Trump vs Science

Sadly, a lot of people have been conned into believing that climate change is a huge conspiracy by the scientific community, to ensure continued funding for their research.
The climategate emails prove that "scientists" actually were in on a conspiracy.

Climategate deniers are some extraordinarily stupid motherfucking sheeple.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

Global Warming, as in “caused by human activity” is in fact a hoax.

Nope. This current change is almost all due to mankind.
Sadly, a lot of people have been conned into believing that climate change is a huge conspiracy by the scientific community, to ensure continued funding for their research.
The climategate emails prove that "scientists" actually were in on a conspiracy.

Climategate deniers are some extraordinarily stupid motherfucking sheeple.
OMG. No it did not. I think your turban is wrapped too tight.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

The climate changes... color me shocked.

Wow,.What a brilliant response. The climate changes.,

This is like the 2 pack a day smoker ignoring the cancer warnings & saying " People die"

But be the stupid fuck you are & ingore that it is man that is changing it & it is not changing for the good.

You people are dumber than shit. Your offspring will suffer for you gross stupidity.

You need to go take a basic science class.
I have. You should try it. Hint, Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Infowars are not scientists. They are duping you.

They don't claim to be scientists....they simply report what scientists say....and they don't say that man creates climate doofus.
Sorry but they do.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video
I know exactly how I will vote.

I am sure you do. Facts will never change your mind.
I’ve seen the facts. And I know how I am voting.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

Global Warming, as in “caused by human activity” is in fact a hoax.

Nope. This current change is almost all due to mankind.

Prove it, you will win a Nobel prize.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

Global Warming, as in “caused by human activity” is in fact a hoax.

Nope. This current change is almost all due to mankind.

Lol, good luck with that, dupe.
An Algebra teacher and his class calculated what it would take to lower the temperature of ice at the south pole just 1 degree...over 280,000 nuclear bombs.
Lefties never have a nice day. If it's a pleasant day in the fall they worry about what the next door neighbor's running SUV is doing to the environment. They have to have a demon lurking somewhere even if they have to manufacture one. They call "man made" global warming "a theory" because it is not a proven fact. Most of the time it's a political tool and an extortion scheme. The freaking climate changes every day and the seasons change but it ain't "man made". The globe might be emerging from a second geological ice age span but lefties can't bring themselves to enjoy it. The angry TDS afflicted CNN is not exactly the go-to network for science and Al Gore is a proven pervert and a hypocrite.
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Sadly, a lot of people have been conned into believing that climate change is a huge conspiracy by the scientific community, to ensure continued funding for their research.
The climategate emails prove that "scientists" actually were in on a conspiracy.

Climategate deniers are some extraordinarily stupid motherfucking sheeple.
OMG. No it did not. I think your turban is wrapped too tight.
And I think you're a brainwashed fool. The climategate emails proved what us climate realists had suspected for years. They were not merely publishing shoddy science, they were publishing fraudulent papers.
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Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

Global Warming, as in “caused by human activity” is in fact a hoax.

Nope. This current change is almost all due to mankind.
Could you please explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

In other words, I will show you exactly where your logic fails.
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Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

Lol. The climate has been changing since the planet started spinning. To think that man is the cause is the height of arrogance. There are other bodies that are perturbing us.
There are other bodies that are perturbing us.
Really, Trout? Can you give us a link explaining just what these 'other bodies' are, and why all the climate scientists in the world have never heard of them?

Planet Nine May Be Responsible For Curious Tilt Of Sun In The Solar System

NASA recently discovered the trappist system and is discovering new celestial bodies in our solar system on a regular basis now. However, I don't believe that system is the cause.
Jesus, we have more science-deniers in this forum than Walmart has butt cracks and fashion no no's.
Trump is a fucking idiot - Deny Deny Deny :icon_rolleyes:

Trump on climate change report: 'I want to look at who drew it'
Trump suggests the climate may actually be 'fabulous' after ominous UN report on looming disaster

Science deniers? You mean like those idiots who deny the science that states that there are only two genders? Or maybe you mean the people that deny the science that says a human fetus is a human being? You mean thisedeniers? You are right, they need to wake the fuck up.
Jesus, we have more science-deniers in this forum than Walmart has butt cracks and fashion no no's.
Trump is a fucking idiot - Deny Deny Deny :icon_rolleyes:

Trump on climate change report: 'I want to look at who drew it'
Trump suggests the climate may actually be 'fabulous' after ominous UN report on looming disaster

Science deniers? You mean like those idiots who deny the science that states that there are only two genders? Or maybe you mean the people that deny the science that says a human fetus is a human being? You mean thisedeniers? You are right, they need to wake the fuck up.

Science does not say that a fetus is a human being. A mass of cells, entirely dependent on the host for survival does not have rights. MOM is the captain of that ship sonny - whether YOU like it or not.
Jesus, we have more science-deniers in this forum than Walmart has butt cracks and fashion no no's.
Trump is a fucking idiot - Deny Deny Deny :icon_rolleyes:

Trump on climate change report: 'I want to look at who drew it'
Trump suggests the climate may actually be 'fabulous' after ominous UN report on looming disaster

Science deniers? You mean like those idiots who deny the science that states that there are only two genders? Or maybe you mean the people that deny the science that says a human fetus is a human being? You mean thisedeniers? You are right, they need to wake the fuck up.

Science does not say that a fetus is a human being. A mass of cells, entirely dependent on the host for survival does not have rights. MOM is the captain of that ship sonny - whether YOU like it or not.

Wrong, science denier. Science does not determine who has rights. Science says, biology that is, that the human fetus is exactly that. A human.

That’s science wether you like it or not.

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