Trump vows massive new tariffs if elected, risking global economic war

Take responsibility for what you posted.
I do...I take full responsibility for posting that graphic, showing a decades worth of free cash flow data for the shale industry.

Why does it matter that 22 is estimated?

Why should it be?
The American Tax Payer winds up footing the bill tariffs, which shows how little the Rapist and Traitor cares for the American People.
Who foots the bill for the Dem / Socialist abandonment of US manufacturing, trade deficits, open borders and inflationary deficit spending?
I do...I take full responsibility for posting that graphic, showing a decades worth of free cash flow data for the shale industry.

Why does it matter that 22 is estimated?

Why should it be?
You know that estimates are not actual data, right?

The former president has floated a 10 percent tax on all foreign imports, calling for a “ring around the collar” of the U.S. economy. Economists of both parties say the proposal is extremely dangerous

Suggesting that the use of "ring around the collar" in this context is so idiotic as to beggar the imagination may be indisputable, but as the objective truth triggers unusual reactions in some, I won't. I will only remind people of the judgement of Donald Trump's Chief Economic Advisor

Bombs Away: Trump Has the I.Q. of an Inbred Tanning Bed, Says a Liberated Gary Cohn

I will focus instead on the "substance" of the proposal.

This is a universally accepted prescription for a world wide depression, as anyone even vaguely familiar with US economic history can confirm.

I cannot conceive of the "international man of business" and Wharton grad who could be unfamiliar with it.

Donald Trump need look no further than his own misguided crusade - which ended with him begging the Chinese for quarter - after it ravaged farmers across the midwest, triggering a spike in suicides.

These are the Wages of a Life spent refusing to read, while fussing with your hair.
Hang on...tariffs are bad, now??
Have you studied any economics, ever?
Munching on Data

It's a primitive science, much like alchemy was, being sheltered from reality and based on narrow paradigms. It ignores basic factors such as the productivity of human genius that is not inhibited by jealous academic eunuchs. It manipulates inanimate statistics to make unreliable predictions, then makes weak excuses for its failure to understand the real world, which is held in contempt by the University clique because it is not reducible to simplistic theories.
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Munching on Data

It's a primitive science, much like alchemy was, being sheltered from reality and based on narrow paradigms. It ignores basic factors such as the productivity of human genius that is not inhibited by jealous academic eunuchs. It manipulates inanimate statistics to make unreliable predictions, then makes weak excuses for its failure to understand the real world, which is beyond academic comprehension.
So, that's a "no".

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