Trump vows massive new tariffs if elected, risking global economic war

Your silly conspiracy theories are funny.

As I said...

You are a child, making stuff up as you go along.
Do you want to go over the numbers, or just see it in a picture?
I know what the numbers are. Gas is still skyhigh compared to the $2.00 during Trump's term. The Pedo's "build back better" scheme made the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Do you want to go over the numbers, or just see it in a picture?
Facts are First Logo
Presidential Comparison

Biden vs Trump​

Last updated: August 21st, 2023
This page has the comparisons between Biden vs Trump across all the metrics we track. Since President Biden is still in office, Biden's performance is still current date and Trump's performance is for the same equivalent time period in Trump's presidency.
With respect to cumulative performance, Joe Biden has performed better on 2 out of the 5 metrics we track. President Biden's highest performance difference was on the indicator Job Growth performing 5.93% better than President Trump. President Biden's lowest performance difference was on NASDAQ Index performing -42.49% worse than President Trump.
We highly recommend you read this article as well prior: What's the best way to interpret the facts and data on Facts First?
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 15.82% compared to Trump at 29.19% a difference of -13.37%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at 2.28% compared to Trump at 44.77% a difference of -42.49%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 11.42% compared to Trump at 32.79% a difference of -21.37%.
Cumulative Performance
Joe BidenDonald TrumpDifference
NASDAQ2.28%44.77%Biden -42.49%
DOW11.42%32.79%Biden -21.37%
S&P15.82%29.19%Biden -13.37%
Annualized Performance
Joe BidenDonald TrumpDifference
NASDAQ0.87%15.38%Biden -14.50%
DOW4.27%11.59%Biden -7.32%
S&P5.84%10.41%Biden -4.57%
Facts are First Logo
Presidential Comparison

Biden vs Trump​

Last updated: August 21st, 2023
This page has the comparisons between Biden vs Trump across all the metrics we track. Since President Biden is still in office, Biden's performance is still current date and Trump's performance is for the same equivalent time period in Trump's presidency.
With respect to cumulative performance, Joe Biden has performed better on 2 out of the 5 metrics we track. President Biden's highest performance difference was on the indicator Job Growth performing 5.93% better than President Trump. President Biden's lowest performance difference was on NASDAQ Index performing -42.49% worse than President Trump.
We highly recommend you read this article as well prior: What's the best way to interpret the facts and data on Facts First?
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 15.82% compared to Trump at 29.19% a difference of -13.37%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at 2.28% compared to Trump at 44.77% a difference of -42.49%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 11.42% compared to Trump at 32.79% a difference of -21.37%.
Cumulative Performance
Joe BidenDonald TrumpDifference
NASDAQ2.28%44.77%Biden -42.49%
DOW11.42%32.79%Biden -21.37%
S&P15.82%29.19%Biden -13.37%
Annualized Performance
Joe BidenDonald TrumpDifference
NASDAQ0.87%15.38%Biden -14.50%
DOW4.27%11.59%Biden -7.32%
S&P5.84%10.41%Biden -4.57%

Shouldn't you provide a link?

The former president has floated a 10 percent tax on all foreign imports, calling for a “ring around the collar” of the U.S. economy. Economists of both parties say the proposal is extremely dangerous

Suggesting that the use of "ring around the collar" in this context is so idiotic as to beggar the imagination may be indisputable, but as the objective truth triggers unusual reactions in some, I won't. I will only remind people of the judgement of Donald Trump's Chief Economic Advisor

Bombs Away: Trump Has the I.Q. of an Inbred Tanning Bed, Says a Liberated Gary Cohn

I will focus instead on the "substance" of the proposal.

This is a universally accepted prescription for a world wide depression, as anyone even vaguely familiar with US economic history can confirm.

I cannot conceive of the "international man of business" and Wharton grad who could be unfamiliar with it.

Donald Trump need look no further than his own misguided crusade - which ended with him begging the Chinese for quarter - after it ravaged farmers across the midwest, triggering a spike in suicides.

These are the Wages of a Life spent refusing to read, while fussing with your hair.
Why Are the Free-Trade Traitors Free to Suck American Jobs Away?

Outsourcing is oinkonomics. Anti-protectionism is economic treason. The educated idiots who run American businesses are too dumb to make a profit except through Third World sweatshops.

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