Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

t's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work.

No,NO....I stated that they did not ALWAYS work.....which (for the English language-challenged) many of those policies HAVE worked.

Which ones? Did the ones designed to reduce bastard births work? No. Did the ones designed to increase IQ work? No. Did the ones designed to reduce crime work? No. Did the ones designed to reduce poverty work? No. I'm wondering what worked.
Just for education sake.....Lets review the old, and long aspired conservative policy on SCHOOL VOUCHERS....

Such vouchers offer an amount that will NOT be enough to send your kid to a private school...
Now, wealthier parents could, use the vouchers and supplement the tuition cost to private schools.
Most black families do NOT have the funds to supplement the tuition even with the voucher.

1. Conservatives have enriched their donors, private schools
2. Black families have no choice but to keep their kids in public schools
3. Public schools would then have mostly black children only
4. De facto segregation is once again, alive and well.

In other words, because blacks can't make it financially, the rest of the people have to do without something. Instead of punishing whites that want what's best for theirs, how about the blacks step it up financially.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Well, the point is that Trump really hasn't offered any actual ideas that might help. And it is a con - he can't be birther in chief for seven years and then say - hey I got the blacks's backs. LOL

But I think everyone agrees that society needs to reward effort and work. That was the initial appeal of Trump's message some 15 mos ago. The Gop ceased pushing society to reward people who want to work. Hopefully, Ryan and McConnell (assuming the gop holds the senate which now looks like less than even money) on that.
Trump has no interest in attempting to attract black support, which would be a lost cause after he spent 7 years calling our first black potus a foreigner and a muslim. What he's trying to do is appeal to white voters who don't want to vote for Hillary but who also will never vote for an outright racist. He's trying to assure us that he is not so racist to be unacceptable to decency and civility. For me, it ain't gonna work. I ain't voted for the Clinton Foundation Fundraising Machine, but I'm not voting for the big fat lying Racist either.

Bendog, you're a ray of hope for those southern states where I believe you reside.....states that are stuck on 1950s racial mindsets.....Good for you.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Well, the point is that Trump really hasn't offered any actual ideas that might help. And it is a con - he can't be birther in chief for seven years and then say - hey I got the blacks's backs. LOL

But I think everyone agrees that society needs to reward effort and work. That was the initial appeal of Trump's message some 15 mos ago. The Gop ceased pushing society to reward people who want to work. Hopefully, Ryan and McConnell (assuming the gop holds the senate which now looks like less than even money) on that.

Trump's trade and immigration polices are designed to help the American Working and Middle Classes, including the vast majority of blacks.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Well, the point is that Trump really hasn't offered any actual ideas that might help. And it is a con - he can't be birther in chief for seven years and then say - hey I got the blacks's backs. LOL

But I think everyone agrees that society needs to reward effort and work. That was the initial appeal of Trump's message some 15 mos ago. The Gop ceased pushing society to reward people who want to work. Hopefully, Ryan and McConnell (assuming the gop holds the senate which now looks like less than even money) on that.

Trump's trade and immigration polices are designed to help the American Working and Middle Classes, including the vast majority of blacks.

I should have been clearer. NAFTA did cost Mississippi nearly all of it's clothing, textile and even some furniture mftering. And clothing and textile had largely black workers. I recall a workers compensation case where a black woman was injured at work. When she got well, and sought to go back to work, not only was her job gone, but she couldn't find anything in the same pay range because ALL the jobs were gone. She got to be a cashier in a convenience store.

However, imo, Trump is just blowing hot air. The jobs aren't coming back. No one I know wants to pay more for goods just so somebody here can have a better paying job.

But, you can probably make a good case for China and Japan manipulating currency and subsidizing the cost of various goods they export. But I don't really see much application to blacks.

If we want to help blacks it's really about education, reforming welfare more, NOT paying girls to have more kids out of marriage and not paying people more just to have kids, and while this doesn't really matter in Mississippi, finding capital and biz start up in really depressed areas.

So, even assuming Donald really had any interest in helping blacks, and I don't buy that for second, I don't really see his plan.
A conservative will climb a mountain of rocks to get to the polls if necessary.

Well, you may be correct on the above point and that is why midterm elections often favor conservatives....BUT, my problem is with the incentives that draw conservatives to vote........It is NOT based on constitutional fervor as much as it IS based on keeping those dark-skinned people from garnering too much power.
That's a knee jerk reaction that has weighed you down for far too long. It's time to let go of 1953 and join the 21st century.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Well, the point is that Trump really hasn't offered any actual ideas that might help. And it is a con - he can't be birther in chief for seven years and then say - hey I got the blacks's backs. LOL

But I think everyone agrees that society needs to reward effort and work. That was the initial appeal of Trump's message some 15 mos ago. The Gop ceased pushing society to reward people who want to work. Hopefully, Ryan and McConnell (assuming the gop holds the senate which now looks like less than even money) on that.

Trump's trade and immigration polices are designed to help the American Working and Middle Classes, including the vast majority of blacks.

I should have been clearer. NAFTA did cost Mississippi nearly all of it's clothing, textile and even some furniture mftering. And clothing and textile had largely black workers. I recall a workers compensation case where a black woman was injured at work. When she got well, and sought to go back to work, not only was her job gone, but she couldn't find anything in the same pay range because ALL the jobs were gone. She got to be a cashier in a convenience store.

However, imo, Trump is just blowing hot air. The jobs aren't coming back. No one I know wants to pay more for goods just so somebody here can have a better paying job.

But, you can probably make a good case for China and Japan manipulating currency and subsidizing the cost of various goods they export. But I don't really see much application to blacks.

If we want to help blacks it's really about education, reforming welfare more, NOT paying girls to have more kids out of marriage and not paying people more just to have kids, and while this doesn't really matter in Mississippi, finding capital and biz start up in really depressed areas.

So, even assuming Donald really had any interest in helping blacks, and I don't buy that for second, I don't really see his plan.

Trump's winning of the Republican Primary shows that quite a lot of Republicans are willing to pay more so that someone here can have a better paying job.

Trump's poll numbers, in the face of a constant HURRICANE OF PRESS ATTACKS shows that quite a lot of Americans are willing to pay more so that someone here can have a better job.

If Trump's policies are enacted, labor supply will drop, with the deportation of illegals, and the limiting of legal immigration, and labor demand will increase with the return of manufacturing jobs.

THis would increase both the number of available jobs and the wages of those jobs, for Working Class and Middle Class Americans, including the majority of black workers.

That's a plan. One I support.

Your negative opinion of Trump is irrelevant to that.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Well, the point is that Trump really hasn't offered any actual ideas that might help. And it is a con - he can't be birther in chief for seven years and then say - hey I got the blacks's backs. LOL

But I think everyone agrees that society needs to reward effort and work. That was the initial appeal of Trump's message some 15 mos ago. The Gop ceased pushing society to reward people who want to work. Hopefully, Ryan and McConnell (assuming the gop holds the senate which now looks like less than even money) on that.

Trump's trade and immigration polices are designed to help the American Working and Middle Classes, including the vast majority of blacks.

I should have been clearer. NAFTA did cost Mississippi nearly all of it's clothing, textile and even some furniture mftering. And clothing and textile had largely black workers. I recall a workers compensation case where a black woman was injured at work. When she got well, and sought to go back to work, not only was her job gone, but she couldn't find anything in the same pay range because ALL the jobs were gone. She got to be a cashier in a convenience store.

However, imo, Trump is just blowing hot air. The jobs aren't coming back. No one I know wants to pay more for goods just so somebody here can have a better paying job.

But, you can probably make a good case for China and Japan manipulating currency and subsidizing the cost of various goods they export. But I don't really see much application to blacks.

If we want to help blacks it's really about education, reforming welfare more, NOT paying girls to have more kids out of marriage and not paying people more just to have kids, and while this doesn't really matter in Mississippi, finding capital and biz start up in really depressed areas.

So, even assuming Donald really had any interest in helping blacks, and I don't buy that for second, I don't really see his plan.

Trump's winning of the Republican Primary shows that quite a lot of Republicans are willing to pay more so that someone here can have a better paying job.

Trump's poll numbers, in the face of a constant HURRICANE OF PRESS ATTACKS shows that quite a lot of Americans are willing to pay more so that someone here can have a better job.

If Trump's policies are enacted, labor supply will drop, with the deportation of illegals, and the limiting of legal immigration, and labor demand will increase with the return of manufacturing jobs.

THis would increase both the number of available jobs and the wages of those jobs, for Working Class and Middle Class Americans, including the majority of black workers.

That's a plan. One I support.

Your negative opinion of Trump is irrelevant to that.

I don't think the Trump voters then, or now, had any idea Trump undoing Nafta would increase the price of their stuff.
Just for education sake.....Lets review the old, and long aspired conservative policy on SCHOOL VOUCHERS....

Such vouchers offer an amount that will NOT be enough to send your kid to a private school...
Now, wealthier parents could, use the vouchers and supplement the tuition cost to private schools.

Most black families do NOT have the funds to supplement the tuition even with the voucher.

1. Conservatives have enriched their donors, private schools
2. Black families have no choice but to keep their kids in public schools
3. Public schools would then have mostly black children only
4. De facto segregation is once again, alive and well.

True enough in many cases. In D.C., it is the case with regard to many of the private schools in D.C., and it's absolutely the case for all of the one's with which I'm familiar, but obviously I cannot speak of all private schools in D.C.

That's not true at all for the D.C. program which incorporates means tests to ensure the vouchers aren't made available to wealthy or even solidly middle class families.

Who is Eligible for a Scholarship?
  • Children who are eligible for a D.C. Opportunity Scholarship must be current D.C. residents,
  • Be 5 years [old] or entering Kindergarten through 12th grade for the upcoming school year, and
  • Be either recipients of SNAP benefits (food stamps) OR meet income guidelines: at or below 185% of the income threshold for first time applicants or 300% of the income threshold for renewing families.
I very quickly looked at just a couple other voucher programs and each of them as well has eligibility guidelines as does D.C.
As goes ensuring the voucher program isn't just a well off and comfortably middle class folks subsidy, like D.C.'s program, the handful of programs I looked at each stipulate as a condition for voucher eligibility statewide household income maximums based on federal poverty levels. D.C. is a high cost of living place, so the applying the 185% and 300% ceilings fairly well ensures that recipients aren't well off kids from well off families. D.C. also is a geographically small place, so the COLA is pretty consistent throughout the city.

In contrast, Virginia's program has more generous income ceilings than does D.C., but also has very different COLA's in differing regions of the state. Indiana has more restrictive income ceilings, but its program appears to be structured so that award recipients never receive the full amount of a private school's tuition, even if the private school's tuition is below the maximum award for a given school district. For example:
  • In the Adams district, the maximum award is $4,857.79. A child from a "100% ceiling" family would receive $4372.01 if the tuition at her chosen private school is $4,857.79, thus requiring her family to pay ~$485 out of their own funds. Let's say that the child's household consists of herself and her father who earns $29,637. I don't know Indiana as well as I do D.C., but I'd guess that income for the two of them means they barely and rarely, if at all or ever, make ends meet, so coming up with just shy of $500 strikes me as a real challenge for that family. But maybe it's not for the Adams district is ~30 miles outside of Ft. Wayne.
The Adams district example highlights another dilemma concerning voucher programs: it's hard to see how they are of any help to low income families in high COLA places and in low COLA places, while they can be of some help, they may well be no more useful than tits on a a bull due to the very limited private school choices available. There are just a few private schools in the Adams district area (Monroe, IN), and every one of them is a parochial school (Lutheran, Christian or Roman Catholic). At one somewhat nearby school, tuition is $5500.

I don't know this to be so for sure, for it seems to me that given people's general predisposition to "self segregate" as goes their residential community choice, it may well be the situation you note would be the case vouchers or no vouchers. I think that's likely to be what happens in cities, burbs and rural areas.

Take the Adams district noted above. How many blacks are in the district? From what I can tell, not one. It seems like a place whereby if the residents don't really travel far and minorities don't pass through, one may well be able to grow up and live there and never encounter a non-white person. I don't have a issue with that, that is, unless and until folks who have that circumstance start talking about "black people this" and "black people that." (Or about some other minority if not blacks.)
Trump's History Undermines New Outreach to Black Voters
excerpt --

With the black vote potentially playing a crucial role in putting traditionally red states like Georgia in play, while pushing potentially winnable blue states like Pennsylvania further out of reach, it perhaps makes sense that Trump would attempt some damage control, even if his message is aimed more at reassuring his own base of moderate white voters — as the Hillary Clinton campaign has suggested.

Here are several reasons why, as the New York Times' Charles Blow put it, black voters appear to "loathe Trump" personally:

Trump's History Undermines New Outreach to Black Voters

NyTimes: Why Black Voters Loathe Donald Trump

Give it up Trumpies.
Were you a strong advocate of busing kids to those "better' public schools?

Yes and no.

  • Because separate/segregated rarely if ever was equal. Thus in terms of the primary purpose for kids being in school, desegregation allowed black kids to attend schools that had more resources than did the ones in their neighborhoods.
  • Because interacting with folks of a different ethnicity is a good way to teach folks at the most opportune time that folks who look different than they truly are not other than just looking different.
  • Because while race in and of itself doesn't make people materially different, the circumstance of being a member of one race or another necessarily -- sometimes sadly other times positively -- means folks of different ethnicities may easily develop a different perspectives about exactly the same subjective matter. It's good, IMO, to be aware of and develop a good understanding, ideally an empathetic one, of the views of others.
  • Because to the extent that the minority schools were "worse," enrolling kids from "better" schools in them was bad for those kids. While I can tolerate the prospect of asking kids to make certain compromises -- maybe a longer bus ride, for example -- the idea that a program would be implemented that risks burdening with a "worse" academic background a kid who would have gotten "better" academic preparation had he gone to his local school is anathema to me.
  • Because I think kids who spend all day with one set of peers and come home to a totally different set of peers have a harder time developing strong relationships, and more of them, with individuals in either group. I think it's important for kids to live the same place (roughly -- within walking distance and bike distance) as their pals. Obviously, not having that situation is not insurmountable; I'm just saying that proximity to the same circle of friends is better than it is worse for children. I know that was an important factor in my ex and my choices for our kids
  • Because I think for the promise of forced integration to work, kids need to have more than merely a school day relationship with peers of other ethnicities. Think of that person at work whom you don't really like, but whom you can endure at work on the few occasions you have to interact with them and whom you know you'll never see in your personal life...not at the grocer's, not at the club, not at the movies, not at the gas station, not at yours or your friends' parties, etc. Well, kids have that same emotion/thought process.
  • My mind rails at the notion of "better = non-minority;" however, what rankles my rational sensibilities and what's good/bad for kids aren't necessarily the same things. The thing with this "no" reason is that it's about me, not about the kids. To that end, it really doesn't matter; in this context, I'm just mentioning it because I think it.
Discouraging any eligible citizen from voting should be a felony! And anyone fomenting such unCOnstitutional activity should lose their right to vote.

Where did I say discourage anybody? After all, how can one rule fits all be discriminatory? Only a brainwashed lib believes that nonsense.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?

macrame those racist opinion on the inside of your pointed visual reminders, mind you....
Well, the point is that Trump really hasn't offered any actual ideas that might help. And it is a con - he can't be birther in chief for seven years and then say - hey I got the blacks's backs. LOL

But I think everyone agrees that society needs to reward effort and work. That was the initial appeal of Trump's message some 15 mos ago. The Gop ceased pushing society to reward people who want to work. Hopefully, Ryan and McConnell (assuming the gop holds the senate which now looks like less than even money) on that.

Trump's trade and immigration polices are designed to help the American Working and Middle Classes, including the vast majority of blacks.

I should have been clearer. NAFTA did cost Mississippi nearly all of it's clothing, textile and even some furniture mftering. And clothing and textile had largely black workers. I recall a workers compensation case where a black woman was injured at work. When she got well, and sought to go back to work, not only was her job gone, but she couldn't find anything in the same pay range because ALL the jobs were gone. She got to be a cashier in a convenience store.

However, imo, Trump is just blowing hot air. The jobs aren't coming back. No one I know wants to pay more for goods just so somebody here can have a better paying job.

But, you can probably make a good case for China and Japan manipulating currency and subsidizing the cost of various goods they export. But I don't really see much application to blacks.

If we want to help blacks it's really about education, reforming welfare more, NOT paying girls to have more kids out of marriage and not paying people more just to have kids, and while this doesn't really matter in Mississippi, finding capital and biz start up in really depressed areas.

So, even assuming Donald really had any interest in helping blacks, and I don't buy that for second, I don't really see his plan.

That's because he doesn't have a plan to help black people specifically. Only racists come up with that kind of plan. Trump's plan is to remove the barriers that prevent the economy from booming again and the policies that create ghettos and large demographics of the unemployed and under employed. Once there are good jobs for all who want them, it will be up to all the people, including black people, to take advantage of it.
That's because he doesn't have a plan to help black people specifically. Only racists come up with that kind of plan. Trump's plan is to remove the barriers that prevent the economy from booming again and the policies that create ghettos and large demographics of the unemployed and under employed. Once there are good jobs for all who want them, it will be up to all the people, including black people, to take advantage of it.

You do realize that you're completely brainwashed by the charlatan, orange clown......."Trump plans to remove the barriers that prevent the economy from booming again........".......WOW, why didn't any other president ever think of that.??? LOL
That's because he doesn't have a plan to help black people specifically. Only racists come up with that kind of plan. Trump's plan is to remove the barriers that prevent the economy from booming again and the policies that create ghettos and large demographics of the unemployed and under employed. Once there are good jobs for all who want them, it will be up to all the people, including black people, to take advantage of it.

You do realize that you're completely brainwashed by the charlatan, orange clown......."Trump plans to remove the barriers that prevent the economy from booming again........".......WOW, why didn't any other president ever think of that.??? LOL

I don't know. I sure haven't heard Hillary say anything close to that. I guess you think that means she hasn't been brainwashed huh.
but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?

You know, there's a part of me that sincerely wonders what the right wing ilk would be now saying had Obama enacted a whole bunch of policies EXCLUSIVELY directed toward helping blacks.....

Could you just IMAGINE the pointed hoods and white robes?

"Reward our Friends and Punish our Enemies".

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