Trump Walked into Room with Pelosi and Schumer, BLASTED THEM, Cancelled Mtg And Walked Out!

I did you dolt Trump cancelled the meeting because he has no plan no way to pay for infrastructure Get it now Dolt?

That's your TDS fantasy. Trump walked out because Pelosi called him a criminal basically just before the already scheduled meeting. Pelosi and Shumer planned to do just that so they could run around like crazy idiots claiming Trump had no plan which, BTW is a Democrat talking point You got sucked in because you hate Trump.
I'm one of those idiots that say he has no plan Perhaps he gave those plans to you?? If so lets know what they are
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!
She stated unequivocally that Trump has and is obstructing justice and is involved in a cover-up, and that it may be impeachable. May be? May be? The woman is a LIAR and her fellow House Dems are cowards, and yet they are still leading the hysterical Electoral College Butt-hurts around by their noses.

The DNC/MSM have created a raging mob they cannot control and have painted House Dems into a must impeach corner. The Senate will reject the articles and admonish House Dems for this silly political circus and the damage it has done to our politics, our democracy, and our country.

We American Deplorables get to do the same in 2020.
May be impeachable
That is why it is investigated

Nixon was not involved in the Watergate breakin
You aren't listening. Pelosi says unequivocally that Trump has and is engaged in obstruction of justice. Not maybe but definitively. If true it would be an impeachable offense. Not maybe, would be. Obviously all the evidence she and Schiff and Nadler have for months been claiming to have is BOGUS. They are just stringing desperately gullible leftarded lemmings along because … well, because they can and y'all enjoy being duped.

What has Trump's biz affairs 10 years ago have to do with the crime the House Dems claim the POTUS has and is committing?

Answer: Nothing.

I remind you that the Muel Team found "...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." Obviously the result of the 2 yrs, $35 million criminal investigation did not make our leftards happy so another witch-hunt is in order.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute any American for crimes he or she did not commit.
Trump is currently obstructing justice

What do you think ignoring a subpoena is?
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!
She stated unequivocally that Trump has and is obstructing justice and is involved in a cover-up, and that it may be impeachable. May be? May be? The woman is a LIAR and her fellow House Dems are cowards, and yet they are still leading the hysterical Electoral College Butt-hurts around by their noses.

The DNC/MSM have created a raging mob they cannot control and have painted House Dems into a must impeach corner. The Senate will reject the articles and admonish House Dems for this silly political circus and the damage it has done to our politics, our democracy, and our country.

We American Deplorables get to do the same in 2020.
May be impeachable
That is why it is investigated

Nixon was not involved in the Watergate breakin
You aren't listening. Pelosi says unequivocally that Trump has and is engaged in obstruction of justice. Not maybe but definitively. If true it would be an impeachable offense. Not maybe, would be. Obviously all the evidence she and Schiff and Nadler have for months been claiming to have is BOGUS. They are just stringing desperately gullible leftarded lemmings along because … well, because they can and y'all enjoy being duped.

What has Trump's biz affairs 10 years ago have to do with the crime the House Dems claim the POTUS has and is committing?

Answer: Nothing.

I remind you that the Muel Team found "...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." Obviously the result of the 2 yrs, $35 million criminal investigation did not make our leftards happy so another witch-hunt is in order.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute any American for crimes he or she did not commit.
Trump is currently obstructing justice

What do you think ignoring a subpoena is?
Expressing civil disobedience? If he complies, he is a wussy. If he resists, he is Al Capone. No win scenario.
Oh my God, Donald Trump looks terrible on his own. We had nothing to do with the orange paint and the Day-Glo eyes.
Sometimes this sh!t writes itself. The leaflets and the poster that Trump had set up in the Rosegarden were actually put together by ABC News and came in two Pages. And the second page listed trumps guilty pleas, peoples prison sentences in so on.
They only showed the first page. The page they got from ABC.

President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

Crooked Donald said during a debate that he would throw Hillary in jail, sounding just like a Third World thug.

Crooked Donald spent YEARS lying that Obama covered up his place of birth.

Like every other schoolyard bully, Trump is a thin skinned little bitch.

So fuck Trump. Karma's a BITCH!!!

"Wahhhhhhhh! Nancy called me crooked and I can't take my own medicine! :206:"
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President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

Crooked Donald said during a debate that he would throw Hillary in jail, sounding just like a Third World thug.

Crooked Donald spent YEARS lying that Obama covered up his place of birth.

So fuck Trump. Karma's a BITCH!!!

"Wahhhhhhhh! Nancy called me crooked and I can't take my own medicine! :206:"

What a PLEASANT little boy you are.
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!
She stated unequivocally that Trump has and is obstructing justice and is involved in a cover-up, and that it may be impeachable. May be? May be? The woman is a LIAR and her fellow House Dems are cowards, and yet they are still leading the hysterical Electoral College Butt-hurts around by their noses.

The DNC/MSM have created a raging mob they cannot control and have painted House Dems into a must impeach corner. The Senate will reject the articles and admonish House Dems for this silly political circus and the damage it has done to our politics, our democracy, and our country.

We American Deplorables get to do the same in 2020.
May be impeachable
That is why it is investigated

Nixon was not involved in the Watergate breakin
You aren't listening. Pelosi says unequivocally that Trump has and is engaged in obstruction of justice. Not maybe but definitively. If true it would be an impeachable offense. Not maybe, would be. Obviously all the evidence she and Schiff and Nadler have for months been claiming to have is BOGUS. They are just stringing desperately gullible leftarded lemmings along because … well, because they can and y'all enjoy being duped.

What has Trump's biz affairs 10 years ago have to do with the crime the House Dems claim the POTUS has and is committing?

Answer: Nothing.

I remind you that the Muel Team found "...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." Obviously the result of the 2 yrs, $35 million criminal investigation did not make our leftards happy so another witch-hunt is in order.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute any American for crimes he or she did not commit.
Trump is currently obstructing justice

What do you think ignoring a subpoena is?

BULLSHIT! I know it, you know it, he knows it, they know it and most of all we all know it. Their stupid game is over and we all know that too. The Donald is not playing their game any more and it's about time. It's hard ball from here on out. Knuckle down and get used to more losing.
Please explain the difference between what the Donald did and how Obama conducted business? One said unproductive, then cancelled the meeting, the other used executive orders and didn't even bother with the house altogether, when he did he lectured. The Donald thinks the leadership in the house is nuts, which he may have a point, Obama on the other hand thought the same, and again exercised executive orders to further his agenda not even consulting the house. Apparently when a republican conducts business in the same way as a democrat it is somehow wrong?
Mueller released a very damning report and left it up to congress to pursue further. And so they will, despite Trump and Barr’s obstruction. Didn’t Nixon’s AG go to prison? Barr better watch himself.
The dems should pursue all avenues to impeach and remove Trump and put Barr in jail. They should do nothing but focus on those efforts.

I support the dems' undeterred effort to remove Trump and jail Barr. The outcome of such action would be great for our country.


I second that motion. And when they are throwing that lard ass Barr in jail they need to drag his ass out of bed, roughing him up in the process and literally fling his ass in that cell.

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Trump may be looking at Barr for his VP pick. Rumor has it that Barr has been lurking around Pence's office & studying film of Pence in action giving Trump a reach around, nodding & smiling on cue, gaping at the back of Trump's head, laughing at the occasional joke & being a smirking jerk for Chairman Trump. Barr still has a few months to get the Pence act down pat, so he's waiting for that touchole Sean Hannity to give him further pointers on how to be a Trump ass kisser.
When you stop/finish your pissy shit fit, then we can do business

Way to go President Trump.
Trump- "My colleagues in Congress are working on a new health care plan". McConnell- "We are"?l

Same thing with infrastructure. Trump doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground or how to fix health care, infrastructure, immigration or anything else. The fucker is lucky if he can figure out how to make a bed.

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