Trump waives executive privilege for Bannon to testify

A valid FORM of syllogism can lead to erroneous conclusions IF a premise is false.
Exactly what I am trying to teach you.

The logic is valid.

Valid logic is when no rules of logic have been broken.

SOUND logic is when the logic is valid and the premises are true.

I am so proud of you right now.
Where, link it.
Anything you got will be 100% Hearsay.

and don't pull that shit of "find it Yourself"
How can I find something that doesn't exist?
haha you know it exist

it’s not hearsay…the secret service itself said it

hearsay is what your “bombshell” witness testimony was….these are the people she was talking. about that want to correct the record and her false statements

Trump just can't help constantly showing his stupidity.

He writes a letter to Bannon saying "I will waive Executive Privilege for you, which allows you to go in and testify truthfully and fairly."

In other words, Bannon is permitted to testify truthfully, just as long as the testimony is fair to Trump. So, how does he testify "truthfully and fairly?" He can tell the truth, just as long as it is fair to Trump? If it's not fair to Trump is he supposed to lie, or take the 5th, or what?

Think back folks, when Hillary said Trump wasn't qualified to be POTUS, she nailed it. Bigly!!!
That is some amazing spin.

Sounds like you are afraid of what Bannon will say. I hope his testimony is public.

This closed door testimony has no valid purpose.
Well, your childish self soothing is better than a 4 page tantrum. So I will allow it.
Speaking of self-soothing, get your thumb out of your mouth. I am pleased to have educated you. No need to thank me. You’re welcome.

I permit you to hurry back with more of your patented nothing of value to say.

Bannon asked to testify publicly, not the other way around. That doesn't mean he gets to do so. So you are right to say it may not be public.
Yeah, I'm seeing a lot in both directions. Some are assuming he is. I just can't imagine the committee letting him do that. At LEAST they should interview him under oath before putting him in front of the camera so he can perjure himself. We know he wants to turn an open-and-shut case into a self-serving freak show.

Here's what Bannon said publicly

"What Trump's gonna do, is just declare victory. Right?" Bannon can be heard saying in the audio. "He's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner."

"As it sits here today," Bannon said later, describing a scenario in which Trump held an early lead in key swing states, "at 10 or 11 o'clock Trump's gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, 'I'm the winner. Game over. Suck on that.'"

They PLANNED on declaring the election over in spite of knowing that mail in ballots wouldn't be counted by then. In fact in many states the Republican legislatures MANDATED that the mail in ballots be counted late.

And Trump Humpers repeat this nonsense as if it's real

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