Trump vs Science

Jesus, we have more science-deniers in this forum than Walmart has butt cracks and fashion no no's.
Trump is a fucking idiot - Deny Deny Deny :icon_rolleyes:

Trump on climate change report: 'I want to look at who drew it'
Trump suggests the climate may actually be 'fabulous' after ominous UN report on looming disaster

Science deniers? You mean like those idiots who deny the science that states that there are only two genders? Or maybe you mean the people that deny the science that says a human fetus is a human being? You mean thisedeniers? You are right, they need to wake the fuck up.

Science does not say that a fetus is a human being. A mass of cells, entirely dependent on the host for survival does not have rights. MOM is the captain of that ship sonny - whether YOU like it or not.

Wrong, science denier. Science does not determine who has rights. Science says, biology that is, that the human fetus is exactly that. A human.

That’s science wether you like it or not.

Sorry, it's a human in the making. Now don't get me wrong - If some redneck in a wife beater tee tosses the little lady down stairwell and the baby dies even if she doesn't - That's clearly something between manslaughter and murder (among other things). Why? Again, because the asshole took that decision away from The aforementioned Captain.

Fetal protection legislation giving them all the rights of Mom & Dad is a joke. Please don't even go there.
What's Wrong with Fetal Rights

IMHO if Roe gets tossed or tossed back to the states and poor girls start dying from coat hanger abortions in dark alleys - THAT should be on the states who banned it, AND on the executive and judicial branches. Get out the wallet Mr Taxpayer.

Please stay out of America's vaginas and uteruses.
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Jesus, we have more science-deniers in this forum than Walmart has butt cracks and fashion no no's.
Trump is a fucking idiot - Deny Deny Deny :icon_rolleyes:

Trump on climate change report: 'I want to look at who drew it'
Trump suggests the climate may actually be 'fabulous' after ominous UN report on looming disaster

Science deniers? You mean like those idiots who deny the science that states that there are only two genders? Or maybe you mean the people that deny the science that says a human fetus is a human being? You mean thisedeniers? You are right, they need to wake the fuck up.

Science does not say that a fetus is a human being. A mass of cells, entirely dependent on the host for survival does not have rights. MOM is the captain of that ship sonny - whether YOU like it or not.

Wrong, science denier. Science does not determine who has rights. Science says, biology that is, that the human fetus is exactly that. A human.

That’s science wether you like it or not.

Sorry, it's a human in the making. Now don't get me wrong - If some redneck in a wife beater tee tosses the little lady down stairwell and the baby dies even if she doesn't - That's clearly something between manslaughter and murder (among other things). Why? Again, because the asshole took that decision away from The aforementioned Captain.

Fetal protection legislation giving them all the rights of Mom & Dad is a joke. Please don't even go there.
What's Wrong with Fetal Rights

IMHO if Roe gets tossed or tossed back to the states and poor girls start dying from coat hanger abortions in dark alleys - THAT should be on the states who banned it, AND on the executive and judicial branches. Get out the wallet Mr Taxpayer.

Please stay out of America's vaginas and uteruses.

You can throw up as much left wing propaganda and judicial rulings you want. You are still denying science. That was my point.

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