Trump waives executive privilege for Bannon to testify

Trump just can't help constantly showing his stupidity.

He writes a letter to Bannon saying "I will waive Executive Privilege for you, which allows you to go in and testify truthfully and fairly."

In other words, Bannon is permitted to testify truthfully, just as long as the testimony is fair to Trump. So, how does he testify "truthfully and fairly?" He can tell the truth, just as long as it is fair to Trump? If it's not fair to Trump is he supposed to lie, or take the 5th, or what?

Think back folks, when Hillary said Trump wasn't qualified to be POTUS, she nailed it. Bigly!!!
Actually this is a shrewd move by Trump and Bannon.

I believe they actually don’t want him to testify. They just wanted to have him defy a subpoena. Now if they don’t call him to testify they look like they are scared of what he will testify to. . If they do call him he will make them look like partisan fools. Damned if they do, damned it they don’t. Lose lose situation.
Actually this is a shrewd move by Trump and Bannon.

I believe they actually don’t want him to testify. They just wanted to have him defy a subpoena. Now if they don’t call him to testify they look like they are scared of what he will testify to. . If they do call him he will make them look like partisan fools. Damned if they do, damned it they don’t. Lose lose situation.
Bannon is testifying to stay out of jail. Invent and spread any goofy cult fantasy you like. It has no bearing on reality.
You can’t refute his logic. Of course. 😎
No need to do so. Anyone can use a valid argument to conclude anything they like. I didn't find or even look for any flaw in his logic. Just in his premises.

This is the kind of stuff you will learn, if you go get a higher education.
No need to do so. Anyone can use a valid argument to conclude anything they like. I didn't find or even look for any flaw in his logic. Just in his premises.

This is the kind of stuff you will learn, if you go get a higher education.
Obviously you failed. For instance, your claim that anyone Can use a valid argument to conclude anything they like is simply a huge error by you.

The truth or falsity of a premise is a key question. But you can’t refute his logic nor can you falsify his premises. So, you’ve got nothing. As always.
For instance, your claim that anyone Can use a valid argument to conclude anything they like is simply a huge error by you.
No, that's a fact of the rules of logic. Ask anyone who knows them.

The moon is made of cheese.
I have a moon rock on my desk.
Therefore, I have a piece of cheese.on my desk.

Perfectly valid logic. The logic is unassailable. So, you refute or discard the premises instead.

Again, this is one of the things you might learn, if you ever get a higher education.

Trump just can't help constantly showing his stupidity.

He writes a letter to Bannon saying "I will waive Executive Privilege for you, which allows you to go in and testify truthfully and fairly."

In other words, Bannon is permitted to testify truthfully, just as long as the testimony is fair to Trump. So, how does he testify "truthfully and fairly?" He can tell the truth, just as long as it is fair to Trump? If it's not fair to Trump is he supposed to lie, or take the 5th, or what?

Think back folks, when Hillary said Trump wasn't qualified to be POTUS, she nailed it. Bigly!!!

Trump has no privilege. Executive or otherwise.

Which he and his spawn will be finding out soon.
Good One.
Sarcasm ^^^^^^^

Where did you read or see that.
Can can obviously provide a link, right?
a link? well let me ask you this ..have they been called to testify since they requested?
a link? well let me ask you this ..have they been called to testify since they requested?
I don't know, and neither do you.
I haven't even seen a request, can you show us the request.
Trump has no privilege. Executive or otherwise.

Which he and his spawn will be finding out soon.
Actually former presidents have what's called "qualified privilege." It's not abosolute executive privilege, but it does apply in certain cases.
no i know they haven’t testified since making the request
Where is the proof that they made a request?
Is it just another example of that HATED hearsay.

Example.....A friend of a friend said he heard a friend say that they wanted to testify.
That's hearsay.

Show us the direct request from the SS agent(s).
No, that's a fact of the rules of logic. Ask anyone who knows them.

The moon is made of cheese.
I have a moon rock on my desk.
Therefore, I have a piece of cheese.on my desk.

Perfectly valid logic. The logic is unassailable. So, you refute or discard the premises instead.

Again, this is one of the things you might learn, if you ever get a higher education.
Wrong. A valid syllogism cannot lead to any conclusion. You simply don’t grasp logic. I’m sorry for your ignorance.

In any event, what I noted was both that you can’t refute his logic AND you are unable to falsify is assertions.

The conditions for staying “any conclusion you wish” require both a valid syllogism AND truthful premises.

If the moon is made of green cheese and if I have a lump of moon rock on my desk we may say I have a lump of cheese on my desk. That’s a valid syllogism in form. But it isn’t a truthful first premise so the conclusion doesn’t follow.
A valid syllogism cannot lead to any
It sure can. Just choose the premises accordingly.

Try me. Give me a conclusion you think cannot be reached via valid logic.

You will fail.

You don't understand any of this. Which makes sense, as you have no education about any of this. It's not intuitive. I learned about it in a college level mathematics course.

Logic is just an operation used in an algorithm that operates on premises.

Garbage in,garbage out, as they say.
Where is the proof that they made a request?
Is it just another example of that HATED hearsay.

Example.....A friend of a friend said he heard a friend say that they wanted to testify.
That's hearsay.

Show us the direct request from the SS agent(s).
um it was well reported and posted on this website the
um it was well reported and posted on this website the
Where, link it.
Anything you got will be 100% Hearsay.

and don't pull that shit of "find it Yourself"
How can I find something that doesn't exist?
It sure can. Just choose the premises accordingly.

Try me. Give me a conclusion you think cannot be reached via valid logic.

You will fail.

You don't understand any of this. Which makes sense, as you have no education about any of this. It's not intuitive. I learned about it in a college level mathematics course.

Logic is just an operation used in an algorithm that operates on premises.
You persist in your ignorance. A valid FORM of syllogism can lead to erroneous conclusions IF a premise is false.

All liberals are stupid. (I assume you would label that premise as “false,” Farty.)

Farty is a liberal. (I take it that’s a true premise.)
Therefore, Farty is stupid.

The syllogism form is valid. The conclusion is nonetheless quite debatable not because of the form of the logical syllogism, but because of the claim of falsity of the first premise.

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