917!

Trump cannot be president. This isn't 'possible' authoritarianism, this guy is out in the open with outright treason.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election. You people who still support this POS, you need to come back to reality. This person is the foremost danger to this democracy that we have ever seen. Hillary Clinton may not be your first, second or third choice, but it's just 4 years at a time. You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Trump is a direct danger to the democracy and this is becoming clear to many people even on the right.
This is a major national security issue! There must be investigations into Trump's Russian ties - including his communist wife. Her father was an official member of the Russian Communist Party - and maybe still is.
You are an idiot keep on proving it dumb ass.
Trump cannot be president. This isn't 'possible' authoritarianism, this guy is out in the open with outright treason.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election. You people who still support this POS, you need to come back to reality. This person is the foremost danger to this democracy that we have ever seen. Hillary Clinton may not be your first, second or third choice, but it's just 4 years at a time. You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Trump is a direct danger to the democracy and this is becoming clear to many people even on the right.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election.

By releasing classified info they already took from Hillary's unsecured server?
Or did you mean by releasing evidence of her selling influence for donations?

You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Or you can work hard to oust Trump after he defeats Hillary if you like.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Can you imagine the moment, if you were to say to Reagan 30 years ago "a future Republican GOP candidate will demand Russia hack US computers to find dirt on the opposing candidate". I think even life-long criminal Reagan would crap his grandpa jeans. Although, Nixon did in fact break into the the DNC's headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to steal information, so trump has already, before any election, shown himself to be as criminal as Nixon.

It's come to the point that one wonders, are there any honest Republicans left that don't cheat to win? Is there no Republican who can just stand at a podium, lay out their great plans if elected, and leave it to the voters? The answer is no, cheating is all they have left.

Although, Nixon did in fact break into the the DNC's headquarters

Huh? Lmfao so tricky dick personally broke into the Watergate hotel?

Who taught you this?

Attorneys who are experts in National Security have already called this a felony.

Moss believes that there’s a legal case to charge Trump for his comments, because he was calling for Russia to take “imminent lawless action,” which is speech not covered by the First Amendment.

Moss added that Trump could theoretically be charged as a conspirator under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

“You could argue what Trump was urging Russia to do was hack Hillary’s server and release the contents to the media -- conspiring with them to hack into a private server and release confidential information to the public,” Moss explained.

Yup, your buy crossed the line on this one!
Trump cannot be president. This isn't 'possible' authoritarianism, this guy is out in the open with outright treason.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election. You people who still support this POS, you need to come back to reality. This person is the foremost danger to this democracy that we have ever seen. Hillary Clinton may not be your first, second or third choice, but it's just 4 years at a time. You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Trump is a direct danger to the democracy and this is becoming clear to many people even on the right.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election.

By releasing classified info they already took from Hillary's unsecured server?
Or did you mean by releasing evidence of her selling influence for donations?

You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Or you can work hard to oust Trump after he defeats Hillary if you like.

People like Adolph also had their vehement supporters through all of the 1930's. They also didn't know any better and could not recognize the difference between a jewel thief and Hannibal Lecter.

Trump is a direct threat to the democracy, that some can't see it only speaks to how easy it is to manipulate the human mind, and how desperate people can get to have a daddy that will tell them everything will be ok.
Trump cannot be president. This isn't 'possible' authoritarianism, this guy is out in the open with outright treason.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election. You people who still support this POS, you need to come back to reality. This person is the foremost danger to this democracy that we have ever seen. Hillary Clinton may not be your first, second or third choice, but it's just 4 years at a time. You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Trump is a direct danger to the democracy and this is becoming clear to many people even on the right.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election.

By releasing classified info they already took from Hillary's unsecured server?
Or did you mean by releasing evidence of her selling influence for donations?

You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Or you can work hard to oust Trump after he defeats Hillary if you like.

People like Adolph also had their vehement supporters through all of the 1930's. They also didn't know any better and could not recognize the difference between a jewel thief and Hannibal Lecter.

Trump is a direct threat to the democracy, that some can't see it only speaks to how easy it is to manipulate the human mind, and how desperate people can get to have a daddy that will tell them everything will be ok.

I agree, Hillary is awful......but she's no Hitler.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Yeah this isn't just some 'oh trump said some more stupid shit' type thing. He is actually saying out loud in public that he wants the head of state in Russia to tamper with our elections and help him win. It is blatant treason.
Trump cannot be president. This isn't 'possible' authoritarianism, this guy is out in the open with outright treason.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election. You people who still support this POS, you need to come back to reality. This person is the foremost danger to this democracy that we have ever seen. Hillary Clinton may not be your first, second or third choice, but it's just 4 years at a time. You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Trump is a direct danger to the democracy and this is becoming clear to many people even on the right.

One of the people that is supposed to brief the two candidates after the convention has now stated that he is hesitant to give Donald Trump many details. Think of it!


If Donald ever became President and he would use every underhanded trick he could find to attack his adversaries. He would be "Bully in Chief!"
Trump cannot be president. This isn't 'possible' authoritarianism, this guy is out in the open with outright treason.

He is calling for the head of a foreign country to interfere with and change the outcome of an American election. You people who still support this POS, you need to come back to reality. This person is the foremost danger to this democracy that we have ever seen. Hillary Clinton may not be your first, second or third choice, but it's just 4 years at a time. You can work hard in 2020 to oust Hillary Clinton if you like.

Trump is a direct danger to the democracy and this is becoming clear to many people even on the right.

One of the people that is supposed to brief the two candidates after the convention has now stated that he is hesitant to give Donald Trump many details. Think of it!


If Donald ever became President and he would use every underhanded trick he could find to attack his adversaries. He would be "Bully in Chief!"

If Donald ever became President and he would use every underhanded trick he could find to attack his adversaries.

Imagine if he was like that with our adversaries?
Instead of Obama, kissing their butts.
It would be a nice change.
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Trump is publicly calling for the Russians to interfere in our election, to hack our sites in violation of the law.

What will Trump give the Russians if he is elected?
Trump is publicly calling for the Russians to interfere in our election, to hack our sites in violation of the law.

What will Trump give the Russians if he is elected?

to hack our sites in violation of the law.

Hillary has a site with her emails on it?
Wrong question, little minor. Hacking websites are illegal, and your pal Trump wants our enemies to hack the Dem campaign and HRC emails.

I wonder if Trump will be arrested the day after election?
Trump is publicly calling for the Russians to interfere in our election, to hack our sites in violation of the law.

What will Trump give the Russians if he is elected?

to hack our sites in violation of the law.

Hillary has a site with her emails on it?
Wrong question, little minor. Hacking websites are illegal, and your pal Trump wants our enemies to hack the Dem campaign and HRC emails.

I wonder if Trump will be arrested the day after election?

How can they hack Hillary's emails?
Are they still connected to the web?
Donald is so fucking smart that he has erased any mention of the DemoRATS conv. From the msm! Is there something going on in Philly?...???Trump shut them right out and ALL talk is about Tump now....he's a genius when it comes to promotion!
Donald is so fucking smart that he has erased any mention of the DemoRATS conv. From the msm! Is there something going on in Philly?...???Trump shut them right out and ALL talk is about Tump now....he's a genius when it comes to promotion!
I think you are mistaken. I just checked a few and the big story is the Bloomberg speech where he calls Trump a con artist and danger to America.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Are you claiming that Hillary had a "sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence" on her server? Wouldn't that be illegal?

intent idiota....intent.

and no. but thanks for your idiocy.
The GOP has tied themselves to a Treasonous Felon! The DNC will demand that his words be investigated by the Justice Department.

Investigate words.

Maybe the Senate can investigate the words also.

Then have another investigation on how the words got on to Hillary's servers.

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