Trump violates the Espionage Act of 1917!

Ya gotta love that the Beast's emails are front and center stage even during the DNC.

Her e mails would be irrelevant if the DNC hadn't put their thumb on the scale and sabotaged Bernie. They'd be trivia and Democrats would have a candidate of whom they could be proud!
So I'm curious, Care...if that happens will you be issuing an apology to all those you denigrated for even suggesting that Clinton lied?
His intent was to do harm to his opponent by inducing an adversary to conduct espionage. Clearly a matter that should be investigated. The Justice Department needs to look into his statement and his intent.

His intent was to do harm to his opponent by inducing an adversary to conduct espionage.

He said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Those are the emails Hillary deleted. They're about yoga times and baby showers.
Certainly nothing to do with national defence.

What inducement did he offer? What aid did he give?
Take a Midol, maybe you won't be so upset about it tomorrow?
Do you think Trump believes they are personal emails? WE ALREADY KNOW that Trump claims they were not personal emails, that she deleted them illegally because they were govt emails she refused to give to the govt....corrupt hillary meme.

SO, whether they are personal emails or not, doesn't really matter,

Trumpty Dumpty BELIEVES/ believed they are government involved emails of Sec Clinton ....he said so,

AND this morning he asked Russia to leak what he believes to be Secretary Clinton's govt emails, to the public....and they would be financially rewarded for it by the press.

THAT is an UNFIT, UNHINGED man of lawlessness imo. what you're saying is that people who thought Hillary erased emails having to do with government work were right all along? Which would mean that Hillary has been lying this whole time?

So who's "UNFIT"?
NOPE! Not even CLOSE to what I am saying....

I'm saying Trumpty Dumpty believes and has always believed, these emails have government secrets in them, believes Hillary is guilty and corrupt for deleting these emails and even said she belongs in prison for deleting them.

And with Trump believing that these emails have govt secrets in them, (even though they don't, trump believes they do) Trumo encouraged the Russians to release these govt involved emails to the Press and the Russians would be highly rewarded for them by the press.... He also is encouraging a foreign Nation, to get involved with an American Presidential election.

And THAT my dear, is someone who is unhinged and unfit to command and serve us.

His INTENT was to have the Russians release what he perceives as the Secretary Clinton govt emails.... he was crazy enough to believe that this gesture of his encouraging the hacking of our govt's Secretaries and heads, and is A-OK with Russia doing that....... is NOT Presidential...and possibly criminal...

The Don is DERANGED, a self centered, mental midget, unfit to serve this Nation....!!!!!!!!!!!!! does the release of Clinton emails that DON'T have government business on them hurt Clinton? How would they in any way affect the election?

The ONLY way it does that, if the emails DO have government business on them because that would prove beyond a doubt (like there really was any?) that Hillary has been lying all along!
I don't get it. Are emails about the beast's yoga lessons and Chelsea's wedding considered national security?
Ya gotta love that the Beast's emails are front and center stage even during the DNC.

Her e mails would be irrelevant if the DNC hadn't put their thumb on the scale and sabotaged Bernie. They'd be trivia and Democrats would have a candidate of whom they could be proud!

That's the DNC's emails, hunarcy...the 800 lb gorilla in the room for Hillary supporters is whether or not someone has the 33,000 missing emails! If Wikileaks is sitting on a treasure trove of those...and starts releasing them during the Fall...Hillary is going to be up the creek without a paddle.
His intent was to do harm to his opponent by inducing an adversary to conduct espionage.

He said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Those are the emails Hillary deleted. They're about yoga times and baby showers.
Certainly nothing to do with national defence.

What inducement did he offer? What aid did he give?
Take a Midol, maybe you won't be so upset about it tomorrow?
Do you think Trump believes they are personal emails? WE ALREADY KNOW that Trump claims they were not personal emails, that she deleted them illegally because they were govt emails she refused to give to the govt....corrupt hillary meme.

SO, whether they are personal emails or not, doesn't really matter,

Trumpty Dumpty BELIEVES/ believed they are government involved emails of Sec Clinton ....he said so,

AND this morning he asked Russia to leak what he believes to be Secretary Clinton's govt emails, to the public....and they would be financially rewarded for it by the press.

THAT is an UNFIT, UNHINGED man of lawlessness imo. what you're saying is that people who thought Hillary erased emails having to do with government work were right all along? Which would mean that Hillary has been lying this whole time?

So who's "UNFIT"?
NOPE! Not even CLOSE to what I am saying....

I'm saying Trumpty Dumpty believes and has always believed, these emails have government secrets in them, believes Hillary is guilty and corrupt for deleting these emails and even said she belongs in prison for deleting them.

And with Trump believing that these emails have govt secrets in them, (even though they don't, trump believes they do) Trumo encouraged the Russians to release these govt involved emails to the Press and the Russians would be highly rewarded for them by the press.... He also is encouraging a foreign Nation, to get involved with an American Presidential election.

And THAT my dear, is someone who is unhinged and unfit to command and serve us.

His INTENT was to have the Russians release what he perceives as the Secretary Clinton govt emails.... he was crazy enough to believe that this gesture of his encouraging the hacking of our govt's Secretaries and heads, and is A-OK with Russia doing that....... is NOT Presidential...and possibly criminal...

The Don is DERANGED, a self centered, mental midget, unfit to serve this Nation....!!!!!!!!!!!!! does the release of Clinton emails that DON'T have government business on them hurt Clinton? How would they in any way affect the election?

The ONLY way it does that, if the emails DO have government business on them because that would prove beyond a doubt (like there really was any?) that Hillary has been lying all along!
I don't get it. Are emails about the beast's yoga lessons and Chelsea's wedding considered national security?

If anyone REALLY bought the narrative that the missing emails were about yoga lessons and wedding plans then they shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're not smart enough to work the machine in the booth! Know what I'm saying? :)
Ya gotta love that the Beast's emails are front and center stage even during the DNC.

Her e mails would be irrelevant if the DNC hadn't put their thumb on the scale and sabotaged Bernie. They'd be trivia and Democrats would have a candidate of whom they could be proud!

That's the DNC's emails, hunarcy...the 800 lb gorilla in the room for Hillary supporters is whether or not someone has the 33,000 missing emails! If Wikileaks is sitting on a treasure trove of those...and start releasing them during the Fall...Hillary is going to be up the creek without a paddle.

As I said, her 33000 missing emails would be irrelevant if the DNC had let things take their course and not rigged things against Bernie. THEN, it'd be between Bernie and Trump and Trump would have his ass handed to him.
Do you think Trump believes they are personal emails? WE ALREADY KNOW that Trump claims they were not personal emails, that she deleted them illegally because they were govt emails she refused to give to the govt....corrupt hillary meme.

SO, whether they are personal emails or not, doesn't really matter,

Trumpty Dumpty BELIEVES/ believed they are government involved emails of Sec Clinton ....he said so,

AND this morning he asked Russia to leak what he believes to be Secretary Clinton's govt emails, to the public....and they would be financially rewarded for it by the press.

THAT is an UNFIT, UNHINGED man of lawlessness imo. what you're saying is that people who thought Hillary erased emails having to do with government work were right all along? Which would mean that Hillary has been lying this whole time?

So who's "UNFIT"?
NOPE! Not even CLOSE to what I am saying....

I'm saying Trumpty Dumpty believes and has always believed, these emails have government secrets in them, believes Hillary is guilty and corrupt for deleting these emails and even said she belongs in prison for deleting them.

And with Trump believing that these emails have govt secrets in them, (even though they don't, trump believes they do) Trumo encouraged the Russians to release these govt involved emails to the Press and the Russians would be highly rewarded for them by the press.... He also is encouraging a foreign Nation, to get involved with an American Presidential election.

And THAT my dear, is someone who is unhinged and unfit to command and serve us.

His INTENT was to have the Russians release what he perceives as the Secretary Clinton govt emails.... he was crazy enough to believe that this gesture of his encouraging the hacking of our govt's Secretaries and heads, and is A-OK with Russia doing that....... is NOT Presidential...and possibly criminal...

The Don is DERANGED, a self centered, mental midget, unfit to serve this Nation....!!!!!!!!!!!!! does the release of Clinton emails that DON'T have government business on them hurt Clinton? How would they in any way affect the election?

The ONLY way it does that, if the emails DO have government business on them because that would prove beyond a doubt (like there really was any?) that Hillary has been lying all along!
I don't get it. Are emails about the beast's yoga lessons and Chelsea's wedding considered national security?

If anyone REALLY bought the narrative that the missing emails were about yoga lessons and wedding plans then they shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're not smart enough to work the machine in the booth! Know what I'm saying? :)
I'm sure the Russians had them but deleted them based on the Beast's word that they were about yoga lessons and stuff. :)
Ya gotta love that the Beast's emails are front and center stage even during the DNC.

Her e mails would be irrelevant if the DNC hadn't put their thumb on the scale and sabotaged Bernie. They'd be trivia and Democrats would have a candidate of whom they could be proud!

That's the DNC's emails, hunarcy...the 800 lb gorilla in the room for Hillary supporters is whether or not someone has the 33,000 missing emails! If Wikileaks is sitting on a treasure trove of those...and start releasing them during the Fall...Hillary is going to be up the creek without a paddle.

As I said, her 33000 missing emails would be irrelevant if the DNC had let things take their course and not rigged things against Bernie. THEN, it'd be between Bernie and Trump and Trump would have his ass handed to him.

Not so sure about that, Hunarcy...I might be wrong but I'd like to think that the American electorate is still intelligent enough to do the math on all the freebies that Bernie was promising and all of the additional taxes he'd be imposing and realize that his pie in the sky fantasies have absolutely no way of being paid for without putting the Middle Class in the poor house.
As I said, her 33000 missing emails would be irrelevant if the DNC had let things take their course and not rigged things against Bernie. THEN, it'd be between Bernie and Trump and Trump would have his ass handed to him.

Poetic justice; the Dems rigging themselves out of the White House.
Hacking websites are illegal, and your pal Trump wants our enemies to hack the Dem campaign and HRC emails.

I wonder if Trump will be arrested the day after election?

He never used the word hack, hack.

Arrested the day after the election? :lmao: Marxists so desperate to take the heat off of Crooked Hillary, who 56 percent of Americans say should be in prison, according to their own leftist poll.
First off, the Espionage Act of 1917 was Woodrow Wilson's Fuck Your Free Speech Act.

Second off, "the aforementioned" that the OP conveniently leaves out is "intent" to cause "injury" to the USA. I hardly think shining the light on a villain qualifies.
National Review ^ | 7/27/16 | NR Staff
Krauthammer’s Take: Trump’s Russia Comment ‘Set a Trap That the Clinton Campaign Fell Into’ NR STAFF July 27, 2016 7:47 PM Charles Krauthammer said tonight that the Clinton campaign contradicted itself by calling Donald Trump’s request for Russia to locate Hillary’s missing e-mails a threat to national security: Well, that was his parting shot, and it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue. But I do think there was something about his reference to Russia that, whether planned or not, was extremely clever. I’m not the first to point out that it set a trap that...
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!
Donald Trump did not violate the espionage act.

Crooked Hillary violated the espionage act. That treasonous kunt is going to prison.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Her emails were private remember stupid? On the other hand, if they weren't, then she is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, and Conspiracy for starters, and most likely Racketeering, and Money laundering as well. I'll make a deal with you. Lets prosecute BOTH of them!
The fact that ANYONE would defend trump for this shows how far the Republican party has fallen. It's gone.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Her emails were private remember stupid? On the other hand, if they weren't, then she is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, and Conspiracy for starters, and most likely Racketeering, and Money laundering as well. I'll make a deal with you. Lets prosecute BOTH of them!
Not at all. The GOP investigations and the FBI say "no".
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.

THE LUNATIC EMCOURAGED SABOTAGE! He is a traitor and his actions and words are Treasonous.

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