Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?

You know, there's a part of me that sincerely wonders what the right wing ilk would be now saying had Obama enacted a whole bunch of policies EXCLUSIVELY directed toward helping blacks.....

Could you just IMAGINE the pointed hoods and white robes?
Exactly. Anytime he said or did anything that was in support of black people he was shouted down by the RW as a racist. Then they criticize him for not helping blacks. It has been a no win situation for him.

Be specific. What did the Republicans shoot down? If so, how come he simply did not do an executive order anytime Republicans "block" him?
but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?

You know, there's a part of me that sincerely wonders what the right wing ilk would be now saying had Obama enacted a whole bunch of policies EXCLUSIVELY directed toward helping blacks.....

Could you just IMAGINE the pointed hoods and white robes?

"Reward our Friends and Punish our Enemies".

Exactly what Black voters are doing.

Reward our friends and punish our enemies. :0)
That's because he doesn't have a plan to help black people specifically. Only racists come up with that kind of plan. Trump's plan is to remove the barriers that prevent the economy from booming again and the policies that create ghettos and large demographics of the unemployed and under employed. Once there are good jobs for all who want them, it will be up to all the people, including black people, to take advantage of it.

There are good jobs out there now, but as long as you can live just as good not working on social programs than working, what's the point of working?

A horse runs fine when you dangle a carrot it front of it, but what DumBama and the Democrats have done is took the carrot down for the horse to eat. The horse has no reason to run any longer.
here are good jobs out there now, but as long as you can live just as good not working on social programs than working, what's the point of working?

A horse runs fine when you dangle a carrot it front of it, but what DumBama and the Democrats have done is took the carrot down for the horse to eat. The horse has no reason to run any longer.

The prospect of relocating yourself and your family cross-country to the onion fields of California to earn maybe $6 per hour may be "attractive" to someone from Honduras......but for someone from Detroit......not so much.
here are good jobs out there now, but as long as you can live just as good not working on social programs than working, what's the point of working?

A horse runs fine when you dangle a carrot it front of it, but what DumBama and the Democrats have done is took the carrot down for the horse to eat. The horse has no reason to run any longer.

The prospect of relocating yourself and your family cross-country to the onion fields of California to earn maybe $6 per hour may be "attractive" to someone from Honduras......but for someone from Detroit......not so much.

Then would not the best policy be to see that people are properly educated and equipped with the knowledge, attitude, work ethic, and skill sets to find employment somewhere other than the onion fields of California? And to spur an economy that would generate such employment opportunities?
"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.
Such as?
Then would not the best policy be to see that people are properly educated and equipped with the knowledge, attitude, work ethic, and skill sets to find employment somewhere other than the onion fields of California? And to spur an economy that would generate such employment opportunities?

Certainly.....but we're fresh out of magic wands
skill sets to find employment somewhere other than the onion fields of California?

Perhaps Texas could use these unemployed Americans (now that Mexican and Latino immigrants are given the boot by Trump); after all, Texas could use a bit of extra "blue" voters.
The prospect of relocating yourself and your family cross-country to the onion fields of California to earn maybe $6 per hour may be "attractive" to someone from Honduras......but for someone from Detroit......not so much.

Ah yes, so much to thank Obama for.........

But you know, there are all kinds of jobs where I live, and nobody is taking them. I spend a lot of time in industrial areas that are littered with HELP WANTED signs. Go back a month later, the signs are still out there. Our customers solicit me all the time. "Hey, do you know anybody that's looking for a job to do......"

So different from the days when Reagan got us through a recession. There were no HELP WANTED signs anywhere. There weren't even McDonald's jobs. People back then were too proud to go on some social program. They had integrity, not to mention programs didn't give you all that much so it was work or no food on the table.

That's the way it should be today.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Over 50 years of empty promises from the party that hijacked the Civil Rights movement hasn't improved the Black community so it's an honest statement. The prospects of Blacks haven't gotten any better under Obama either and under a Hillary Clinton administration.... Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Really what the hell do they have to lose ?
Over 50 years of empty promises from the party that hijacked the Civil Rights movement hasn't improved the Black community so it's an honest statement. The prospects of Blacks haven't gotten any better under Obama either and under a Hillary Clinton administration.... Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Really what the hell do they have to lose ?

There's a great line by Al Pacino in the movie Dog Day Afternoon.....

When a cop tells Pacino some bullshit promise, Pacino says: "Kiss me".........and the cop, bewildered retorts, "what the hell are you talking about?"..................and Pacino responds, "Kiss me,....... I like to be kissed before I get fucked."

Somehow the above exchange reminds me of how Trump has approached the issue versus how democrats have.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Did You see his 30 minute speech in Wisconsin where he addressed the issue concerning respectible African Americans who wish to live in a community in peace? He believes their children should be allowed to go to school peacefully without fear from gangs or violent crime. He addressed the needs for minority communities to be encouraged and want to build their own business, only to witness some violent reckless [so called] protestors burning businesses that supply to their own community. He said the problem isn't the cops, and this need to demonize law enforcement the way Hillary loves to, the problem is reducing crime and allowing respectable members of the black community to take their neighborhoods back. There is a need to crack down on violent crime, to have more cops not less, and to bring law and order back to the community for respectable African Americans to be able to build businesses and create jobs in their own neighborhood.

However nat4900 isnt interested in the black community. Nat doesn't even care about the crimes in their neighborhoods, or who owned that small business in the black community that was vandalized and burned during violent protests. Like Hillary it's better to attack Trump than talk about the issues surrounding growing violence in some neighborhoods, along with an economy and administrative policies that hasn't benefitted the metropolitan African Americans as a whole in creating a better life for themselves and their family. You might believe Trump is a moron, however it's Hillary that hasn't publicly been able to come up with a strategy nor addressed the growing violence in some of our cities. Trumo is right in that many Afriacn Americans are pawns who are taken advantage of by the Democratic Party as they will simply vote (D) just like they did for Obama.
Did You see his 30 minute speech in Wisconsin where he addressed the issue concerning respectible African Americans who wish to live in a community in peace?

Yes I DID see that speech, but had a hard time finding ONE black face in that audience......Perhaps Trump actually thought that he was delivering his speech before the NAACP...or maybe it was really intended for a white audience.What do you think?
Did You see his 30 minute speech in Wisconsin where he addressed the issue concerning respectible African Americans who wish to live in a community in peace?

Yes I DID see that speech, but had a hard time finding ONE black face in that audience......Perhaps Trump actually thought that he was delivering his speech before the NAACP...or maybe it was really intended for a white audience.What do you think?

Perhaps it was an issue that effects more than just a black audience, but an understanding that there are also respectable black individuals held captive by the violence in their own continuity. All the media shows is the vandalism and the looting that occurrs among blacks in the cities, without addressing or realizing that the black community makes up so much more than that, and they deserve the same opportunities to build a successful life ... and dreams of a small business ... within their own community. Rather than look at the city as a loss, reaching out to address the need to reduce crime by stating there are children who also should be given the same opportunities as whites in going to school in peace without the threat of violence and drug crimes. Shouldn't we have a leader that addresses the issues of what the black community faces to more than just African Americans, to create a bigger understanding and break the stereotypes that blacks are really only capable of looting committing violent crime in metropolitan areas?
"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:
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"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
What's really moronic is your post. The current day Democratic party is the opposite of what it was during slavery, as is the current Republicn party the opposite of what it was at that time. You are NOT the party of Lincon. He would be rolling over in his grave to think he would be identified as someone who believes in and supports what the current Republican party stands for.

You may try to rewrite history and lie about facts hoping if you say it often enough, it becomes truth. But people with brains are not swayed by such pathetic manipulations.

Blah...Blah....Blah ...Stupid talking points from a non-thinker...A Parrot..sad really...Liberals love a permanent underclass.
but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?

You know, there's a part of me that sincerely wonders what the right wing ilk would be now saying had Obama enacted a whole bunch of policies EXCLUSIVELY directed toward helping blacks.....

Could you just IMAGINE the pointed hoods and white robes?

"Reward our Friends and Punish our Enemies".

Exactly what Black voters are doing.

Reward our friends and punish our enemies. :0)

How's that working out for those Blacks intent on the focus of rewarding friends and punishing enemies? Have you checked Black Unemployment numbers lately? Keep rewarding your friends and punishing yourselves with no jobs.
Over 50 years of empty promises from the party that hijacked the Civil Rights movement hasn't improved the Black community so it's an honest statement. The prospects of Blacks haven't gotten any better under Obama either and under a Hillary Clinton administration.... Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Really what the hell do they have to lose ?

There's a great line by Al Pacino in the movie Dog Day Afternoon.....

When a cop tells Pacino some bullshit promise, Pacino says: "Kiss me".........and the cop, bewildered retorts, "what the hell are you talking about?"..................and Pacino responds, "Kiss me,....... I like to be kissed before I get fucked."

Somehow the above exchange reminds me of how Trump has approached the issue versus how democrats have.
Trump hasn't done anything to hurt the Black community the Democratic party however has been screwing them over for almost 200 years.
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

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